treeview 插件绑定 自定义事件 拖拽

/* =========================================================
 * bootstrap-treeview.js v1.2.0
 * =========================================================
 * Copyright 2013 Jonathan Miles
 * Project URL :
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ========================================================= */

; (function ($, window, document, undefined) {

  /*global jQuery, console*/

  'use strict';

  var pluginName = 'treeview';

  var _default = {};

  _default.settings = {

    injectStyle: true,

    levels: 2,

    expandIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus',
    collapseIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus',
    emptyIcon: 'glyphicon',
    nodeIcon: '',
    selectedIcon: '',
    checkedIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-check',
    uncheckedIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked',

    color: undefined, // '#000000',
    backColor: undefined, // '#FFFFFF',
    borderColor: undefined, // '#dddddd',
    onhoverColor: '#F5F5F5',
    selectedColor: '#FFFFFF',
    selectedBackColor: '#428bca',
    searchResultColor: '#D9534F',
    searchResultBackColor: undefined, //'#FFFFFF',

    enableLinks: false,
    highlightSelected: true,
    highlightSearchResults: true,
    showBorder: true,
    showIcon: true,
    showCheckbox: false,
    showTags: false,
    multiSelect: false,

    // Event handlers
    onNodeChecked: undefined,
    onNodeCollapsed: undefined,
    onNodeDisabled: undefined,
    onNodeEnabled: undefined,
    onNodeExpanded: undefined,// 先找事件 gz
    onNodeSelected: undefined,
    onNodeUnchecked: undefined,
    onNodeUnselected: undefined,
    onSearchComplete: undefined,
    onSearchCleared: undefined
    // 拖拽相关事件 gz


  _default.options = {
    silent: false,
    ignoreChildren: false

  _default.searchOptions = {
    ignoreCase: true,
    exactMatch: false,
    revealResults: true

  var Tree = function (element, options) {
    console.log("Tree", options);
    this.$element = $(element);
    this.elementId =;
    this.styleId = this.elementId + '-style';


    return {

      // Options (public access)
      options: this.options,

      // Initialize / destroy methods
      init: $.proxy(this.init, this),
      remove: $.proxy(this.remove, this),

      // Get methods
      getNode: $.proxy(this.getNode, this),
      getParent: $.proxy(this.getParent, this),
      getSiblings: $.proxy(this.getSiblings, this),
      getSelected: $.proxy(this.getSelected, this),
      getUnselected: $.proxy(this.getUnselected, this),
      getExpanded: $.proxy(this.getExpanded, this),
      getCollapsed: $.proxy(this.getCollapsed, this),
      getChecked: $.proxy(this.getChecked, this),
      getUnchecked: $.proxy(this.getUnchecked, this),
      getDisabled: $.proxy(this.getDisabled, this),
      getEnabled: $.proxy(this.getEnabled, this),

      // Select methods
      selectNode: $.proxy(this.selectNode, this),
      unselectNode: $.proxy(this.unselectNode, this),
      toggleNodeSelected: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeSelected, this),

      // Expand / collapse methods
      collapseAll: $.proxy(this.collapseAll, this),
      collapseNode: $.proxy(this.collapseNode, this),
      expandAll: $.proxy(this.expandAll, this),
      expandNode: $.proxy(this.expandNode, this),
      toggleNodeExpanded: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeExpanded, this),
      revealNode: $.proxy(this.revealNode, this),

      // Expand / collapse methods
      checkAll: $.proxy(this.checkAll, this),
      checkNode: $.proxy(this.checkNode, this),
      uncheckAll: $.proxy(this.uncheckAll, this),
      uncheckNode: $.proxy(this.uncheckNode, this),
      toggleNodeChecked: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeChecked, this),

      // Disable / enable methods
      disableAll: $.proxy(this.disableAll, this),
      disableNode: $.proxy(this.disableNode, this),
      enableAll: $.proxy(this.enableAll, this),
      enableNode: $.proxy(this.enableNode, this),
      toggleNodeDisabled: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeDisabled, this),

      // Search methods
      search: $.proxy(, this),
      clearSearch: $.proxy(this.clearSearch, this),

      // 拖拽相关事件绑定


  Tree.prototype.init = function (options) {

    this.tree = [];
    this.nodes = [];

    if ( {
      if (typeof === 'string') { = $.parseJSON(;
      this.tree = $.extend(true, [],;
    this.options = $.extend({}, _default.settings, options);

    this.setInitialStates({ nodes: this.tree }, 0);

