
 * 发短信所需常量类
 * @author asus
public class Constant {
    static String SMS_YTX_URL = "";    //容联的appsms的url是固定不变的
    static String SMS_YTX_PORT = "8883";    //端口号,也是不变的
    static String SMS_YTX_SID = "8a216.....24d0cef";    //容联主账户的ACCOUNT SID
    static String SMS_YTX_TOKEN = "f95da.....389bbb";    //容联主账户的AUTH TOKEN
    static String SMS_YTX_APPID = "8a216d.....aa0cf6";    //正在开发的应用的 APP ID
    static String SMS_YTX_VALID_MIN = "5";    //验证码有效时间 可以自己设置,分钟为单位
    static String  SMS_YTX_TEMPID = "485746";    //短信模板ID

public class ResponseObj {
     * 总记录数
    private int total;
     * 当前记录集合
    private Object data;
     * 是否成功
    private boolean successful;
     * 结果消息
    private String resultMsg;
     * 错误类型
    private String type;
     * 添加数据
     * @param data
     * @return
    public static ResponseObj successResult(Object data) {
        return new ResponseObj(1,data,true, "", "");
     * 添加数据
     * @param data
     * @return
    public static ResponseObj successResult(Object data,int total) {
        return new ResponseObj(total,data,true, "", "");
     * 返回失败信息
     * @param exMessage
     * @return
    public static ResponseObj failedResult(String exMessage) {
        return new ResponseObj(0, "", false,exMessage, "error");
     * 返回失败信息和类型
     * @param exMessage
     * @param type
     * @return
    public static ResponseObj failedResult(String exMessage, String type) {
        return new ResponseObj(0, "",false, exMessage, type);
     * 构造函数,类型为error
    public ResponseObj() {
        type = "error";
    public ResponseObj(boolean successful,String resultMsg){
        this.successful = successful;
        this.resultMsg = resultMsg;
    public ResponseObj(int total, Object data, boolean successful,String resultMsg, String type) { = total; = data;
        this.successful = successful;
        this.resultMsg = resultMsg;
        this.type = type;
     * @return the 总记录数
    public int getTotal() {
        return total;
     * @param total 总记录数 the total to set
    public void setTotal(int total) { = total;
     * @return the 是否成功
    public boolean isSuccessful() {
        return successful;
     * @param successful 是否成功
     * the successful to set
    public void setSuccessful(boolean successful) {
        this.successful = successful;
     * @return the data
    public Object getData() {
        return data;
     * @param data the data to set
    public void setData(Object data) { = data;
     * @return the 结果消息
    public String getResultMsg() {
        return resultMsg;
     * @param resultMsg 结果消息
     * the resultMsg to set
    public void setResultMsg(String resultMsg) {
        this.resultMsg = resultMsg;
     * @return the 错误类型
    public String getType() {
        return type;
     * @param type 错误类型
     * the type to set
    public void setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;

public class SDKTestSendTemplateSMS {
  public static ResponseObj sendRegCodeByYTX(String tel,String... verifyName){
    ResponseObj obj = new ResponseObj(true, "操作成功");
    HashMap result = null;

    CCPRestSDK restAPI = new CCPRestSDK();
    restAPI.init(Constant.SMS_YTX_URL, Constant.SMS_YTX_PORT);// 初始化服务器地址和端口,格式如下,服务器地址不需要写https://
    restAPI.setAccount(Constant.SMS_YTX_SID, Constant.SMS_YTX_TOKEN);// 初始化主帐号和主帐号TOKEN
    restAPI.setAppId(Constant.SMS_YTX_APPID);// 初始化应用ID
    String smsValidMin=Constant.SMS_YTX_VALID_MIN;    //验证码过期时间
    result = restAPI.sendTemplateSMS(tel, Constant.SMS_YTX_TEMPID, verifyName);
//     result = restAPI.sendTemplateSMS("手机号码","模板id" ,new String[]{});

    System.out.println("SDKTestSendTemplateSMS result=" + result);
      HashMap data = (HashMap) result.get("data");
      Set keySet = data.keySet();
      for(String key:keySet){
        Object object = data.get(key);
        System.out.println(key +" = "+object);
      System.out.println("错误码=" + result.get("statusCode") +" 错误信息= "+result.get("statusMsg"));
    return obj;

public static void main(String[] args) {
  ResponseObj obj = SDKTestSendTemplateSMS.sendRegCodeByYTX("手机号", "呵呵");
