OpenVINO C++ in ubuntu16.04
1, 安装链接 2, 对处理器的要求 3, 4,推理引擎C++使用流程: 5,编译OpenVINO静态库: 6,编译libinference_engine_c_api.so参考别人在UBUNTU 18.04的过程展示仅供参考: 7,OpenVINO的模型优化器与推理引擎介绍怎么使用,简介参考: 8,让TF在CPU上发挥最大性能,参考链接:
然后我主要想在工业上应用,所以我们比较关注inference时的实时性能,故我想编译openvino inference engine,然后测下它的性能相比之前用过的MKLDNN如何。主要参考链接是
0,按照下载CMake,我用的是CMake-GUI,然后下载OpenVINO源码, 然后./install_dependencies.sh以及创建build文件夹开始CMake。 1,出现报错: Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.7.4") CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/clang_format/clang_format.cmake:21 (message): Supported clang-format version is not found! Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/developer_package/IEDevScriptsConfig.cmake:310 (include) CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package) CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/ncc_naming_style/ncc_naming_style.cmake:38 (message): libclang is not found (required for ncc naming style check) Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/developer_package/IEDevScriptsConfig.cmake:311 (include) CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package) ################################################################################ solution: Rerun and then find the following info color is red: CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/clang_format/clang_format.cmake:11 (message): Supported clang-format version is 9! Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/developer_package/IEDevScriptsConfig.cmake:310 (include) CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package) It's OK!Do not mind it! 2, CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/ncc_naming_style/ncc_naming_style.cmake:56 (message): is not downloaded via submodule Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/developer_package/IEDevScriptsConfig.cmake:311 (include) CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package) ################################################################################ solution:download and copy and im2.ppm.. to openvino-master/cmake/developer_package/ncc_naming_style/ncc! In the end,change to ! 3, Inference Engine enabled features: CI_BUILD_NUMBER: custom_HEAD_HEAD ENABLE_LTO = OFF OS_FOLDER = OFF USE_BUILD_TYPE_SUBFOLDER = ON TREAT_WARNING_AS_ERROR = ON ENABLE_INTEGRITYCHECK = OFF ENABLE_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_UB_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_THREAD_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_COVERAGE = OFF ENABLE_SSE42 = ON ENABLE_AVX2 = ON ENABLE_AVX512F = ON BUILD_SHARED_LIBS = ON ENABLE_FASTER_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_CPPLINT = ON ENABLE_CPPLINT_REPORT = OFF ENABLE_CLANG_FORMAT = OFF ENABLE_NCC_STYLE = OFF VERBOSE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_UNSAFE_LOCATIONS = OFF ENABLE_FUZZING = OFF ENABLE_MKL_DNN = ON ENABLE_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_STRICT_DEPENDENCIES = ON ENABLE_CLDNN = ON ENABLE_ONEDNN_FOR_GPU = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_ITT = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_FILTER = ALL ENABLE_PROFILING_FIRST_INFERENCE = ON SELECTIVE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_ERROR_HIGHLIGHT = OFF ENABLE_PYTHON = OFF ENABLE_DOCS = OFF ENABLE_GNA = ON ENABLE_CLDNN_TESTS = OFF THREADING = TBB ENABLE_TBBBIND_2_5 = ON GNA_LIBRARY_VERSION = GNA2 ENABLE_IR_V7_READER = ON ENABLE_GAPI_PREPROCESSING = ON ENABLE_MULTI = ON ENABLE_HETERO = ON ENABLE_TEMPLATE = ON ENABLE_VPU = ON ENABLE_MYRIAD = ON ENABLE_MYRIAD_NO_BOOT = OFF ENABLE_GAPI_TESTS = OFF GAPI_TEST_PERF = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD_MVNC_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_DATA = OFF ENABLE_BEH_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_SAMPLES = ON ENABLE_OPENCV = ON ENABLE_V7_SERIALIZE = OFF ENABLE_TBB_RELEASE_ONLY = ON ENABLE_SYSTEM_PUGIXML = OFF ENABLE_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_GPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_CPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF NGRAPH_ONNX_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_PDPD_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_IR_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_TF_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_USE_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF = OFF OPENVINO_DEBUG_ENABLE = OFF ENABLE_REQUIREMENTS_INSTALL = ON MODELS_PATH= PROJECT ............................... OpenVINO CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ...................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build OpenVINO_SOURCE_DIR ................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master CMAKE_GENERATOR ....................... Unix Makefiles CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID ................... GNU CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ...................... Release CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE .................. CMake Error at thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt:21 (add_subdirectory): The source directory /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/thirdparty/xbyak does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. CMake Error at thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt:37 (add_subdirectory): The source directory /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/thirdparty/pugixml does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. Call Stack (most recent call first): thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt:39 (ie_build_pugixml_static) thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt:45 (ie_build_pugixml) CMake Error at thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt:55 (add_subdirectory): The source directory /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/thirdparty/ade does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. CMake Error at thirdparty/fluid/modules/gapi/cmake/standalone.cmake:6 (find_package): By not providing "Findade.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "ade", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "ade" (requested version 0.1.0) with any of the following names: adeConfig.cmake ade-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "ade" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "ade_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "ade" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. Call Stack (most recent call first): thirdparty/fluid/modules/gapi/CMakeLists.txt:6 (include) Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! ################################################################################ solution: download ade,pugixml and xbyak by hand ,and then copy to correct folders in /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/thirdparty !!!