  Tree.prototype.remove = function () {
    $.removeData(this, pluginName);
    $('#' + this.styleId).remove();

  Tree.prototype.destroy = function () {

    if (!this.initialized) return;

    this.$wrapper = null;

    // Switch off events

    // Reset this.initialized flag
    this.initialized = false;

  Tree.prototype.unsubscribeEvents = function () {


    // 拖拽相关事件绑定 gz

  Tree.prototype.subscribeEvents = function () {


    this.$element.on('click', $.proxy(this.clickHandler, this));

    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeChecked) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('nodeChecked', this.options.onNodeChecked);

    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeCollapsed) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('nodeCollapsed', this.options.onNodeCollapsed);

    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeDisabled) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('nodeDisabled', this.options.onNodeDisabled);

    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeEnabled) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('nodeEnabled', this.options.onNodeEnabled);

    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeExpanded) === 'function') {

      // 这是他封装的事件  gz  然后再找事件源
      this.$element.on('nodeExpanded', this.options.onNodeExpanded);

    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeSelected) === 'function') {

      // this.$element.on('nodeSelected', this.options.onNodeSelected);
      this.$element.on('nodeSelected', this.options.onNodeSelected);
    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeUnchecked) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('nodeUnchecked', this.options.onNodeUnchecked);

    if (typeof (this.options.onNodeUnselected) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('nodeUnselected', this.options.onNodeUnselected);

    if (typeof (this.options.onSearchComplete) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('searchComplete', this.options.onSearchComplete);

    if (typeof (this.options.onSearchCleared) === 'function') {
      this.$element.on('searchCleared', this.options.onSearchCleared);

    // 拖拽相关事件 gz


    Recurse the tree structure and ensure all nodes have
    valid initial states.  User defined states will be preserved.
    For performance we also take this opportunity to
    index nodes in a flattened structure
  Tree.prototype.setInitialStates = function (node, level) {

    if (!node.nodes) return;
    level += 1;

    var parent = node;
    var _this = this;
    $.each(node.nodes, function checkStates(index, node) {

      // nodeId : unique, incremental identifier
      node.nodeId = _this.nodes.length;

      // parentId : transversing up the tree
      node.parentId = parent.nodeId;

      // if not provided set selectable default value
      if (!node.hasOwnProperty('selectable')) {
        node.selectable = true;

      // where provided we should preserve states
      node.state = node.state || {};

      // set checked state; unless set always false
      if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('checked')) {
        node.state.checked = false;

      // set enabled state; unless set always false
      if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('disabled')) {
        node.state.disabled = false;

      // set expanded state; if not provided based on levels
      if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('expanded')) {
        if (!node.state.disabled &&
          (level < _this.options.levels) &&
          (node.nodes && node.nodes.length > 0)) {
          node.state.expanded = true;
        else {
          node.state.expanded = false;

      // set selected state; unless set always false
      if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('selected')) {
        node.state.selected = false;

      // index nodes in a flattened structure for use later

      // recurse child nodes and transverse the tree
      if (node.nodes) {
        _this.setInitialStates(node, level);

  Tree.prototype.clickHandler = function (event) {

    if (!this.options.enableLinks) event.preventDefault();

    var target = $(;
    var node = this.findNode(target);
    if (!node || node.state.disabled) return;

    var classList = target.attr('class') ? target.attr('class').split(' ') : [];
    if ((classList.indexOf('expand-icon') !== -1)) {

      this.toggleExpandedState(node, _default.options);
    else if ((classList.indexOf('check-icon') !== -1)) {

      this.toggleCheckedState(node, _default.options);
    else {

      if (node.selectable) {
        this.toggleSelectedState(node, _default.options);
      } else {
        this.toggleExpandedState(node, _default.options);


