




7-2 日期问题面向对象设计(聚合一) (35 分)


参考题目7-2的要求,设计如下几个类:DateUtil、Year、Month、Day,其中年、月、日的取值范围依然为:year∈[1900,2050] ,month∈[1,12] ,day∈[1,31] , 设计类图如下:



  1. 求下n天
  2. 求前n天
  3. 求两个日期相差的天数




  • 1 year month day n //测试输入日期的下n天
  • 2 year month day n //测试输入日期的前n天
  • 3 year1 month1 day1 year2 month2 day2 //测试两个日期之间相差的天数


  • 当输入有误时,输出格式如下: Wrong Format
  • 当第一个数字为1且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
  • 当第一个数字为2且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
  • 当第一个数字为3且输入均有效,输出格式如下:

7-5 日期问题面向对象设计(聚合二) (40 分)

参考题目7-3的要求,设计如下几个类:DateUtil、Year、Month、Day,其中年、月、日的取值范围依然为:year∈[1820,2020] ,month∈[1,12] ,day∈[1,31] , 设计类图如下:



  1. 求下n天
  2. 求前n天
  3. 求两个日期相差的天数




  • 1 year month day n //测试输入日期的下n天
  • 2 year month day n //测试输入日期的前n天
  • 3 year1 month1 day1 year2 month2 day2 //测试两个日期之间相差的天数


