
  1 #include "bits/stdc++.h"
  2 #include "conio.h"
  3 #include "windows.h"
  4 using namespace std;
  5 typedef struct node{
  6     char name[100];//姓名
  7     char phoneNumber[13];//电话号码
  8     struct node * next;//查找下一个的指针
  9 }Node;
 10 char fname[100] = {'\0'};//输入的联系人名字不得超过100个字符
 11 Node People[27];//电话本
 12 int hash_lock(char c)
 13 {
 14     if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
 15         return c - 'A';
 16     else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
 17         return c - 'a';
 18     else return -1;
 19 }
 20 void Insert()//增加联系人
 21 {
 22     int key;
 23     while(1){
 24     Node *aa = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 25     cin >> aa->name;
 26     if(aa->name[0] == '-'){
 27         free(aa);//释放空间
 28         cout << "Insert over!" << endl;
 29         return;
 30     }
 31     cin >> aa->phoneNumber;
 32     if(strlen(aa->phoneNumber) != 11){
 33         cout << "PhoneNumber format is wrong!" << endl;
 34         continue;
 35     }
 36     else {
 37             key = hash_lock(aa->name[0]);
 38             if(key == -1){
 39                 cout << "Name format is wrong!" << endl;
 40                 cout << "Please input again:" << endl;
 41                 continue;
 42             }
 43     }
 44     aa->next = People[key].next;//直接头插法
 45     People[key].next = aa;
 46     cout << "Inserting successful!" << endl;
 47 }
 48 }
 49 void Find(char *findName)//查找联系人
 50 {
 51     int key;
 52     if(findName[0] == '\0' || findName[0] == ' '){
 53         cout << "Find fail!" << endl;
 54         return;
 55     }
 56     key = hash_lock(findName[0]);
 57     if(key == -1){
 58         cout << "Your find format is wrong!" << endl;
 59         return;
 60     }
 61     Node *p = People[key].next;
 62     while(p){
 63         if(strcmp(p->name,findName) == 0 && strlen(p->name) == strlen(findName)){
 64             cout << "Name:" << p->name << endl;
 65             cout << "PhoneNumber:" << p->phoneNumber <<endl;
 66             return;
 67         }
 68         p = p->next;
 69     }
 70     if(p == NULL){
 71         cout << "Haven't this people" << endl;
 72         return;
 73     }
 74 }
 75 void Delete(char *deleteName)//删除联系人
 76 {
 77     int key;//检索关键字
 78     if(deleteName[0] == '\0' || deleteName[0] == ' '){
 79         cout << "Find fail!" << endl;
 80         return;
 81     }
 82     key = hash_lock(deleteName[0]);
 83     if(key == -1){//key对应的键值映射到hash表
 84         cout << "Your delete format is wrong!" << endl;
 85         return;
 86     }
 87     Node *p1,*p2;
 88     p1 = People[key].next;
 89     if(p1 == NULL){
 90         cout << "The contact does not exist!" << endl;//如果没找到的话;
 91         return;
 92     }
 93     if(strcmp(p1->name,deleteName) == 0 && strlen(p1->name) == strlen(deleteName)){//防止首字母重名相等
 94         People[key].next = p1->next;
 95         cout << "Deleting successful!" << endl;
 96         free(p1);//释放空间
 97         return;
 98     }
 99     p2 = p1->next;
100     while(p2 != NULL){
101         if(strcmp(p2->name,deleteName) == 0 && strlen(p2->name) == strlen(deleteName)){//防止首字母重名相等
102             p1 = p2->next;
103             free(p2);
104             cout << "Deleting successful!" << endl;
105             return;
106         }
107         p1 = p2;
108         p2 = p2->next;
109     }
110     cout << "The contact does not exist!" << endl;//如果没找到的话
111     return;
112 }
113 void sFind()
114 {
115     cout << "Input your find name:(input '-' to end)" << endl;
116     while(1){
117         int i = 0;
118         char c;
119         while((c = getchar()) != '\n')//解决第一个为空格的问题
120             fname[i++] = c;
121         if(i == 0)
122             cout << "Input wrong,try again" << endl;
123         else if(fname[i - 1] == '-'){
124             cout << "Finding over!" << endl;
125             break;
126         }
127         else
128             Find(fname);
129         memset(fname,0,sizeof(fname));//清空字符串
130     }
131     fflush(stdin);//清空'-'后的回车
133 }
134 void sInsert()
135 {
136     cout << "Insert contacts:(input '-' to end)" << endl;
137     Insert();//插入联系人
138     fflush(stdin);//清除'-'后的回车
139 }
140 void sDelete()
141 {
142     cout << "Deleting contacts:(input '-' to end)" << endl;
143     while(1){
144         int i = 0;
145         char c;
146         while((c = getchar()) != '\n')//解决第一个为空格的问题
147             fname[i++] = c;
148         if(i == 0)
149             cout << "Input wrong,try again" << endl;
150         else if(fname[i - 1] == '-'){
151             cout << "Deleting over" << endl;
152             break;
153         }
154         else
155             Delete(fname);
156         memset(fname,0,sizeof(fname));//清空字符串
157     }
158     fflush(stdin);//清空'-'后的回车
159 }
160 int main()
161 {
162     int choose;
163     for(int i = 0;i < 27;i++)
164         People[i].next = NULL;//初始化电话簿
165     cout << "****************************Welcome to My phonenumbers!****************************************"<<endl;
166     cout << "****************************You're Phone have three functions**********************************"<<endl;
167     cout << "First:Add contacts(input 1)" << endl;//第一个功能:插入功能
168     cout << "Second:Delete contacts(input 2)" << endl;//第二个功能:删除功能
169     cout << "Third:Find contacts(input 3)" << endl;//第三个功能:查找功能
170     cout << "Declare:If you want to quit,Please input (ESC) key.Thanks for your use!" << endl;
171     while((choose = getch()) != 27){
172         if((choose - 48) < 1 && (choose - 48) > 3){
173             cout << "Not have this function,Please input again!" << endl;
174             continue;
175         }
176         switch(choose - 48){
177             case 1 : sInsert();Sleep(2000);system("cls");break;
178             case 2 : sDelete();Sleep(2000);system("cls");break;
179             case 3 : sFind();Sleep(2000);system("cls");break;
180         }
181         cout << "First:Add contacts(input 1)" << endl;//第一个功能:插入功能
182         cout << "Second:Delete contacts(input 2)" << endl;//第二个功能:删除功能
183         cout << "Third:Find contacts(input 3)" << endl;//第三个功能:查找功能
184         cout << "Declare:If you want to quit,Please input (ESC) key.Thanks for your use!" << endl;
185     }
186     return 0;
187 }
