HCI Vendor Specific Commands
1.1 HCI_EXT_SetRxGainCmd
This command is used to set the RF receiver gain. The default system value for this feature is standard receiver gain.
When the HCI_EXT_SetRxGainCmd has completed, a vendor specific Command Complete event shall
be generated.
1.2 HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd
When the HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd has completed, a vendor specific Command Complete event shall be generated.
1.3 HCI_EXT_OnePktPerEvtCmd
此命令用于将链路层配置为仅允许每个连接事件一个数据包。 此功能的默认系统已禁用。 此命令可用于在连接期间权衡吞吐量和功耗。 启用后,可以在连接期间通过将每个连接事件的数据包数量限制为1来节省功率,但代价是更有限的吞吐量。 禁用时,连接事件期间传输的数据包数量不受限制,但代价是功耗较高。
When the HCI_EXT_OnePktPerEvtCmd has completed, a vendor specific Command Complete event shall be generated.
1.4 HCI_EXT_ClkDivOnHaltCmd
This command is used to configure the Link Layer to divide the system clock when the MCU is halted during a radio operation. The default system value for this feature is disabled. Note: This command is only valid when the MCU is halted during RF operation (please see HCI_EXT_HaltDuringRfCmd).
When the HCI_EXT_ClkDivOnHaltCmd has completed, a vendor specific Command Complete event shall be generated.
1.5 HCI_EXT_DeclareNvUsageCmd
- 此命令用于通知Controller在BLE操作期间主机是否正在使用NV存储器。
- 此功能的默认系统值为NV In Use。
- 当在BLE操作期间未使用NV时,控制器能够绕过内部检查,从而减少开销处理,从而降低平均功耗。
- 注意:仅当BLE控制器空闲时才允许此命令。
- 注意:在声明未使用时使用NV可能会导致BLE连接挂起。
When the HCI_EXT_DeclareNvUsageCmd has completed, a vendor specific Command Complete
event shall be generated.
1.6 HCI_EXT_DecryptCmd
This command is used to decrypt encrypted text using AES128
1.7 HCI_EXT_SetLocalSupportedFeaturesCmd
When the HCI_EXT_SetLocalSupportedFeaturesCmd has completed, a vendor specific Command
Complete event shall be generated.
1.8 HCI_EXT_SetFastTxResponseTimeCmd
- 此命令用于配置链路层快速传输响应时间功能。
- 默认启用此功能。
- 注意:此命令仅对从属控制器有效。
- 当主机发送数据时,控制器(默认情况下)确保数据包通过LL连接以尽可能小的延迟发送,即使连接配置为使用从属延迟。
- 也就是说,发送响应时间往往不会超过连接间隔。
- 这导致较低的功率节省,因为LL可能需要在通常已被跳过的连接事件期间唤醒以进行发送。
- 如果省电比快速传输响应时间更重要,则可以使用此命令禁用此功能。
- 禁用时,发送响应时间不会超过从设备延迟+连接间隔的1倍。
1.9 HCI_EXT_ModemTestTxCmd
This API is used to start a continuous transmitter modem test, using either a modulated or unmodulated
carrier wave tone, at the frequency that corresponds to the specified RF channel. Use the
HCI_EXT_EndModemTest command to end the test.
Note: The RF channel, not the BLE frequency, is specified! You can obtain the RF channel from the
BLE frequency as follows: RF Channel = (BLE Frequency – 2402) / 2.
Note: When the HCI_EXT_EndModemTest is issued to stop this test, a Controller reset will take place.
Note: The device will transmit at the default output power (0 dBm) unless changed by
Note: This modem test can be used to satisfy in part radio regulation requirements as specific in
standards such as ARIB STD-T66.
该API用于在对应于指定RF信道的频率下使用调制或未调制的载波频调开始连续发射机调制解调器测试。使用HCI_EXT_EndModemTest命令结束测试。注意:指定了RF通道,而不是BLE频率!您可以从BLE频率获取RF通道,如下所示:RF通道=(BLE频率 - 2402)/ 2.注意:当发出HCI_EXT_EndModemTest以停止此测试时,将进行控制器复位。注意:除非由HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd更改,否则设备将以默认输出功率(0 dBm)进行传输。注意:该调制解调器测试可用于满足部分无线电规则要求,如ARIB STD-T66标准中的特定要求。该API用于启动连续发射机调制解调器测试,使用调制或未调制的载波频调,频率为对应于指定的RF频道。使用HCI_EXT_EndModemTest命令结束测试。注意:指定了RF通道,而不是BLE频率!您可以从BLE频率获取RF通道,如下所示:RF通道=(BLE频率 - 2402)/ 2.注意:当发出HCI_EXT_EndModemTest以停止此测试时,将进行控制器复位。注意:除非由HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd更改,否则设备将以默认输出功率(0 dBm)进行传输。注意:此调制解调器测试可用于满足部分无线电规则要求,如ARIB STD-T66等标准中的特定要求
1.10 HCI_EXT_ModemHopTestTxCmd
This API is used to start a continuous transmitter direct test mode test using a modulated carrier wave
and transmitting a 37 byte packet of pseudo-random 9 bit data. A packet is transmitted on a different
frequency (linearly stepping through all RF channels 0..39) every 625us. Use the
HCI_EXT_EndModemTest command to end the test.