  • 当输入有误时,输出格式如下: Wrong Format
  • 当第一个数字为1且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
    year1-month1-day1 next n days is:year2-month2-day2
  • 当第一个数字为2且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
    year1-month1-day1 previous n days is:year2-month2-day2
  • 当第一个数字为3且输入均有效,输出格式如下:
    The days between year1-month1-day1 and year2-month2-day2 are:
  1 import java.util.*;
  2 public class Main {
  3     public static void main(String[] args){
  4         Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
  5         int x;
  6         String y[];
  7         String s=in.nextLine();
  8         DataUtil dataUtil;
  9         DataUtil dataUtil_2=new DataUtil();
 10         if(s.matches("(\\d\\s\\d+\\s\\d+\\s\\d+\\s\\d+)+|(\\d\\s\\d+\\s\\d+\\s\\d+\\s\\d+\\s\\d+\\s\\d+)"))
 11         {
 12             y=s.split(" ");
 13             x=Integer.parseInt(y[0]);
 14             dataUtil=new DataUtil(Integer.parseInt(y[1]),Integer.parseInt(y[2]),Integer.parseInt(y[3]));
 15             if(x>=1&&x<=3&&dataUtil.getDay().validata()&&dataUtil.getDay().getMonth().getYear().validate())
 16             {
 17                 switch (x)
 18                 {
 19                     case 1:
 20                         dataUtil_2=dataUtil.getNextNdays(Long.parseLong(y[4]));
 21                         System.out.println(dataUtil.showData()+" next "+Integer.parseInt(y[4])+" days is:"+dataUtil_2.showData());
 22                         break;
 23                     case 2:
 24                         dataUtil_2=dataUtil.getPreviousNdays(Integer.parseInt(y[4]));
 25                         System.out.println(dataUtil.showData()+" previous "+Integer.parseInt(y[4])+" days is:"+dataUtil_2.showData());
 26                         break;
 27                     case 3:
 28                         dataUtil_2=new DataUtil(Integer.parseInt(y[4]),Integer.parseInt(y[5]),Integer.parseInt(y[6]));
 29                         System.out.println("The days between "+dataUtil.showData()+" and "+dataUtil_2.showData()+" are:"+dataUtil.getDayssofDates(dataUtil_2));
 30                 }
 31             }
 32             else
 33                 System.out.println("Wrong Format");
 35         }
 36         else
 37             System.out.println("Wrong Format");
 39     }
 40 }
 42 class Year{
 43     private int value;
 45     Year(){}
 46     Year(int value){
 47         this.value=value;
 48     }
 50     public int getValue() {
 51         return value;
 52     }
 54     public void setValue(int value) {
 55         this.value = value;
 56     }
 57     public boolean isLeapYear(){
 58         if((value%4==0&&value%100!=0)||(value%400==0))
 59             return true;
 60         else
 61             return false;
 62     }
 63     public boolean validate(){
 64         if(value>=1820&&value<=2020)
 65             return true;
 66         else
 67             return false;
 68     }
 69     public void yearIncremment(){
 70         value++;
 71     }
 72     public void yearReduction(){
 73         value--;
 74     }
 75 }
 77 class Month{
 78     private int value;
 79     private Year year;
 81     Month(){}
 82     Month(int yearValue,int monthValue){
 83         this.value=monthValue;
 84         year=new Year(yearValue);
 85     }
 87     public int getValue() {
 88         return value;
 89     }
 91     public void setValue(int value) {
 92         this.value = value;
 93     }
 95     public Year getYear() {
 96         return year;
 97     }
 99     public void setYear(Year year) {
100         this.year = year;
101     }
102     public void resetMin(){
103         this.value=1;
104     }
105     public void resetMax(){
106         this.value=12;
107     }
108     public boolean validata(){
109         boolean f=false;
110         if(value>=1&&value<=12)
111             f=true;
112         return f;
113     }
114     public void monthIncrement(){
115         this.value++;
116     }
117     public void monthReduction(){
118         this.value--;
119     }
120 }
121 class Day{
122     private int value;
123     private Month month;
124     private int mon_maxnum[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
126     Day(){}
127     Day(int yearValue,int monthValue,int dayValue){
128         this.value=dayValue;
129         month=new Month(yearValue,monthValue);
130     }
132     public int getValue() {
133         return value;
134     }
136     public void setValue(int value) {
137         this.value = value;
138     }
140     public Month getMonth() {
141         return month;
142     }
144     public void setMonth(Month month) {
145         this.month = month;
146     }
147     public void resetMin(){
148         this.value=1;
149     }
150     public void resetMax(){
151         this.value=mon_maxnum[month.getValue()-1];
152     }
153     public boolean validata(){
154         boolean f=false;
155         if(month.validata())
156         {
157             if(month.getYear().isLeapYear())
158                 mon_maxnum[1]=29;
159             else
160                 mon_maxnum[1]=28;
161             if(this.value>=1&&this.value<=mon_maxnum[month.getValue()-1])
162                 f=true;
163         }
165         return f;
166     }
167     public void dayIncrement(){
168         this.value++;
169     }
170     public void dayReduction(){
171         this.value--;
172     }
173 }
175 class DataUtil{
176     private Day day;
178     DataUtil(){}
179     DataUtil(int y,int m,int d){
180         day=new Day(y,m ,d);
181     }
183     public Day getDay() {
184         return day;
185     }
187     public void setDay(Day day) {
188         this.day = day;
189     }
191     public boolean checkInValidity(){
192         if(day.validata())
193             return true;
194         else
195             return false;
196     }
197     public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) {//判断year是否为闰年,返回boolean类型;
