Docker acme 申请免费的SSL证书







docker load -i /docker/docker-images/


docker tag 4c3fd8b5439f acme:v2


docker run --rm -it \
-v "/docker/acme/":/ \
--net=host \ \
acme:v2  --issue -d --standalone



root@izyl046ocojpinz acme]# docker run --rm  -it \
>   -v "/docker/acme/":/  \
>   --net=host \
> \
>   acme:v2  --issue -d  --standalone
[Tue Aug
10 02:31:49 UTC 2021] Using CA: [Tue Aug 10 02:31:49 UTC 2021] Standalone mode. [Tue Aug 10 02:31:49 UTC 2021] Create account key ok. [Tue Aug 10 02:31:49 UTC 2021] Registering account: [Tue Aug 10 02:31:52 UTC 2021] Registered [Tue Aug 10 02:31:52 UTC 2021] ACCOUNT_THUMBPRINT='8VAajGhqsNnyRovFfJO2bVEk-ypQ9ptrCQ4x1eZ25Sw' [Tue Aug 10 02:31:52 UTC 2021] Creating domain key [Tue Aug 10 02:31:52 UTC 2021] The domain key is here: / [Tue Aug 10 02:31:52 UTC 2021] Single domain='' [Tue Aug 10 02:31:52 UTC 2021] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Tue Aug 10 02:31:57 UTC 2021] Getting webroot for domain='' [Tue Aug 10 02:31:57 UTC 2021] Verifying: [Tue Aug 10 02:31:57 UTC 2021] Standalone mode server [Tue Aug 10 02:32:03 UTC 2021] Success [Tue Aug 10 02:32:03 UTC 2021] Verify finished, start to sign. [Tue Aug 10 02:32:03 UTC 2021] Lets finalize the order. [Tue Aug 10 02:32:03 UTC 2021] Le_OrderFinalize='' [Tue Aug 10 02:32:05 UTC 2021] Downloading cert. [Tue Aug 10 02:32:05 UTC 2021] Le_LinkCert='' [Tue Aug 10 02:32:07 UTC 2021] Cert success. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- BACgCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUA Aw1MZXQncyBFbmNyeXB0MQswCQYDVQQD EwJSMzAeFw0/6wj8 5dDhIOQ873aLW9r0GfFwwsBso/Brv+4L aU2
。。。 UqLRq1
1R3Zq+V9/7dG1biyMV+vv4 YTr/DfU96zmPml2ExckxqLzqGTcZvX05K0of14oy0G zSc/H1oWxDz1RpSsy2sb9Nd6sstuz2acRuBfXEMCG AXdxeSle -----END CERTIFICATE----- [Tue Aug 10 02:32:07 UTC 2021] Your cert is in / [Tue Aug 10 02:32:07 UTC 2021] Your cert key is in / [Tue Aug 10 02:32:07 UTC 2021] The intermediate CA cert is in / [Tue Aug 10 02:32:07 UTC 2021] And the full chain certs is there: /