5, CMake Error at thirdparty/gflags/CMakeLists.txt:12 (add_subdirectory): The source directory /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/thirdparty/gflags/gflags does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. CMake Error at thirdparty/gflags/CMakeLists.txt:13 (set_target_properties): set_target_properties Can not find target to add properties to: gflags_nothreads_static CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:49 (add_subdirectory): add_subdirectory given source "protobuf/cmake" which is not an existing directory. CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:50 (get_directory_property): get_directory_property DIRECTORY argument provided but requested directory not found. This could be because the directory argument was invalid or, it is valid but has not been processed yet. CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:55 (target_include_directories): Cannot specify include directories for target "libprotobuf-lite" which is not built by this project. CMake Error at cmake/developer_package/compile_flags/os_flags.cmake:163 (target_compile_options): Cannot specify compile options for target "libprotobuf-lite" which is not built by this project. Call Stack (most recent call first): thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:67 (ov_disable_all_warnings) CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:68 (set_target_properties): set_target_properties Can not find target to add properties to: libprotobuf-lite CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:73 (message): Minimum supported version of protobuf-lite library is 3.9.0 (provided ) ################################################################################# solution: download and copy to correct folder in /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/thirdparty !!! 6, CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:49 (add_subdirectory): add_subdirectory given source "protobuf/cmake" which is not an existing directory. CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:50 (get_directory_property): get_directory_property DIRECTORY argument provided but requested directory not found. This could be because the directory argument was invalid or, it is valid but has not been processed yet. CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:55 (target_include_directories): Cannot specify include directories for target "libprotobuf-lite" which is not built by this project. CMake Error at cmake/developer_package/compile_flags/os_flags.cmake:163 (target_compile_options): Cannot specify compile options for target "libprotobuf-lite" which is not built by this project. Call Stack (most recent call first): thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:67 (ov_disable_all_warnings) CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:68 (set_target_properties): set_target_properties Can not find target to add properties to: libprotobuf-lite CMake Error at thirdparty/protobuf/CMakeLists.txt:73 (message): Minimum supported version of protobuf-lite library is 3.9.0 (provided ) ################################################################################ solution: download 3.10.0 and copy to openvino-master/thirdparty/protobuf/protobuf 7, CMake Error at thirdparty/onnx/CMakeLists.txt:32 (add_subdirectory): The source directory /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/thirdparty/onnx/onnx does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. CMake Error at thirdparty/onnx/CMakeLists.txt:18 (target_include_directories): Cannot specify include directories for target "onnx" which is not built by this project. Call Stack (most recent call first): thirdparty/onnx/CMakeLists.txt:33 (onnx_set_target_properties) CMake Warning at samples/cpp/common/format_reader/CMakeLists.txt:21 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, format_reader will be built without OpenCV support CMake Warning at samples/cpp/benchmark_app/CMakeLists.txt:56 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, benchmark_app will be built without OpenCV support. Set OpenCV_DIR CMake Warning at samples/c/common/opencv_c_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt:17 (message): OPENCV is disabled or not found, opencv_c_wrapper is built without OPENCV support Register template_plugin to be built in build-modules/template_plugin CMake Warning at model-optimizer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (message): Please enable IE & nGraph Python API (ie_api and offline_transformations_api) targets to enable Model Optimizer target CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/shellcheck/shellcheck.cmake:11 (message): shellcheck tool is not found Call Stack (most recent call first): scripts/CMakeLists.txt:9 (ie_shellcheck_process) ########################################################################### solution: and copy to openvino-master/thirdparty/onnx 8, There are few red infos but do not mind it because there is no key word 'Error' ! CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/clang_format/clang_format.cmake:11 (message): Supported clang-format version is 9! Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/developer_package/IEDevScriptsConfig.cmake:310 (include) CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package) Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-operators_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-data_ngraph_onnx.proto CMake Warning at samples/cpp/common/format_reader/CMakeLists.txt:21 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, format_reader will be built without OpenCV support CMake Warning at samples/cpp/benchmark_app/CMakeLists.txt:56 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, benchmark_app will be built without OpenCV support. Set OpenCV_DIR CMake Warning at samples/c/common/opencv_c_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt:17 (message): OPENCV is disabled or not found, opencv_c_wrapper is built without OPENCV support Register template_plugin to be built in build-modules/template_plugin CMake Warning at model-optimizer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (message): Please enable IE & nGraph Python API (ie_api and offline_transformations_api) targets to enable Model Optimizer target CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/shellcheck/shellcheck.cmake:11 (message): shellcheck tool is not found Call Stack (most recent call first): scripts/CMakeLists.txt:9 (ie_shellcheck_process) #################################################################### solution of the last warning about shellcheck: apt-get install shellcheck
9,run Configure-Generate Configuring done CMake Error at thirdparty/zlib/CMakeLists.txt:50 (add_library): Cannot find source file: zlib/adler32.c Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .cu .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp .hxx .in .txx CMake Error at thirdparty/zlib/CMakeLists.txt:50 (add_library): No SOURCES given to target: zlib ########################################################################## solution:download zlib from and copy to openvino-master/thirdparty/zlib/zlib 10,rerun Generate: fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git[ ' fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git...] -- [ ...] [ ' OpenVINO version is 2022.1.0 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Release CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/clang_format/clang_format.cmake:11 (message): Supported clang-format version is 9! Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/developer_package/IEDevScriptsConfig.cmake:310 (include) CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package) Found libclang: /usr/local/clang_9.0.0/lib/ Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python3 (found suitable version "3.7.1", minimum required is "3") WARNING: Package(s) not found: clang clang package is not installed. Please use "/usr/local/bin/python3 -m pip install clang==9.0". WARNING: Package(s) not found: pyyaml pyyaml package is not installed. Please use "/usr/local/bin/python3 -m pip install pyyaml". Inference Engine enabled features: CI_BUILD_NUMBER: custom_HEAD_HEAD ENABLE_LTO = OFF OS_FOLDER = OFF USE_BUILD_TYPE_SUBFOLDER = ON TREAT_WARNING_AS_ERROR = ON ENABLE_INTEGRITYCHECK = OFF ENABLE_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_UB_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_THREAD_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_COVERAGE = OFF ENABLE_SSE42 = ON ENABLE_AVX2 = ON ENABLE_AVX512F = ON BUILD_SHARED_LIBS = ON ENABLE_FASTER_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_CPPLINT = ON ENABLE_CPPLINT_REPORT = OFF ENABLE_CLANG_FORMAT = OFF ENABLE_NCC_STYLE = ON VERBOSE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_UNSAFE_LOCATIONS = OFF ENABLE_FUZZING = OFF ENABLE_MKL_DNN = OFF ENABLE_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_STRICT_DEPENDENCIES = ON ENABLE_CLDNN = OFF ENABLE_ONEDNN_FOR_GPU = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_ITT = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_FILTER = ALL ENABLE_PROFILING_FIRST_INFERENCE = ON SELECTIVE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_ERROR_HIGHLIGHT = OFF ENABLE_PYTHON = OFF ENABLE_DOCS = OFF ENABLE_GNA = OFF ENABLE_CLDNN_TESTS = OFF THREADING = TBB ENABLE_TBBBIND_2_5 = ON ENABLE_IR_V7_READER = ON ENABLE_GAPI_PREPROCESSING = ON ENABLE_MULTI = ON ENABLE_HETERO = ON ENABLE_TEMPLATE = ON ENABLE_VPU = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD_NO_BOOT = OFF ENABLE_GAPI_TESTS = OFF GAPI_TEST_PERF = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD_MVNC_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_DATA = OFF ENABLE_BEH_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_SAMPLES = ON ENABLE_OPENCV = OFF ENABLE_V7_SERIALIZE = OFF ENABLE_TBB_RELEASE_ONLY = ON ENABLE_SYSTEM_PUGIXML = OFF ENABLE_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_GPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_CPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF NGRAPH_ONNX_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_PDPD_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_IR_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_TF_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_USE_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF = OFF OPENVINO_DEBUG_ENABLE = OFF ENABLE_REQUIREMENTS_INSTALL = ON MODELS_PATH= PROJECT ............................... OpenVINO CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ...................