198         boolean isLeapYear=(year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0;
199         return isLeapYear;
200     }
201     public static boolean checkInputValidity(int year,int month,int day){//判断输入日期是否合法,返回布尔值
202         int[] leapmon=new int[]{0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
203         int[] mon=new int[]{0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
204         if(year>=1900&&year<=2000){
205             if(month>=1&&month<=12){
206                 if(isLeapYear(year)){
207                     if(day<=leapmon[month]&&day>=1){
208                         return true;
209                     }
210                     else
211                         return false;
212                 }
213                 else if(day<=mon[month]&&day>=1){
214                     return true;
215                 }
216                 else
217                     return false;
218             }
219             else
220                 return false;
221         }
222         else
223             return false;
224     }
225     public static void nextDate(int year,int month,int day){//求输入日期的下一天
226         int[] a=new int[]{0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
227         if(isLeapYear(year))
228             a[2]=29;
229         if(checkInputValidity(year,month,day)){
230             if(month==12){
231                 if(day==a[month]){
232                     year+=1;
233                     month=1;
234                     day=1;
235                 }
236                 else
237                     day+=1;
238             }
239             else{
240                 if(day==a[month]){
241                     month+=1;
242                     day=1;
243                 }
244                 else
245                     day+=1;
246             }
247             System.out.println("Next day is:"+year+"-"+month+"-"+day);
248         }
249         else
250             System.out.println("Date Format is Wrong");
251     }
252     public boolean compareDates(DataUtil date){//day是否大于data  是true  否false
253         boolean f=false;
254         if(this.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue()>date.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue())
255             f=true;
256         else if(this.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue()<date.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue())
257             f=false;
258         else
259         {
260             if(this.day.getMonth().getValue()>date.day.getMonth().getValue())
261                 f=true;
262             else if(this.day.getMonth().getValue()<date.day.getMonth().getValue())
263                 f=false;
264             else
265             {
266                 if(this.day.getValue()>date.day.getValue())
267                     f=true;
268                 else
269                     f=false;
270             }
271         }
272         return f;
273     }
274     public boolean equalTwoDates(DataUtil date){
275         boolean f=false;
276         if(this.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue()==date.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue())
277             if(this.day.getMonth().getValue()==date.day.getMonth().getValue())
278                 if(this.day.getValue()==date.day.getValue())
279                     f=true;
280         return f;
281     }
283     public String showData(){
284         return day.getMonth().getYear().getValue()+"-"+day.getMonth().getValue()+"-"+day.getValue();
285     }
287     public DataUtil getNextNdays(long n){
288         DataUtil data;
289         data=new DataUtil(this.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue(),this.day.getMonth().getValue(),this.day.getValue());
290         int i=0;
291         for(i=0;i) {
292             data.day.dayIncrement();
293             if (!data.day.validata())
294             {
295                 data.day.getMonth().monthIncrement();
296                 if(data.day.getMonth().validata())
297                     data.day.resetMin();
298                 else if (!data.day.getMonth().validata())
299                 {
300                     data.day.getMonth().getYear().yearIncremment();
301                     data.day.getMonth().resetMin();
302                     data.day.resetMin();
303                 }
304             }
306         }
307         return data;
308     }
309     public DataUtil getPreviousNdays(long  n){
310         DataUtil data;
311         data=new DataUtil(this.day.getMonth().getYear().getValue(),this.day.getMonth().getValue(),this.day.getValue());
312         int i=0;
313         for(i=0;i) {
314             data.day.dayReduction();
315             if (!data.day.validata())
316             {
317                 data.day.getMonth().monthReduction();
318                 if (data.day.getMonth().validata())
319                     data.day.resetMax();
320                 else if (!data.day.getMonth().validata())
321                 {
322                     data.day.getMonth().getYear().yearReduction();
323                     data.day.getMonth().resetMax();
324                     data.day.resetMax();
325                 }
326             }
327         }
328         return data;
329     }
330     public int getDayssofDates(DataUtil data){
331         int n=0;
332         DataUtil data_2=new DataUtil();
333         data_2.setDay(this.getDay());
334         if(data_2.equalTwoDates(data))
335             n=0;
336         else if(data_2.compareDates(data))
337         {
338             DataUtil data_3=new DataUtil();
339             data_3.setDay(data_2.getDay());
340             data_2.setDay(data.getDay());
341             data.setDay(data_3.getDay());
342         }
343         for(n=0;!data_2.equalTwoDates(data);n++)
344             data_2.setDay(data_2.getNextNdays(1).getDay());
345         return n;
346     }
347 }





