struct ziplist{ int32 zlbytes; //整个压缩列表占用的字节数 int32 zltail_offset; //最后一个元素距离压缩列表起始位置的偏移量,用于快速定位到最后一个节点 int16 zllength; //元素个数 T[] entries; //元素内容列表,紧密存储 int8 zlend; //标志压缩列表的结束,值恒为0XFF }
这个zltail_offset是为了支持双向遍历,快速定位最后一个元素而设置的。注意到T[] entries这个属性,容纳的元素类型不同,他们的结构也不同。
struct entry { int<var> prevlen; //前一个元素长度,用于快速定位到下一个元素的位置 int<var> encoding; //元素类型编码 optional byte[] content; //内容 }
A.插入元素不要更新的情形,prevlen 远小于254
黄色节点的prevlen由1byte 增大到5 byte
C 当连续多个节点的数据接近254字节时,会发生级联更新,
注释:"…" 表示相同的节点,长度均和黄色节点相同
/* When an entry is inserted, we need to set the prevlen field of the next * entry to equal the length of the inserted entry. It can occur that this * length cannot be encoded in 1 byte and the next entry needs to be grow * a bit larger to hold the 5-byte encoded prevlen. This can be done for free, * because this only happens when an entry is already being inserted (which * causes a realloc and memmove). However, encoding the prevlen may require * that this entry is grown as well. This effect may cascade throughout * the ziplist when there are consecutive entries with a size close to * ZIP_BIGLEN, so we need to check that the prevlen can be encoded in every * consecutive entry. * * Note that this effect can also happen in reverse, where the bytes required * to encode the prevlen field can shrink. This effect is deliberately ignored, * because it can cause a "flapping" effect where a chain prevlen fields is * first grown and then shrunk again after consecutive inserts. Rather, the * field is allowed to stay larger than necessary, because a large prevlen * field implies the ziplist is holding large entries anyway. * * The pointer "p" points to the first entry that does NOT need to be * updated, i.e. consecutive fields MAY need an update. */ static unsigned char *__ziplistCascadeUpdate(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p) { size_t curlen = intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)), rawlen, rawlensize; size_t offset, noffset, extra; unsigned char *np; zlentry cur, next; while (p[0] != ZIP_END) { cur = zipEntry(p); rawlen = cur.headersize + cur.len; rawlensize = zipPrevEncodeLength(NULL,rawlen); /* Abort if there is no next entry. */ if (p[rawlen] == ZIP_END) break; next = zipEntry(p+rawlen); /* Abort when "prevlen" has not changed. */ //如果prevlen的长度未变化,中断级联更新 if (next.prevrawlen == rawlen) break; if (next.prevrawlensize < rawlensize) { /* The "prevlen" field of "next" needs more bytes to hold * the raw length of "cur". */ //级联扩展 offset = p-zl; extra = rawlensize-next.prevrawlensize; //扩大内存 zl = ziplistResize(zl,curlen+extra); p = zl+offset; /* Current pointer and offset for next element. */ np = p+rawlen; noffset = np-zl; /* Update tail offset when next element is not the tail element. */ //更新zltail_offset指针 if ((zl+intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl))) != np) { ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) = intrev32ifbe(intrev32ifbe(ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl))+extra); } /* Move the tail to the back. */ //移动内存 memmove(np+rawlensize, np+next.prevrawlensize, curlen-noffset-next.prevrawlensize-1); zipPrevEncodeLength(np,rawlen); /* Advance the cursor */ p += rawlen; curlen += extra; } else { if (next.prevrawlensize > rawlensize) { /* This would result in shrinking, which we want to avoid. * So, set "rawlen" in the available bytes. */ //级联收缩,这里可以不用收缩,因为5个字节也是可以存储1个字节内容的 //虽然空间有些浪费,但是避免了级联更新的操作 zipPrevEncodeLengthForceLarge(p+rawlen,rawlen); } else { //大小没有变化,改一个长度值就可以了 zipPrevEncodeLength(p+rawlen,rawlen); } /* Stop here, as the raw length of "next" has not changed. */ break; } } return zl; }
struct intset{ int32 encoding; //决定整数位宽是16位,32位还是64位 int32 length; //元素个数 int contents; //整数数组,可以是16位,32位还是64位 }
《Redis深度历险 核心原理与应用实践》