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build OpenVINO_SOURCE_DIR ................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master CMAKE_GENERATOR ....................... Unix Makefiles CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID ................... GNU CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ...................... Release CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE .................. The name pugixml::static is an ALIAS for pugixml-static. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name gflags is an ALIAS for gflags_nothreads_static. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python3 (found version "3.7.1") Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-operators_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-data_ngraph_onnx.proto ******** Summary ******** CMake version : 3.15.3 CMake command : /usr/local/bin/cmake System : Linux C++ compiler : /usr/bin/c++ C++ compiler version : 5.4.0 CXX flags : -Wsuggest-override -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -s -fsigned-char -Werror -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wundef -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wmaybe-uninitialized -Wno-suggest-override -Wnon-virtual-dtor Build type : Release Compile definitions : IE_BUILD_POSTFIX="";__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH : CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : /usr/local CMAKE_MODULE_PATH : ONNX version : 1.10.2 ONNX NAMESPACE : ngraph_onnx ONNX_USE_LITE_PROTO : ON USE_PROTOBUF_SHARED_LIBS : OFF Protobuf_USE_STATIC_LIBS : ON ONNX_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS : OFF ONNX_WERROR : OFF ONNX_BUILD_TESTS : OFF ONNX_BUILD_BENCHMARKS : OFF ONNXIFI_DUMMY_BACKEND : OFF ONNXIFI_ENABLE_EXT : OFF Protobuf compiler : Protobuf includes : Protobuf libraries : BUILD_ONNX_PYTHON : OFF The name openvino::pp is an ALIAS for openvino_preprocessor. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name openvino::itt is an ALIAS for itt. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name openvino::conditional_compilation is an ALIAS for conditional_compilation. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name ngraph::builder is an ALIAS for ngraph_builders. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name ngraph::reference is an ALIAS for ngraph_reference. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. nGraph unit tests disabled Static tbbbind_2_5 package is found CMake Warning at samples/cpp/common/format_reader/CMakeLists.txt:21 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, format_reader will be built without OpenCV support CMake Warning at samples/cpp/benchmark_app/CMakeLists.txt:56 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, benchmark_app will be built without OpenCV support. Set OpenCV_DIR CMake Warning at samples/c/common/opencv_c_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt:17 (message): OPENCV is disabled or not found, opencv_c_wrapper is built without OPENCV support Register template_plugin to be built in build-modules/template_plugin CMake Warning at model-optimizer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (message): Please enable IE & nGraph Python API (ie_api and offline_transformations_api) targets to enable Model Optimizer target Configuring done Generating done 11,cd openvino-master/build and run make: [ 24%] Built target cpplint_all Scanning dependencies of target inference_engine_ncc_check [ 24%] [ncc naming style] runtime/variable_state.hpp Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/cmake/developer_package/ncc_naming_style/ncc/", line 11, in...] -- [ ...] rows, cols = img1.shape AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape' CMake Error at /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/cmake/developer_package/ncc_naming_style/ncc_run.cmake:44 (message): [ncc naming style] Naming style check failed for /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/inference_engine/include/openvino/runtime/variable_state.hpp inference-engine/src/inference_engine/CMakeFiles/inference_engine_ncc_check.dir/build.make:183: recipe for target 'ncc_naming_style/runtime/variable_state.hpp.ncc_style' failed make[2]: *** [ncc_naming_style/runtime/variable_state.hpp.ncc_style] Error 1 make[2]: *** Deleting file 'ncc_naming_style/runtime/variable_state.hpp.ncc_style' CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3894: recipe for target 'inference-engine/src/inference_engine/CMakeFiles/inference_engine_ncc_check.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [inference-engine/src/inference_engine/CMakeFiles/inference_engine_ncc_check.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2 ############################################################################## solution:change the following in im1 = 'im2.ppm' im2 = 'im6.ppm' to im1 = '/your path/im2.ppm' im2 = '/your path/im6.ppm' and delete all "print" or "imshow" in this file.