7-3 图形继承 (15 分)


  1. 类Shape,无属性,有一个返回0.0的求图形面积的公有方法public double getArea();//求图形面积
  2. 类Circle,继承自Shape,有一个私有实型的属性radius(半径),重写父类继承来的求面积方法,求圆的面积
  3. 类Rectangle,继承自Shape,有两个私有实型属性width和length,重写父类继承来的求面积方法,求矩形的面积
  4. 类Ball,继承自Circle,其属性从父类继承,重写父类求面积方法,求球表面积,此外,定义一求球体积的方法public double getVolume();//求球体积
  5. 类Box,继承自Rectangle,除从父类继承的属性外,再定义一个属性height,重写父类继承来的求面积方法,求立方体表面积,此外,定义一求立方体体积的方法public double getVolume();//求立方体体积
  6. 注意:
  • 每个类均有构造方法,且构造方法内必须输出如下内容:Constructing 类名
  • 每个类属性均为私有,且必须有getter和setter方法(可用Eclipse自动生成)
  • 输出的数值均保留两位小数

主方法内,主要实现四个功能(1-4): 从键盘输入1,则定义圆类,从键盘输入圆的半径后,主要输出圆的面积; 从键盘输入2,则定义矩形类,从键盘输入矩形的宽和长后,主要输出矩形的面积; 从键盘输入3,则定义球类,从键盘输入球的半径后,主要输出球的表面积和体积; 从键盘输入4,则定义立方体类,从键盘输入立方体的宽、长和高度后,主要输出立方体的表面积和体积;

假如数据输入非法(包括圆、矩形、球及立方体对象的属性不大于0和输入选择值非1-4),系统输出Wrong Format



  • 1 圆半径
  • 2 矩形宽、长
  • 3 球半径
  • 4 立方体宽、长、高



  1 import java.util.*;
  2 class Shape{
  3     public Shape(){
  4         System.out.println("Constructing Shape");
  5     }
  6     public double getArea(){
  7         return 0.0;
  8     }
  9 }
 10 class Circle extends Shape{
 11     private double radius;
 12     public Circle(){
 13         System.out.println("Constructing Circle");
 14     }
 15     public double getArea(){
 16         return Math.PI*radius*radius;
 17     }
 18     public double getradius(){
 19         return radius;
 20     }
 21     public void setradius(double radius){
 22         this.radius=radius;
 23     }
 24 }
 25 class Rectangle extends Shape{
 26     private double width;
 27     private double length;
 28     public Rectangle(){
 29         System.out.println("Constructing Rectangle");
 30     }
 31     public double getArea(){
 32         return width*length;
 33     }
 34     public double getwidth(){
 35         return width;
 36     }
 37     public void setwidth(double width){
 38         this.width=width;
 39     }
 40     public double getlength(){
 41         return length;
 42     }
 43     public void setlength(double length){
 44         this.length=length;
 45     }
 46 }
 47 class Ball extends Circle{
 48     public Ball(){
 49         System.out.println("Constructing Ball");
 50     }
 51     public double getbArea(){
 52         return 4*super.getArea();
 53     }
 54     public double getVolume(){
 55         double radiu=getradius();
 56         return Math.PI*radiu*radiu*radiu*4/3.0;
 57     }
 58 }
 59 class Box extends Rectangle{
 60     private double height;
 61     public Box(){
 62         System.out.println("Constructing Box");
 63     }
 64     public double getbArea(){
 65         double widt=getwidth();
 66         double lengt=getlength();
 67         return (widt*height+lengt*height+widt*lengt)*2;
 68     }
 69     public double getVolume(){
 70         return super.getArea()*height;
 71     }
 72     public double getheight(){
 73         return height;
 74     }
 75     public void setheight(double height){
 76         this.height=height;
 77     }
 78 }
 79 public class Main{
 80     public static void main(String[] args){
 81         Scanner cin=new Scanner(System.in);
 82         int n=cin.nextInt();
 83         switch(n){
 84             case 1:
 85                 double radius;
 86                 radius=cin.nextDouble();
 87                 if(radius<=0)
 88                     System.out.println("Wrong Format");
 89                 else{
 90                     Circle a=new Circle();
 91                     a.setradius(radius);
 92                     System.out.printf("Circle's area:%.2f\n",a.getArea());
 93                 }
 94                 break;
 95             case 2:
 96                 double width,length;
 97                 width=cin.nextDouble();
 98                 length=cin.nextDouble();
 99                 if(width<=0||length<=0)
100                     System.out.println("Wrong Format");
101                 else{
102                     Rectangle c=new Rectangle();
103                     c.setwidth(width);
104                     c.setlength(length);
105                     System.out.printf("Rectangle's area:%.2f\n",c.getArea());
106                 }
107                 if(n==0)
108                     n=1;
109                 else
110                     n=0;
111                 break;
112             case 3:
113                 double radiu;
114                 radiu=cin.nextDouble();
115                 if(radiu<=0)
116                     System.out.println("Wrong Format");
117                 else{
118                     Ball a=new Ball();
119                     a.setradius(radiu);
120                     System.out.printf("Ball's surface area:%.2f\n",a.getbArea());
121                     System.out.printf("Ball's volume:%.2f\n",a.getVolume());
122                 }
123                 break;
124             case 4:
125                 double widt;
126                 double lengt;
127                 double height;
128                 widt=cin.nextDouble();
129                 lengt=cin.nextDouble();
130                 height=cin.nextDouble();
131                 if(widt<=0||lengt<=0||height<=0)
132                     System.out.println("Wrong Format");
133                 else{
134                     Box a=new Box();
135                     a.setwidth(widt);
136                     a.setlength(lengt);
137                     a.setheight(height);
138                     System.out.printf("Box's surface area:%.2f\n",a.getbArea());
139                     System.out.printf("Box's volume:%.2f\n",a.getVolume());
140                 }
141                 if(n==0)
142                     n=1;
143                 else
144                     n=0;
145                 break;
146             default:
147                 System.out.println("Wrong Format");
148                 break;
149         }
150     }
151 }

