pgSQL 存储过程比单独执行SQL慢故障
解决方法 :定义一个新的变量,将参数的值 赋给变量,速度有所改善
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."lr_flowmatch1"("tmpfilename" text, "flowmonth" text) RETURNS "pg_catalog"."int4" AS $BODY$ declare mysql text ; filename text; begin --开始数据清洗; filename = tmpfilename; --1、根据 ddm_product_aliasbase 表来匹配产品名称;(这一行放第1执行速度奇慢) mysql = 'update '||$1 || ' as flowMe set productid=b.productid, productidname=b.productidname,productcode= b.product_code, productsize = b.productsize,product_uomid=b.uomid, product_uomidname=b.uomidname from ddm_product_aliasbase as b where flowMe.from_accountid = b.from_accountid and flowMe.product_alias_name = b.product_alias_name and flowMe.product_alias_size = b.product_alias_size and flowMe.product_alias_uom = b.product_alias_uom '; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句1为: %', mysql; execute mysql using filename; --2 根据ddm_account_aliasbase表来更新客户to_accountid等 信息; mysql = 'update '||filename ||' as flowMe set to_account_classificationcode = b.to_account_classificationcode , to_account_classificationcode2 = b.to_account_classificationcode2 , to_account_classificationcodename = b.to_account_classificationcodename , to_accountid = b.to_accountid , to_accountidname = b.to_accountidname , to_cityid = b.to_cityid , to_cityidname = b.to_cityidname , to_countyid = b.to_countyid , to_countyidname = b.to_countyidname , to_provinceid = b.to_provinceid , owningorganizationid = b.owningorganizationid , owningorganizationidname = b.owningorganizationidname from ddm_account_aliasbase as b where b.from_accountid = flowMe.from_accountid and flowMe.to_account_alias_name= b.to_account_alias_name '; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句2为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; --2 mysql = 'update '||filename ||' as flowMe set to_account_classificationcode = b.to_account_classificationcode , to_account_classificationcode2 = b.to_account_classificationcode2 , to_account_classificationcodename = b.to_account_classificationcodename , to_accountid = b.to_accountid , to_accountidname = b.to_accountidname , to_cityid = b.to_cityid , to_cityidname = b.to_cityidname , to_countyid = b.to_countyid , to_countyidname = b.to_countyidname , to_provinceid = b.to_provinceid , owningorganizationid = b.owningorganizationid , owningorganizationidname = b.owningorganizationidname from ddm_account_aliasbase as b where b.from_accountid = flowMe.from_accountid and flowMe.to_account_alias_name= b.to_account_alias_name '; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句2为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; --3根据客户主数据 accountbase 来清选客户 mysql = 'update '||filename ||' as flowMe set to_account_classificationcode = b.accountclassificationcode , to_account_classificationcode2 = b.accountclassificationcode2 , to_account_classificationcodename = b.accountclassificationcodename , to_accountid = b.accountid , to_accountidname = , to_cityid = b.cityid , to_cityidname = b.cityidname , to_countyid = b.countyid , to_countyidname = b.countyidname , to_provinceid = b.provinceid , owningorganizationid = b.owningorganizationid , owningorganizationidname = b.owningorganizationidname from accountbase as b where flowMe.to_account_alias_name = and flowMe.to_accountid is null'; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句3为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; --4 mysql = 'update '||filename ||E' as flowMe set remark = left(cc.product_categoryidname,position(\'-\' in cc.product_categoryidname)-1) from product as cc where flowMe.productid = cc.productid'; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句4为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; --5 mysql = 'update '||filename ||' as flowMe set to_businessunitid = b.businessunitid, to_businessunitidname = b.businessunitidname, to_ownerid = b.ownerid, to_owneridname = b.owneridname, to_sales_regionidname = sales_regionidname , to_sales_regionid = b.sales_regionid from sales_region_accountbase as b where flowMe.to_accountid = b.accountid and flowMe.remark = b.product_categoryidname'; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句5为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; --6 mysql = 'update '||filename ||' as flowMe set to_businessunitid = b.businessunitid, to_businessunitidname = b.businessunitidname, to_ownerid = b.ownerid, to_owneridname = b.owneridname, to_sales_regionidname = sales_regionidname , to_sales_regionid = b.sales_regionid from sales_region_areabase as b where flowMe.to_countyid =b.countyid and flowMe.to_provinceid =b.provinceid and flowMe.to_cityid =b.cityid and flowMe.remark = b.product_categoryidname'; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句6为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; --7根据ddm_account_product_uom 来更新在大小计量单位 mysql = 'update '||filename ||' as flowMe set conversion_qty = b.conversion_qty from ddm_account_product_uom as b where flowMe.from_accountid = b.from_accountid and flowMe.productid = b.productid and flowMe.product_alias_uom = b.uomid2name'; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句7为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; --8 更新流向表的数量为转换后的数量 mysql = 'update '||filename ||' set confirm_qty = ori_saleto_qty * conversion_qty '; RAISE NOTICE 'SQL语句8为: %', mysql; execute mysql ; return 0; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100