  // Looks up the DOM for the closest parent list item to retrieve the
  // data attribute nodeid, which is used to lookup the node in the flattened structure.
  Tree.prototype.findNode = function (target) {

    var nodeId = target.closest('li.list-group-item').attr('data-nodeid');
    var node = this.nodes[nodeId];

    if (!node) {
      console.log('Error: node does not exist');
    return node;
  // 得出 他在这里做的,然后再找这个方法 gz
  Tree.prototype.toggleExpandedState = function (node, options) {
    if (!node) return;
    this.setExpandedState(node, !node.state.expanded, options);
  // 看看 这个方法在哪里调用的 gz
  Tree.prototype.setExpandedState = function (node, state, options) {

    if (state === node.state.expanded) return;

    if (state && node.nodes) {

      // Expand a node
      node.state.expanded = true;
      if (!options.silent) {
        // 然后再看事件源怎么处理的 gz
        this.$element.trigger('nodeExpanded', $.extend(true, {}, node));
    else if (!state) {

      // Collapse a node
      node.state.expanded = false;
      if (!options.silent) {
        this.$element.trigger('nodeCollapsed', $.extend(true, {}, node));

      // Collapse child nodes
      if (node.nodes && !options.ignoreChildren) {
        $.each(node.nodes, $.proxy(function (index, node) {
          this.setExpandedState(node, false, options);
        }, this));

  Tree.prototype.toggleSelectedState = function (node, options) {
    if (!node) return;
    this.setSelectedState(node, !node.state.selected, options);

  Tree.prototype.setSelectedState = function (node, state, options) {

    if (state === node.state.selected) return;

    if (state) {

      // If multiSelect false, unselect previously selected
      if (!this.options.multiSelect) {
        $.each(this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.selected'), $.proxy(function (index, node) {
          this.setSelectedState(node, false, options);
        }, this));

      // Continue selecting node
      node.state.selected = true;
      if (!options.silent) {
        this.$element.trigger('nodeSelected', $.extend(true, {}, node));
    else {

      // Unselect node
      node.state.selected = false;
      if (!options.silent) {
        this.$element.trigger('nodeUnselected', $.extend(true, {}, node));

  Tree.prototype.toggleCheckedState = function (node, options) {
    if (!node) return;
    this.setCheckedState(node, !node.state.checked, options);

  Tree.prototype.setCheckedState = function (node, state, options) {

    if (state === node.state.checked) return;

    if (state) {

      // Check node
      node.state.checked = true;

      if (!options.silent) {
        this.$element.trigger('nodeChecked', $.extend(true, {}, node));
    else {

      // Uncheck node
      node.state.checked = false;
      if (!options.silent) {
        this.$element.trigger('nodeUnchecked', $.extend(true, {}, node));

  Tree.prototype.setDisabledState = function (node, state, options) {

    if (state === node.state.disabled) return;

    if (state) {

      // Disable node
      node.state.disabled = true;

      // Disable all other states
      this.setExpandedState(node, false, options);
      this.setSelectedState(node, false, options);
      this.setCheckedState(node, false, options);

      if (!options.silent) {
        this.$element.trigger('nodeDisabled', $.extend(true, {}, node));
    else {

      // Enabled node
      node.state.disabled = false;
      if (!options.silent) {
        this.$element.trigger('nodeEnabled', $.extend(true, {}, node));

  //拖拽相关事件绑定 gz

  Tree.prototype.render = function () {

    if (!this.initialized) {

      // Setup first time only components
      this.$wrapper = $(this.template.list);


      this.initialized = true;


    // Build tree
    this.buildTree(this.tree, 0);

  // Starting from the root node, and recursing down the
  // structure we build the tree one node at a time
  Tree.prototype.buildTree = function (nodes, level) {

    if (!nodes) return;
    level += 1;

    var _this = this;