7-5 图形继承与多态 (50 分)




从键盘首先输入三个整型值(例如a b c),分别代表想要创建的Circle、Rectangle及Triangle对象的数量,然后根据图形数量继续输入各对象的属性值(均为实型数),数与数之间可以用一个或多个空格或回车分隔。


  1. 如果图形数量非法(小于0)或图形属性值非法(数值小于0以及三角形三边关系),则输出Wrong Format
  2. 如果输入合法,则正常输出,输出内容如下(输出格式见输入输出示例):
  • 各个图形的面积;
  • 所有图形的面积总和;
  • 排序后的各个图形面积;
  • 再次所有图形的面积总和。
  1 import java.util.*;
  2 class Shape{
  3     public double getArea(){
  4         return 0.0;
  5     }
  6 }
  7 class Circle extends Shape{
  8     private double radius;
  9     public double getArea(){
 10         return Math.PI*radius*radius;
 11     }
 12     public double getradius(){
 13         return radius;
 14     }
 15     public Circle(double radius) {
 16         super();
 17         this.radius = radius;
 18     }
 19     public boolean isCircle(){
 20         return radius>0;
 21     }
 22 }
 23 class Rectangle extends Shape{
 24     private double width;
 25     private double length;
 26     public double getArea(){
 27         return width*length;
 28     }
 29     public double getwidth(){
 30         return width;
 31     }
 32     public Rectangle(double width, double length){
 33         super();
 34         this.width = width;
 35         this.length = length;
 36     }
 37     public void setlength(double length){
 38         this.length=length;
 39     }
 40     public boolean isRectangle() {
 41         return width > 0 && length > 0;
 42     }
 43 }
 44 class Triangle extends Shape{
 45     private double a;
 46     private double b;
 47     private double c;
 48     public Triangle(double a, double b, double c) {
 49         this.a = a;
 50         this.b = b;
 51         this.c = c;
 52     }
 53     public double getArea() {
 54         double p=(a+b+c)/2;
 55         return Math.sqrt(p*(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c));
 56     }
 57     public boolean isTriangle() {
 58         if (a < 0 || b < 0 || c < 0) {
 59             return false;
 60         }
 61         double[] sides = new double[3];
 62         sides[0] = a;
 63         sides[1] = b;
 64         sides[2] = c;
 65         Arrays.sort(sides);
 66         return sides[0] + sides[1] > sides[2];
 67     }
 68 }
 69 public class Main{
 70     public static void main(String[] args){
 71         Scanner x = new Scanner(System.in);
 72         int q,w,e,gs=0,h;
 73         q=x.nextInt();w=x.nextInt();e=x.nextInt();
 74         if(q<0||w<0||e<0){
 75             System.out.println("Wrong Format");
 76             System.exit(0);
 77         }
 78         h=q+w+e;
 79         double[] he=new double [q+w+e];
 80         double zh=0;
 81         int i,flag=0;
 82         Shape []c=new Circle[q];
 83         Shape []r=new Rectangle[w];
 84         Shape []t=new Triangle[e];
 85         for(i=0;i){
 86             double bj;
 87             bj=x.nextDouble();
 88             if(bj<=0){
 89                 flag=1;
 90             }
 91             c[i]=new Circle(bj);
 92             zh=zh+c[i].getArea();
 93             he[gs]=c[i].getArea();
 94             gs++;
 95         }
 96         for(i=0;i){
 97             double db;
 98             double cb;
 99             db=x.nextDouble();cb=x.nextDouble();
100             if(db<0||cb<0){