Note: When the HCI_EXT_EndModemTest is issued to stop this test, a Controller reset will take place.
Note: The device will transmit at the default output power (0 dBm) unless changed by
Note: This modem test can be used to satisfy in part radio regulation requirements as specific in
standards such as ARIB STD-T66
该API用于使用调制载波开始连续发射机直接测试模式测试,并发送37字节的伪随机9位数据包。每隔625us就以不同的频率(线性地步进所有RF信道0..39)发送分组。使用HCI_EXT_EndModemTest命令结束测试。注意:当发出HCI_EXT_EndModemTest以停止此测试时,将发生Controller重置。注意:除非由HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd更改,否则设备将以默认输出功率(0 dBm)进行传输。注意:此调制解调器测试可用于满足部分无线电规则要求,如ARIB STD-T66标准中的特定要求。此API用于使用调制载波启动连续发射机直接测试模式测试并发送37字节伪伪包 - 随机9位数据。每隔625us就以不同的频率(线性地步进所有RF信道0..39)发送分组。使用HCI_EXT_EndModemTest命令结束测试。注意:当发出HCI_EXT_EndModemTest以停止此测试时,将发生Controller重置。注意:除非由HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd更改,否则设备将以默认输出功率(0 dBm)进行传输。注意:此调制解调器测试可用于满足部分无线电规则要求,如ARIB STD-T66等标准中的特定要求
1.11 HCI_EXT_ModemTestRxCmd
This API is used to start a continuous receiver modem test using a modulated carrier wave tone, at the
frequency that corresponds to the specific RF channel. Any received data is discarded. Receiver gain
may be adjusted using the HCI_EXT_SetRxGain command. RSSI may be read during this test by using
the HCI_ReadRssi command. Use HCI_EXT_EndModemTest command to end the test.
Note: The RF channel, not the BLE frequency, is specified! You can obtain the RF channel from the
BLE frequency as follows: RF Channel = (BLE Frequency – 2402) / 2.
Note: When the HCI_EXT_EndModemTest is issued to stop this test, a Controller reset will take place.
Note: This modem test can be used to satisfy in part radio regulation requirements as specific in
standards such as ARIB STD-T66
1.12 HCI Extension End Modem Test
When the HCI_EXT_EndModemTestCmd has completed, a vendor specific Command Complete
event shall be generated.
This command is used to set this device's BLE address (BDADDR). This address will override the
device's address determined when the device is reset (i.e. a hardware reset, not an HCI Controller
Reset). To restore the device's initialized address, issue this command with an invalid address.
Note: This command is only allowed when the Controller is in the Standby state.
Note: This command is intended to only be used during initialization. Changing the device's BDADDR
after various BLE operations have already taken place may cause unexpected problems.
- 该命令用于设置该设备的BLE地址(BDADDR)。
- 该地址将覆盖设备复位时确定的设备地址(即硬件复位,而不是HCI控制器复位)。
- 要恢复设备的初始化地址,请使用无效地址发出此命令。
- 注意:仅当Controller处于待机状态时才允许此命令。
- 注意:此命令仅用于初始化期间。
- 在各种BLE操作发生后更改设备的BDADDR可能会导致意外问题。
1.14 HCI_EXT_SetSCACmd
This command is used to set this device's Sleep Clock Accuracy (SCA) value, in parts per million
(PPM), from 0 to 500. For a Master device, the value is converted to one of eight ordinal values
representing a SCA range (per [1], Volume 6, Part B, Section, Table 2.2), which will be used
when a connection is created. For a Slave device, the value is directly used. The system default value
for a Master and Slave device is 50ppm and 40ppm, respectively.
Note: This command is only allowed when the device is not in a connection.
Note: The device's SCA value remains unaffected by an HCI Reset.
- 此命令用于设置此设备的睡眠时钟精度(SCA)值,单位为百万分率(PPM),范围为0到500.
- 对于主设备,该值将转换为表示SCA范围的八个序数值之一(每个[1],第6卷,B部分,第2.3.3.1节,表2.2),将在创建连接时使用。
- 对于Slave设备,直接使用该值。
- 主设备和从设备的系统默认值分别为50ppm和40ppm。
- 注意:仅当设备未连接时才允许此命令。
- 注意:器件的SCA值不受HCI复位的影响。