12,rerun make: [ 25%] [ncc naming style] runtime/remote_tensor.hpp [ 25%] [ncc naming style] runtime/runtime.hpp [ 25%] [ncc naming style] inference_engine [ 25%] Built target inference_engine_ncc_check Scanning dependencies of target ncc_all_ncc_check [ 25%] [ncc naming style] method_name.hpp CMake Error at /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/cmake/developer_package/ncc_naming_style/ncc_run.cmake:38 (message): [ncc self check] Self check is not failed for /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/cmake/developer_package/ncc_naming_style/self_check/method_name.hpp CMakeFiles/ncc_all_ncc_check.dir/build.make:79: recipe for target 'ncc_naming_style/method_name.hpp.ncc_style' failed make[2]: *** [ncc_naming_style/method_name.hpp.ncc_style] Error 1 make[2]: *** Deleting file 'ncc_naming_style/method_name.hpp.ncc_style' CMakeFiles/Makefile2:844: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/ncc_all_ncc_check.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ncc_all_ncc_check.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2 ########################################################################## solution: go back to cmake-gui and ENABLE_NCC_STYLE=OFF and ENABLE_MKL_DNN=ON CMake Error at inference-engine/thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt:57 (add_subdirectory): The source directory /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/thirdparty/mkl-dnn does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. Call Stack (most recent call first): inference-engine/thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt:63 (ie_add_mkldnn) ####################################################################### solution:download and copy to openvino-master/inference-engine/thirdparty/mkl-dnn fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git[ ' fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git...] -- [ ...] [ ' OpenVINO version is 2022.1.0 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Release CMake Warning at cmake/developer_package/clang_format/clang_format.cmake:11 (message): Supported clang-format version is 9! Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/developer_package/IEDevScriptsConfig.cmake:310 (include) CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package) Inference Engine enabled features: CI_BUILD_NUMBER: custom_HEAD_HEAD ENABLE_LTO = OFF OS_FOLDER = OFF USE_BUILD_TYPE_SUBFOLDER = ON TREAT_WARNING_AS_ERROR = ON ENABLE_INTEGRITYCHECK = OFF ENABLE_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_UB_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_THREAD_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_COVERAGE = OFF ENABLE_SSE42 = ON ENABLE_AVX2 = ON ENABLE_AVX512F = ON BUILD_SHARED_LIBS = ON ENABLE_FASTER_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_CPPLINT = ON ENABLE_CPPLINT_REPORT = OFF ENABLE_CLANG_FORMAT = OFF ENABLE_NCC_STYLE = OFF VERBOSE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_UNSAFE_LOCATIONS = OFF ENABLE_FUZZING = OFF ENABLE_MKL_DNN = ON ENABLE_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_STRICT_DEPENDENCIES = ON ENABLE_CLDNN = OFF ENABLE_ONEDNN_FOR_GPU = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_ITT = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_FILTER = ALL ENABLE_PROFILING_FIRST_INFERENCE = ON SELECTIVE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_ERROR_HIGHLIGHT = OFF ENABLE_PYTHON = OFF ENABLE_DOCS = OFF ENABLE_GNA = OFF ENABLE_CLDNN_TESTS = OFF THREADING = TBB ENABLE_TBBBIND_2_5 = ON ENABLE_IR_V7_READER = ON ENABLE_GAPI_PREPROCESSING = ON ENABLE_MULTI = ON ENABLE_HETERO = ON ENABLE_TEMPLATE = ON ENABLE_VPU = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD_NO_BOOT = OFF ENABLE_GAPI_TESTS = OFF GAPI_TEST_PERF = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD_MVNC_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_DATA = OFF ENABLE_BEH_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_SAMPLES = ON ENABLE_OPENCV = OFF ENABLE_V7_SERIALIZE = OFF ENABLE_TBB_RELEASE_ONLY = ON ENABLE_SYSTEM_PUGIXML = OFF ENABLE_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_GPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_CPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF NGRAPH_ONNX_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_PDPD_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_IR_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_TF_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_USE_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF = OFF OPENVINO_DEBUG_ENABLE = OFF ENABLE_REQUIREMENTS_INSTALL = ON MODELS_PATH= PROJECT ............................... OpenVINO CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ...................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build OpenVINO_SOURCE_DIR ................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master CMAKE_GENERATOR ....................... Unix Makefiles CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID ................... GNU CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ...................... Release CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE .................. The name pugixml::static is an ALIAS for pugixml-static. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name gflags is an ALIAS for gflags_nothreads_static. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python3 (found version "3.7.1") Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-operators_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-data_ngraph_onnx.proto ******** Summary ******** CMake version : 3.15.3 CMake command : /usr/local/bin/cmake System : Linux C++ compiler : /usr/bin/c++ C++ compiler version : 5.4.0 CXX flags : -Wsuggest-override -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -s -fsigned-char -Werror -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wundef -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wmaybe-uninitialized -Wno-suggest-override -Wnon-virtual-dtor Build type : Release Compile definitions : IE_BUILD_POSTFIX="";ENABLE_MKL_DNN=1;__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH : CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : /usr/local CMAKE_MODULE_PATH : ONNX version : 1.10.2 ONNX NAMESPACE : ngraph_onnx ONNX_USE_LITE_PROTO : ON USE_PROTOBUF_SHARED_LIBS : OFF Protobuf_USE_STATIC_LIBS : ON ONNX_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS : OFF ONNX_WERROR : OFF ONNX_BUILD_TESTS : OFF ONNX_BUILD_BENCHMARKS : OFF ONNXIFI_DUMMY_BACKEND : OFF ONNXIFI_ENABLE_EXT : OFF Protobuf compiler : Protobuf includes : Protobuf libraries : BUILD_ONNX_PYTHON : OFF The name openvino::pp is an ALIAS for openvino_preprocessor. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name openvino::itt is an ALIAS for itt. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name openvino::conditional_compilation is an ALIAS for conditional_compilation. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name ngraph::builder is an ALIAS for ngraph_builders. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name ngraph::reference is an ALIAS for ngraph_reference. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. nGraph unit tests disabled DNNL_TARGET_ARCH: X64 DNNL_LIBRARY_NAME: dnnl TBB: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build/temp/tbb Could NOT find Doxyrest (missing: DOXYREST_EXECUTABLE) Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python3 (found suitable version "3.7.1", minimum required is "2.7") fatal: 您的当前分支 'master' 尚无任何提交 Enabled workload: TRAINING Enabled primitives: ALL Enabled primitive CPU ISA: ALL Primitive cache is disabled Static tbbbind_2_5 package is found CMake Warning at samples/cpp/common/format_reader/CMakeLists.txt:21 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, format_reader will be built without OpenCV support CMake Warning at samples/cpp/benchmark_app/CMakeLists.txt:56 (message): OpenCV is disabled or not found, benchmark_app will be built without OpenCV support. Set OpenCV_DIR CMake Warning at samples/c/common/opencv_c_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt:17 (message): OPENCV is disabled or not found, opencv_c_wrapper is built without OPENCV support Register template_plugin to be built in build-modules/template_plugin CMake Warning at model-optimizer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (message): Please enable IE & nGraph Python API (ie_api and offline_transformations_api) targets to enable Model Optimizer target Configuring done Generating done close cmake-gui and cd build and then run make. 13, [ 89%] Built target dnnl_cpu Scanning dependencies of target dnnl [ 89%] Linking CXX static library ../../../../../bin/intel64/Release/lib/libdnnl.a [ 89%] Built target dnnl [ 89%] Generating cross-compiled/proposal_imp_disp.cpp [ 89%] Generating cross-compiled/AVX2/proposal_imp.cpp [ 89%] Generating cross-compiled/ANY/proposal_imp.cpp Scanning dependencies of target MKLDNNPlugin [ 89%] Building CXX object inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/config.cpp.o [ 89%] Building CXX object inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/cpu_shape.cpp.o In file included from /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/memory_desc/cpu_memory_desc_utils.h:7:0, from /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/cpu_shape.cpp:7: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/mkldnn/ie_mkldnn.h:17:21: error: ‘format_tag’ is not a member of ‘mkldnn::memory’ const char* fmt2str(memory::format_tag fmt); ^ /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/mkldnn/ie_mkldnn.h:18:17: error: ‘format_tag’ in ‘struct mkldnn::memory’ does not name a type mkldnn::memory::format_tag str2fmt(const char *str); ^ inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/build.make:91: recipe for target 'inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/cpu_shape.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/cpu_shape.cpp.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3722: recipe for target 'inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2 ############################################################################# solution:copy mkldnn.h,mkldnn.hpp,mkldnn_config.h,mkldnn_debug.h,mkldnn_dnnl_mangling.h,mkldnn_types.h in /opt/intel/oneapi/pytorch/1.8.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/include to /usr/local/include 14, [ 89%] Built target dnnl [ 89%] Building CXX object inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp.o /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp: In lambda function: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp:446:38: error: ‘class dnnl::impl::cpu::x64::jit_generator’ has no member named ‘uni_vpminsd’ case Precision::I32: h->uni_vpminsd(vmm_dst, vmm_src0, vmm_src1); break; ^ inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/build.make:117: recipe for target 'inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3722: recipe for target 'inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2...] -- [ ...]