101                 flag=1;
102             }
103             r[i]=new Rectangle(db,cb);
104             zh=zh+r[i].getArea();
105             he[gs]=r[i].getArea();
106             gs++;
107         }
108         for(i=0;i){
109             double a;
110             double b;
111             double d;
112             double[] three=new double[3];
113             three[0]=x.nextDouble();three[1]=x.nextDouble();three[2]=x.nextDouble();
114             Arrays.sort(three);
115             a=three[0];b=three[1];d=three[2];
116             if(a<0||b<0||d<0||a+b<=d){
117                 flag=1;
118             }
119             t[i]=new Triangle(a,b,d);
120             zh=zh+t[i].getArea();
121             he[gs]=t[i].getArea();
122             gs++;
123         }
124         if(flag==1){
125             System.out.println("Wrong Format");
126             System.exit(0);
127         }
128         System.out.println("Original area:");
129         for (i=0;i){
130             System.out.printf("%.2f ",he[i]);
131         }
132         System.out.printf("\nSum of area:%.2f\n",zh);
133         System.out.println("Sorted area:");
134         Arrays.sort(he);
135         for(i=0;i){
136             System.out.printf("%.2f ",he[i]);
137         }
138         System.out.printf("\nSum of area:%.2f",zh);
139     }
140 }

7-6 实现图形接口及多态性 (30 分)




  • GetArea为一个接口,无属性,只有一个GetArea(求面积)的抽象方法;
  • Circle及Rectangle分别为圆类及矩形类,分别实现GetArea接口
  • 要求:在Main类的主方法中分别定义一个圆类对象及矩形类对象(其属性值由键盘输入),使用接口的引用分别调用圆类对象及矩形类对象的求面积的方法,直接输出两个图形的面积值。(要求只保留两位小数)




  • 如果输入的圆的半径值及矩形的宽、长的值非法(≤0),则输出Wrong Format
  • 如果输入合法,则分别输出圆的面积和矩形的面积值(各占一行),保留两位小数。
 1 import java.util.*;
 2 class Shape{
 3     public double getArea(){
 4         return 0.0;
 5     }
 6 }
 7 class Circle extends Shape{
 8     private double radius;
 9     public double getArea(){
10         return Math.PI*radius*radius;
11     }
12     public double getradius(){
13         return radius;
14     }
15     public void setradius(double radius){
16         this.radius=radius;
17     }
18 }
19 class Rectangle extends Shape{
20     private double width;
21     private double length;
22     public double getArea(){
23         return width*length;
24     }
25     public double getwidth(){
26         return width;
27     }
28     public void setwidth(double width){
29         this.width=width;
30     }
31     public double getlength(){
32         return length;
33     }
34     public void setlength(double length){
35         this.length=length;
36     }
37 }
38 public class Main{
39     public static void main(String[] args){
40         Scanner cin=new Scanner(System.in);
41         double radius=cin.nextDouble();
42         double width=cin.nextDouble();
43         double length=cin.nextDouble();
44         if(radius<=0||width<=0||length<=0)
45             System.out.println("Wrong Format");
46         else{
47             Circle a=new Circle();
48             a.setradius(radius);
49             System.out.printf("%.2f\n",a.getArea());
50             Rectangle c=new Rectangle();
51             c.setwidth(width);
52             c.setlength(length);
53             System.out.printf("%.2f\n",c.getArea());
54         }
55     }
56 }