    $.each(nodes, function addNodes(id, node) {
      var treeItem = $(_this.template.item)
        .addClass('node-' + _this.elementId)
        .addClass(node.state.checked ? 'node-checked' : '')
        .addClass(node.state.disabled ? 'node-disabled' : '')
        .addClass(node.state.selected ? 'node-selected' : '')
        .addClass(node.searchResult ? 'search-result' : '')
        .attr('data-nodeid', node.nodeId)
        // .attr('data-parent-code', node.parentCode) //  这个是当前节点的父级节点的code,主要是为了实现父级拖拽的时候可以把子级同时移动 gz。
        .attr('data-level', level) // 这个是当前节点的层级数据,之前有就可以不写 gz。
        .attr('draggable', true) // 激发拖拽 gz
        // .attr("ondrop", "drop(event)") // 结束拖拽 gz
        // .attr("ondragover", "allowDrop(event)") // 拖拽中 gz
        // .attr("ondragstart", _this.options.onDragStart) // 目标开始拖拽事件 gz
        // .attr("ondragenter", "dragEnter(event)") //当拖拽对象进入投放区时触发
        // .attr("ondragleave", "dragLeave(event)") //元素被拖出了投放区时触发
        .attr('style', _this.buildStyleOverride(node));
      // 主要是这几个函数,你通过_this 就是可以拿到插件内的数据了
      $(treeItem).on("dragstart", function (event) {
        console.log("drop-开始拖拽", event, _this);
        // _this.options.onDragStart(event, _this)
      $(treeItem).on("drop", function (event) {
        console.log("drop-结束拖拽", event, _this);
        // _this.options.onDragStart(event, _this)
      $(treeItem).on("dragover", function (event) {
        event.preventDefault(); // 拖拽中
        // _this.options.onDragStart(event, _this)
      $(treeItem).on("dragenter", function (event) {
        console.log("dragenter"); // 当拖拽对象进入投放区时触发
        // _this.options.onDragStart(event, _this)
      $(treeItem).on("dragleave", function (event) {
        console.log("dragleave");// 元素被拖出了投放区时触发
        // _this.options.onDragStart(event, _this)

      // Add indent/spacer to mimic tree structure
      for (var i = 0; i < (level - 1); i++) {

      // Add expand, collapse or empty spacer icons
      var classList = [];
      if (node.nodes) {
        if (node.state.expanded) {
        else {
      else {

          .addClass(classList.join(' '))

      // Add node icon
      if (_this.options.showIcon) {

        var classList = ['node-icon'];

        classList.push(node.icon || _this.options.nodeIcon);
        if (node.state.selected) {
          classList.push(node.selectedIcon || _this.options.selectedIcon ||
            node.icon || _this.options.nodeIcon);

            .addClass(classList.join(' '))

      // Add check / unchecked icon
      if (_this.options.showCheckbox) {

        var classList = ['check-icon'];
        if (node.state.checked) {
        else {

            .addClass(classList.join(' '))

      // Add text
      if (_this.options.enableLinks) {
        // Add hyperlink
            .attr('href', node.href)
      else {
        // otherwise just text

      // Add tags as badges
      if (_this.options.showTags && node.tags) {
        $.each(node.tags, function addTag(id, tag) {

      // Add item to the tree

      // Recursively add child ndoes
      if (node.nodes && node.state.expanded && !node.state.disabled) {
        return _this.buildTree(node.nodes, level);

  Tree.prototype.onDragStart = function (event, data) {
    console.log("---ondragstart", event, data);

  // Define any node level style override for
  // 1. selectedNode
  // 2. node|data assigned color overrides
  Tree.prototype.buildStyleOverride = function (node) {

    if (node.state.disabled) return '';

    var color = node.color;
    var backColor = node.backColor;

    if (this.options.highlightSelected && node.state.selected) {
      if (this.options.selectedColor) {
        color = this.options.selectedColor;
      if (this.options.selectedBackColor) {
        backColor = this.options.selectedBackColor;

    if (this.options.highlightSearchResults && node.searchResult && !node.state.disabled) {
      if (this.options.searchResultColor) {
        color = this.options.searchResultColor;
      if (this.options.searchResultBackColor) {
        backColor = this.options.searchResultBackColor;

    return 'color:' + color +
      ';background-color:' + backColor + ';';

  // Add inline style into head
  Tree.prototype.injectStyle = function () {

    if (this.options.injectStyle && !document.getElementById(this.styleId)) {

  // Construct trees style based on user options
  Tree.prototype.buildStyle = function () {

    var style = '.node-' + this.elementId + '{';

    if (this.options.color) {
      style += 'color:' + this.options.color + ';';

    if (this.options.backColor) {
      style += 'background-color:' + this.options.backColor + ';';

    if (!this.options.showBorder) {
      style += 'border:none;';
    else if (this.options.borderColor) {
      style += 'border:1px solid ' + this.options.borderColor + ';';
    style += '}';

    if (this.options.onhoverColor) {
      style += '.node-' + this.elementId + ':not(.node-disabled):hover{' +
        'background-color:' + this.options.onhoverColor + ';' +

    return this.css + style;

