C# 设计模式(8)桥接模式
组合 变化封装类 减少子类的数量
namespace BridgePattern.Bridge { public interface ISystem { public string GetSystem(); public string GetVersion(); } class IOS:ISystem { public string GetSystem() { return "IOS"; } public string GetVersion() { return "14.1"; } } public class SmartisanOS:ISystem { public string GetSystem() { return "Smartisan_OS"; } public string GetVersion() { return "7.0"; } } }
namespace BridgePattern { public abstract class BasePhone { public ISystem PhoneSystem; public abstract void UseCall(); public abstract void UseText(); } public class Iphone:BasePhone { public override void UseCall() { Console.WriteLine($"Use {this.GetType().Name} {this.PhoneSystem.GetSystem()} {this.PhoneSystem.GetVersion()} Call Somebody"); } public override void UseText() { Console.WriteLine($"Use {this.GetType().Name} {this.PhoneSystem.GetSystem()} {this.PhoneSystem.GetVersion()} Send Text to Somebody"); } } public class Smartisan:BasePhone { public override void UseCall() { Console.WriteLine($"Use {this.GetType().Name} {this.PhoneSystem.GetSystem()} {this.PhoneSystem.GetVersion()} Call Somebody"); } public override void UseText() { Console.WriteLine($"Use {this.GetType().Name} {this.PhoneSystem.GetSystem()} {this.PhoneSystem.GetVersion()} Send Text to Somebody"); } } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ISystem iOS = new IOS(); ISystem smartisanOS = new SmartisanOS(); BasePhone iPhone = new Iphone(); iPhone.PhoneSystem = iOS; iPhone.UseCall(); iPhone.UseText(); BasePhone smartisan = new Smartisan(); smartisan.PhoneSystem = smartisanOS; smartisan.UseCall(); smartisan.UseText(); BasePhone iPhoneSmartisanOS = new Iphone(); iPhoneSmartisanOS.PhoneSystem = smartisanOS; iPhoneSmartisanOS.UseCall(); iPhoneSmartisanOS.UseText(); BasePhone smartisanIOS = new Smartisan(); smartisanIOS.PhoneSystem = iOS; smartisanIOS.UseCall(); smartisanIOS.UseText(); } }