1.pip install emoji(能不能用各占50%,你要能用,那就是100%)
import emoji str_ = """放你的表情句子""" result = emoji.demojize(test_str) print(emoji.emojize(result))
import re def 过滤表情(原字符串, 替换的字符串=''): try: co = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]') except re.error: co = re.compile(u'[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]') return re.sub(co,替换的字符串, 原字符串) 原字符串="""放你有表情的字符串""" print(过滤表情(原字符串))
一般经常看到在正则或者文件路径前使用这个 r,同样字符串也可以使用,将字符串变为原始字符串,就能保留表情的原始unicode符号,从而不报错
原字符串 = r"""Join DJ Grant from galaxy107fm New Zealand for a live to air radio and Facebook live interview with the band\n\u27a1\ufe0f \"WILDFIRE\"\n\u2764Kayla and Kelli Lutzwig, a dynamic pop country sister duo from Houston Texas \n\u27a1\ufe0fThursday the 13th of May at 6pm, Houston Texas, USA time\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 or soon after.\n\u27a1\ufe0f Friday the 14th of May at 11am New Zealand \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddff time or soon after\n\nSee you on Facebook live.\nTune in to the live radio broadcast at www.galaxyfm.co.nz""" print(原字符串)
第3种方法是手动在字符串前加上r,虽然可以解决问题,但是像爬虫或者一些主动的程序中是不会给你机会去加这个 r 的,怎么办???
原字符串 = """Join DJ Grant from galaxy107fm New Zealand for a live to air radio and Facebook live interview with the band\n\u27a1\ufe0f \"WILDFIRE\"\n\u2764Kayla and Kelli Lutzwig, a dynamic pop country sister duo from Houston Texas \n\u27a1\ufe0fThursday the 13th of May at 6pm, Houston Texas, USA time\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 or soon after.\n\u27a1\ufe0f Friday the 14th of May at 11am New Zealand \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddff time or soon after\n\nSee you on Facebook live.\nTune in to the live radio broadcast at www.galaxyfm.co.nz""" print(repr(原字符串))