C++ mysql create store procedure and call sp
//Create Store Procedure via below sql statement
//Create Procedure Sp_InsertIntoBookTable6( bId varchar(40), bAuthor varchar(40), bTitle varchar(40), bISBN varchar(40), bComment longblob) BEGIN insert into BookTable1(BookId,BookAuthor,BookTitle,BookISBN,BookComment) VALUES (bId,bAuthor,bTitle,bISBN,bComment); END";
#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void createSQL() { try { sql::Connection *conn; sql::Statement *stmt; string tableName = "BookTable1"; conn = getMySQLConn(); conn->setSchema("MyDB"); string createSQL = "create table " + tableName + "(ID int primary key auto_increment," "BookId varchar(40) not null," "BookAuthor varchar(40)," "BookTitle varchar(40)," "BookISBN varchar (40)," "BookComment longblob);"; string createSP="Create Procedure Sp_InsertIntoBookTable6( bId varchar(40), bAuthor varchar(40), bTitle varchar(40), bISBN varchar(40), bComment longblob) BEGIN insert into BookTable1(BookId,BookAuthor,BookTitle,BookISBN,BookComment) VALUES (bId,bAuthor,bTitle,bISBN,bComment); END"; stmt = conn->createStatement(); bool isCreated = stmt->execute(createSP); sleep(1); delete stmt; delete conn; } catch (const sql::SQLException &e) { cout << "#ERR:SQLException in " << __FILE__ << ",function in " << __FUNCTION__ << " on line " << __LINE__ << endl; cout << "#ERR:" << e.what() << endl; cout << "(MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode() << endl; cout << "SQLState:" << e.getSQLState() << endl; } } sql::Connection *getMySQLConn() { sql::mysql::MySQL_Driver *driver; sql::Connection *conn; driver = sql::mysql::get_mysql_driver_instance(); conn = driver->connect("tcp://", "username", "password"); return conn; } int main() { createSQL(); }
g++ -g -std=c++11 -I .../include -L .../lib64 h1.cpp -lmysqlcppconn -luuid -o h1
Run ./h1
Run the below sql statement and show result:
show procedure status where db='MyDB';
The Part 2 will call customized store procedure with parameters;
void sp7()
sql::Connection *conn = getMySQLConn();
sql::PreparedStatement *prepStmt;
string tableName = "BookTable1";
prepStmt=conn->prepareStatement("CALL Sp_InsertIntoBookTable6(?,?,?,?,?)");
struct bookStruct *p;
p = bsArrayP5();
std::stringstream ss;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; struct bookStruct { char *BookId; char *BookAuthor; char *BookISBN; char *BookTitle; char *BookComment; }; void retrieveUuid(char *uuidValue) { uuid_t newUUID; uuid_generate(newUUID); uuid_unparse(newUUID, uuidValue); } sql::Connection *getMySQLConn() { sql::mysql::MySQL_Driver *driver; sql::Connection *conn; driver = sql::mysql::get_mysql_driver_instance(); conn = driver->connect("tcp://", "username", "password"); return conn; } struct bookStruct *bsArrayP5() { static struct bookStruct arr[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { struct bookStruct bs; bs.BookId = (char *)malloc(40); retrieveUuid(bs.BookId); bs.BookAuthor = (char *)malloc(40); retrieveUuid(bs.BookAuthor); bs.BookTitle = (char *)malloc(40); retrieveUuid(bs.BookTitle); bs.BookISBN = (char *)malloc(40); retrieveUuid(bs.BookISBN); bs.BookComment = (char *)malloc(40); retrieveUuid(bs.BookComment); arr[i] = bs; } struct bookStruct *p; p = arr; return p; } void sp7() { sql::Connection *conn = getMySQLConn(); sql::PreparedStatement *prepStmt; string tableName = "BookTable1"; conn->setSchema("MyDB"); prepStmt=conn->prepareStatement("CALL Sp_InsertIntoBookTable6(?,?,?,?,?)"); struct bookStruct *p; p = bsArrayP5(); std::stringstream ss; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { prepStmt->setString(1,(p+i)->BookId); prepStmt->setString(2,(p+i)->BookAuthor); prepStmt->setString(3,(p+i)->BookTitle); prepStmt->setString(4,(p+i)->BookISBN); ss=stringstream((p+i)->BookComment); prepStmt->setBlob(5,&ss); prepStmt->execute(); ss=stringstream(); } } int main() { sp7(); return 0; }
Compile and run
g++ -g -std=c++11 -I .../include -L .../lib64 h1.cpp -lmysqlcppconn -luuid -o h1