Blender 3.0 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
# Blender 3.0 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
## Menu Call-Up
N Object properties sidebar
T Toggle toolbar
Q Quick Favorites menu
F3 Function search
Ctrl + Tab Mode Pie menu
~ Viewport Pie menu
. Pivot Point Pie menu
, Axis Orientation Pie menu
Shift + S Snap Pie menu
## Viewport
Home Show all objects
H Hide object
Alt + H Unhide all objects
Shift + H Hide all unselected objects
Alt + Z Toggle X-ray
Z Viewport Shading Options Pie menu
/ Isolate selected object
Numpad 0 Camera view
Numpad 1 Front view
Numpad 2 Downward-facing view
Numpad 3 Side view
Numpad 4 Leftward-facing view
Numpad 6 Rightward-facing view
Numpad 7 Top-down view
Numpad 8 Upward-facing view
Numpad 9 Opposite of current view
Numpad 5 Toggle perspective/orthographic view
## Viewport Navigation
Middle click + drag Orbit view
Shift + Middle click + drag Pan view
Scroll wheel; Ctrl + Middle click + drag Zoom view
Shift + ~ + move mouse; Click in Viewport to deactivate Free pan by cursor
## Object Mode
Tab Toggle between Object mode and Edit mode
Shift + A Add new object
Shift + Tab Toggle snapping
Ctrl + A Apply transformations
Alt + G Clear position
Alt + R Clear rotation
Alt + R Clear scale
Ctrl + J Join selected objects
Shift + C Reset 3D cursor to center
Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, 4, etc Add subdivision set
### Object Manipulation
G Move object or geometry
S Scale object or geometry
R Rotate object or geometry
RR Rotate with trackball
G, S, or R + X, Y, or Z Action along axis
G, S, or R + XX, YY, or ZZ Action along local axis
Hold Shift while transforming Fine tune control
Hold Ctrl while transforming Adjust value by increment
Shift + D Duplicate object
Alt + D Duplicate linked objects
M Add active object to new collection
## Edit Mode
1 Vertex mode
2 Edge mode
3 Face mode
P Create separate object out of selection
M Merge selection
GG Vertex and edge slide
E Extrude geometry
F Fill face
Ctrl + R Loop cut
Scroll wheel after Ctrl + R; Move mouse to choose orientation Add loop cut divisions
Left click Lock in loop cut
I Add inset faces to selection
Ctrl + B Add bevel to selection
Ctrl + Shift + B Add vertex bevel to selection
K Knife
Enter Lock in knife
Shift + W Bend
Y Split geometry
V Rip geometry
Alt + V Fill rip
Ctrl + L Select connected geometry
Alt + Left click Select edge loop
O Toggle proportional editing
Shift + O Toggle through proportional editing falloff profiles
Shift + N Recalculate normals
Ctrl + Shift + N Invert normals
Esc Cancel transform in progress
## Sculpt Mode
Shift + Spacebar Select brush hotkey
E Select stroke protocol
F Brush size
Shift + F Brush strength
Ctrl + F Brush angle
Shift + Left click Toggle brush positive or negative
## UVs and UV Unwrapping
Ctrl + E Mark seam
U Unwrap mesh
## UV Editor
Ctrl + L; L to select object under cursor Select island
P Pin
Alt + P Unpin
Shift + P Select pinned
V Stitch
Shift + W Weld
## Nodes
Shift + A Create new node
Ctrl + Right click + Drag Sever connection
F Connect selected
M Mute selected
Ctrl + G Group selected
Ctrl + Alt + G Ungroup selected
## Blender for beginners – Global Keys and shortcuts
Ctrl+O Open File
Ctrl+S Save File
Ctrl+N New File
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+Q Quit
F1 Help (context-sensitive)
F2 Rename Active Item
F3 Operator Search
F4 File Context Menu
F5-F8 Reserved for user actions
F9 Adjust the Last operation
F11 Show render window
F12 Render the current frame
Q Quick Access (Favourites)
Ctrl+Spacebar Toggle Maximie Area
Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar Toggle Fullscreen Area
Ctrl+PageUp/Ctrl+PageDown Next/Previous Workspace
Spacebar User configurable
Shift+Ctrl+Spacebar Playback Animations (reverse)
## Blender shortcuts – Common Editor Keys
A Select all
Alt+A Select none
Ctrl+I Invert selection
H Hide selection
Alt+H Reveal Hidden Items
T Toggle Sidebar
N Toggle Sidebar