但是这里没找到解决办法??没查到?!然后我按照博主所说严格按照 来编译:
1,mkdir build3rd fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git[ ' fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git...] -- [ ...] [ ' OpenVINO version is 2022.1.0 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Release Inference Engine enabled features: CI_BUILD_NUMBER: custom_HEAD_HEAD ENABLE_LTO = OFF OS_FOLDER = OFF USE_BUILD_TYPE_SUBFOLDER = ON TREAT_WARNING_AS_ERROR = ON ENABLE_INTEGRITYCHECK = OFF ENABLE_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_UB_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_THREAD_SANITIZER = OFF ENABLE_COVERAGE = OFF ENABLE_SSE42 = ON ENABLE_AVX2 = ON ENABLE_AVX512F = ON BUILD_SHARED_LIBS = ON ENABLE_FASTER_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_CPPLINT = ON ENABLE_CPPLINT_REPORT = OFF ENABLE_CLANG_FORMAT = ON ENABLE_NCC_STYLE = OFF VERBOSE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_UNSAFE_LOCATIONS = OFF ENABLE_FUZZING = OFF ENABLE_MKL_DNN = ON ENABLE_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_STRICT_DEPENDENCIES = ON ENABLE_CLDNN = OFF ENABLE_ONEDNN_FOR_GPU = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_ITT = OFF ENABLE_PROFILING_FILTER = ALL ENABLE_PROFILING_FIRST_INFERENCE = ON SELECTIVE_BUILD = OFF ENABLE_ERROR_HIGHLIGHT = OFF ENABLE_PYTHON = OFF ENABLE_DOCS = OFF ENABLE_GNA = OFF ENABLE_CLDNN_TESTS = OFF THREADING = TBB ENABLE_TBBBIND_2_5 = ON ENABLE_IR_V7_READER = ON ENABLE_GAPI_PREPROCESSING = ON ENABLE_MULTI = ON ENABLE_HETERO = ON ENABLE_TEMPLATE = ON ENABLE_VPU = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD_NO_BOOT = OFF ENABLE_GAPI_TESTS = OFF GAPI_TEST_PERF = OFF ENABLE_MYRIAD_MVNC_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_DATA = OFF ENABLE_BEH_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS = OFF ENABLE_SAMPLES = ON ENABLE_OPENCV = ON ENABLE_V7_SERIALIZE = OFF ENABLE_TBB_RELEASE_ONLY = ON ENABLE_SYSTEM_PUGIXML = OFF ENABLE_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_GPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF ENABLE_CPU_DEBUG_CAPS = OFF NGRAPH_ONNX_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_PDPD_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_IR_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_TF_FRONTEND_ENABLE = ON NGRAPH_USE_SYSTEM_PROTOBUF = OFF OPENVINO_DEBUG_ENABLE = OFF ENABLE_REQUIREMENTS_INSTALL = ON MODELS_PATH= PROJECT ............................... OpenVINO CMAKE_BINARY_DIR ...................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build3rd OpenVINO_SOURCE_DIR ................... /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master CMAKE_GENERATOR ....................... Unix Makefiles CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID ................... GNU CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ...................... Release CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE .................. The name pugixml::static is an ALIAS for pugixml-static. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name gflags is an ALIAS for gflags_nothreads_static. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python3 (found version "3.7.1") Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build3rd/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build3rd/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-operators_ngraph_onnx-ml.proto Generated: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build3rd/thirdparty/onnx/onnx/onnx/onnx-data_ngraph_onnx.proto ******** Summary ******** CMake version : 3.15.3 CMake command : /usr/local/bin/cmake System : Linux C++ compiler : /usr/bin/c++ C++ compiler version : 5.4.0 CXX flags : -Wsuggest-override -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -s -fsigned-char -Werror -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wundef -Wreturn-type -Wunused-variable -Wuninitialized -Winit-self -Wmaybe-uninitialized -Wno-suggest-override -Wnon-virtual-dtor Build type : Release Compile definitions : IE_BUILD_POSTFIX="";ENABLE_MKL_DNN=1;__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH : CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : /usr/local CMAKE_MODULE_PATH : ONNX version : 1.10.2 ONNX NAMESPACE : ngraph_onnx ONNX_USE_LITE_PROTO : ON USE_PROTOBUF_SHARED_LIBS : OFF Protobuf_USE_STATIC_LIBS : ON ONNX_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS : OFF ONNX_WERROR : OFF ONNX_BUILD_TESTS : OFF ONNX_BUILD_BENCHMARKS : OFF ONNXIFI_DUMMY_BACKEND : OFF ONNXIFI_ENABLE_EXT : OFF Protobuf compiler : Protobuf includes : Protobuf libraries : BUILD_ONNX_PYTHON : OFF The name openvino::pp is an ALIAS for openvino_preprocessor. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name openvino::itt is an ALIAS for itt. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name openvino::conditional_compilation is an ALIAS for conditional_compilation. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name ngraph::builder is an ALIAS for ngraph_builders. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. The name ngraph::reference is an ALIAS for ngraph_reference. It will be exported to the InferenceEngineDeveloperPackage with the original name. nGraph unit tests disabled DNNL_TARGET_ARCH: X64 DNNL_LIBRARY_NAME: dnnl Found OpenMP_C: -fopenmp Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp Found OpenMP: TRUE TBB: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/build3rd/temp/tbb Could NOT find Doxyrest (missing: DOXYREST_EXECUTABLE) Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python3 (found suitable version "3.7.1", minimum required is "2.7") fatal: 您的当前分支 'master' 尚无任何提交 Enabled workload: INFERENCE Enabled primitives: ALL Enabled primitive CPU ISA: ALL Primitive cache is disabled Static tbbbind_2_5 package is found Register template_plugin to be built in build-modules/template_plugin CMake Warning at model-optimizer/CMakeLists.txt:5 (message): Please enable IE & nGraph Python API (ie_api and offline_transformations_api) targets to enable Model Optimizer target Configuring done Generating done...] -- [ ...]
2,close cmake-gui and then cd build3rd and then run make [ 89%] Built target dnnl_cpu Scanning dependencies of target dnnl [ 89%] Linking CXX static library ../../../../../bin/intel64/Release/lib/libdnnl.a [ 89%] Built target dnnl [ 89%] Generating cross-compiled/proposal_imp_disp.cpp [ 89%] Generating cross-compiled/AVX2/proposal_imp.cpp [ 89%] Generating cross-compiled/ANY/proposal_imp.cpp Scanning dependencies of target MKLDNNPlugin [ 89%] Building CXX object inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/config.cpp.o [ 89%] Building CXX object inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/cpu_shape.cpp.o [ 89%] Building CXX object inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/cpu_types.cpp.o [ 89%] Building CXX object inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp.o /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp: In lambda function: /home/jumper/workspace/openvino/openvino-master/inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp:446:38: error: ‘class dnnl::impl::cpu::x64::jit_generator’ has no member named ‘uni_vpminsd’ case Precision::I32: h->uni_vpminsd(vmm_dst, vmm_src0, vmm_src1); break; ^ inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/build.make:117: recipe for target 'inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/emitters/jit_eltwise_emitters.cpp.o] Error 1 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4458: recipe for target 'inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [inference-engine/src/mkldnn_plugin/CMakeFiles/MKLDNNPlugin.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2