  Tree.prototype.template = {
    list: '
    ', item: '
  • ', indent: '', icon: '', link: '', badge: '' }; Tree.prototype.css = '.treeview .list-group-item{cursor:pointer}.treeview span.indent{margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px}.treeview span.icon{width:12px;margin-right:5px}.treeview .node-disabled{color:silver;cursor:not-allowed}' /** Returns a single node object that matches the given node id. @param {Number} nodeId - A node's unique identifier @return {Object} node - Matching node */ Tree.prototype.getNode = function (nodeId) { return this.nodes[nodeId]; }; /** Returns the parent node of a given node, if valid otherwise returns undefined. @param {Object|Number} identifier - A valid node or node id @returns {Object} node - The parent node */ Tree.prototype.getParent = function (identifier) { var node = this.identifyNode(identifier); return this.nodes[node.parentId]; }; /** Returns an array of sibling nodes for a given node, if valid otherwise returns undefined. @param {Object|Number} identifier - A valid node or node id @returns {Array} nodes - Sibling nodes */ Tree.prototype.getSiblings = function (identifier) { var node = this.identifyNode(identifier); var parent = this.getParent(node); var nodes = parent ? parent.nodes : this.tree; return nodes.filter(function (obj) { return obj.nodeId !== node.nodeId; }); }; /** Returns an array of selected nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Selected nodes */ Tree.prototype.getSelected = function () { return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.selected'); }; /** Returns an array of unselected nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Unselected nodes */ Tree.prototype.getUnselected = function () { return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.selected'); }; /** Returns an array of expanded nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Expanded nodes */ Tree.prototype.getExpanded = function () { return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.expanded'); }; /** Returns an array of collapsed nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Collapsed nodes */ Tree.prototype.getCollapsed = function () { return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.expanded'); }; /** Returns an array of checked nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Checked nodes */ Tree.prototype.getChecked = function () { return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.checked'); }; /** Returns an array of unchecked nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Unchecked nodes */ Tree.prototype.getUnchecked = function () { return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.checked'); }; /** Returns an array of disabled nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Disabled nodes */ Tree.prototype.getDisabled = function () { return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.disabled'); }; /** Returns an array of enabled nodes. @returns {Array} nodes - Enabled nodes */ Tree.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.disabled'); }; /** Set a node state to selected @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.selectNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setSelectedState(node, true, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Set a node state to unselected @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.unselectNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setSelectedState(node, false, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Toggles a node selected state; selecting if unselected, unselecting if selected. @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.toggleNodeSelected = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.toggleSelectedState(node, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Collapse all tree nodes @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.collapseAll = function (options) { var identifiers = this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.expanded'); this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setExpandedState(node, false, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Collapse a given tree node @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.collapseNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setExpandedState(node, false, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Expand all tree nodes @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.expandAll = function (options) { options = $.extend({}, _default.options, options); if (options && options.levels) { this.expandLevels(this.tree, options.levels, options); } else { var identifiers = this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.expanded'); this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setExpandedState(node, true, options); }, this)); } this.render(); }; /** Expand a given tree node @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.expandNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setExpandedState(node, true, options); if (node.nodes && (options && options.levels)) { this.expandLevels(node.nodes, options.levels - 1, options); } }, this)); this.render(); }; Tree.prototype.expandLevels = function (nodes, level, options) { options = $.extend({}, _default.options, options); $.each(nodes, $.proxy(function (index, node) { this.setExpandedState(node, (level > 0) ? true : false, options); if (node.nodes) { this.expandLevels(node.nodes, level - 1, options); } }, this)); }; /** Reveals a given tree node, expanding the tree from node to root. @param {Object|Number|Array} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.revealNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { var parentNode = this.getParent(node); while (parentNode) { this.setExpandedState(parentNode, true, options); parentNode = this.getParent(parentNode); }; }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Toggles a nodes expanded state; collapsing if expanded, expanding if collapsed. @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.toggleNodeExpanded = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.toggleExpandedState(node, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Check all tree nodes @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.checkAll = function (options) { var identifiers = this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.checked'); this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setCheckedState(node, true, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Check a given tree node @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.checkNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setCheckedState(node, true, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Uncheck all tree nodes @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.uncheckAll = function (options) { var identifiers = this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.checked'); this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setCheckedState(node, false, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Uncheck a given tree node @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.uncheckNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setCheckedState(node, false, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Toggles a nodes checked state; checking if unchecked, unchecking if checked. @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.toggleNodeChecked = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.toggleCheckedState(node, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Disable all tree nodes @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.disableAll = function (options) { var identifiers = this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.disabled'); this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setDisabledState(node, true, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Disable a given tree node @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.disableNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setDisabledState(node, true, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Enable all tree nodes @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.enableAll = function (options) { var identifiers = this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.disabled'); this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setDisabledState(node, false, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Enable a given tree node @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.enableNode = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setDisabledState(node, false, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Toggles a nodes disabled state; disabling is enabled, enabling if disabled. @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers @param {optional Object} options */ Tree.prototype.toggleNodeDisabled = function (identifiers, options) { this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) { this.setDisabledState(node, !node.state.disabled, options); }, this)); this.render(); }; /** Common code for processing multiple identifiers */ Tree.prototype.forEachIdentifier = function (identifiers, options, callback) { options = $.extend({}, _default.options, options); if (!(identifiers instanceof Array)) { identifiers = [identifiers]; } $.each(identifiers, $.proxy(function (index, identifier) { callback(this.identifyNode(identifier), options); }, this)); }; /* Identifies a node from either a node id or object */ Tree.prototype.identifyNode = function (identifier) { return ((typeof identifier) === 'number') ? this.nodes[identifier] : identifier; }; /** Searches the tree for nodes (text) that match given criteria @param {String} pattern - A given string to match against @param {optional Object} options - Search criteria options @return {Array} nodes - Matching nodes */ = function (pattern, options) { options = $.extend({}, _default.searchOptions, options); this.clearSearch({ render: false }); var results = []; if (pattern && pattern.length > 0) { if (options.exactMatch) { pattern = '^' + pattern + '$'; } var modifier = 'g'; if (options.ignoreCase) { modifier += 'i'; } results = this.findNodes(pattern, modifier); // Add searchResult property to all matching nodes // This will be used to apply custom styles // and when identifying result to be cleared $.each(results, function (index, node) { node.searchResult = true; }) } // If revealResults, then render is triggered from revealNode // otherwise we just call render. if (options.revealResults) { this.revealNode(results); } else { this.render(); } this.$element.trigger('searchComplete', $.extend(true, {}, results)); return results; }; /** Clears previous search results */ Tree.prototype.clearSearch = function (options) { options = $.extend({}, { render: true }, options); var results = $.each(this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'searchResult'), function (index, node) { node.searchResult = false; }); if (options.render) { this.render(); } this.$element.trigger('searchCleared', $.extend(true, {}, results)); }; /** Find nodes that match a given criteria @param {String} pattern - A given string to match against @param {optional String} modifier - Valid RegEx modifiers @param {optional String} attribute - Attribute to compare pattern against @return {Array} nodes - Nodes that match your criteria */ Tree.prototype.findNodes = function (pattern, modifier, attribute) { modifier = modifier || 'g'; attribute = attribute || 'text'; var _this = this; return $.grep(this.nodes, function (node) { var val = _this.getNodeValue(node, attribute); if (typeof val === 'string') { return val.match(new RegExp(pattern, modifier)); } }); }; /** Recursive find for retrieving nested attributes values All values are return as strings, unless invalid @param {Object} obj - Typically a node, could be any object @param {String} attr - Identifies an object property using dot notation @return {String} value - Matching attributes string representation */ Tree.prototype.getNodeValue = function (obj, attr) { var index = attr.indexOf('.'); if (index > 0) { var _obj = obj[attr.substring(0, index)]; var _attr = attr.substring(index + 1, attr.length); return this.getNodeValue(_obj, _attr); } else { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { return obj[attr].toString(); } else { return undefined; } } }; var logError = function (message) { if (window.console) { window.console.error(message); } }; // Prevent against multiple instantiations, // handle updates and method calls $.fn[pluginName] = function (options, args) { var result; this.each(function () { var _this = $.data(this, pluginName); if (typeof options === 'string') { if (!_this) { logError('Not initialized, can not call method : ' + options); } else if (!$.isFunction(_this[options]) || options.charAt(0) === '_') { logError('No such method : ' + options); } else { if (!(args instanceof Array)) { args = [args]; } result = _this[options].apply(_this, args); } } else if (typeof options === 'boolean') { result = _this; } else { $.data(this, pluginName, new Tree(this, $.extend(true, {}, options))); } }); return result || this; }; })(jQuery, window, document);