7-4 统计Java程序中关键词的出现次数 (25 分)  


  • Java中共有53个关键字(自行百度)
  • 从键盘输入一段源码,统计这段源码中出现的关键字的数量
  • 注释中出现的关键字不用统计
  • 字符串中出现的关键字不用统计
  • 统计出的关键字及数量按照关键字升序进行排序输出
  • 未输入源码则认为输入非法




  • 当未输入源码时,程序输出Wrong Format
  • 当没有统计数据时,输出为空
  • 当有统计数据时,关键字按照升序排列,每行输出一个关键字及数量,格式为数量\t关键字
 1 import java.util.*;
 2 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 3 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
 4 public class Main {
 5     public static void main(String[] args) {
 6         Scanner input=new Scanner(System.in);
 7         String a;
 8         StringBuilder ss=new StringBuilder();
 9         Map map=new HashMap();
10         String []key= { "abstract","assert","boolean","break","byte","case","catch",
11                 "char","class","const","continue","default","do","double","else",
12                 "enum","extends","false","final","finally","float",
13                 "for","goto","if","implements","import","instanceof",
14                 "int","interface","long","native","new","null","package",
15                 "private","protected","public","return","short","static",
16                 "strictfp","super","switch","synchronized","this","throw",
17                 "throws","transient","true","try","void","volatile","while"
18         };
19         int j=0;
20         for(int i=0;;i++) {
21             for(j=0;;j++) {
22                 if(j==0)
23                     break;
24             }
25             if(i==0)
26                 break;
27         }
28         for(int i=0;;i++) {
29             a = input.nextLine();
30             if (a.equals("exit"))
31                 break;
32             if (a.matches("(.*)//(.*)")) {
33                 String b[] = a.split("//");
34                 ss.append(b[0] + " ");
35             } else
36                 ss.append(a + " ");
37         }
38             int count=0;
39             String s=ss.toString();
40             Pattern p=Pattern.compile("\"(.*?)\"");
41             Matcher m=p.matcher(s);
42             while(m.find()){
43                 s=s.replace(m.group()," ");
44                 p=Pattern.compile("\"(.*?)\"");
45                 m=p.matcher(s);
46             }
47             p=Pattern.compile("/\\**(.*?)/");
48             m=p.matcher(s);
49             while(m.find()){
50                 s=s.replace(m.group()," ");
51                 m=p.matcher(s);
52             }
53             if(s.isEmpty())
54             {System.out.println("Wrong Format");
55                 System.exit(0);
56             }
57             s=s.replace("["," ");
58             s=s.replace("]"," ");
59             s=s.replace("-","a");
60             s=s.replace("*","a");
61             s=s.replace("/","a");
62             s=s.replace("+","a");
63             s=s.replace(">","a");
64             s=s.replace("=","a");
65             s=s.replace("!","a");
66             s=s.replace(":","a");
67             s=s.replace("\\","a");
68             s= s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", " ");
69             String []s1=s.split("[  ' ']");
70             for(int i=0;i) {
71                 for (j = 0; j < key.length; j++) {
72                     if (s1[i].equals(key[j]))
73                         map.put(key[j], 0);
74                 }
75             }
76         for( int i = 0;i) {
77             for (j = 0; j < key.length; j++) {
78                 if (s1[i].equals(key[j])) {
79                     count = map.get(key[j]);
80                     map.put(key[j], count + 1);
81                 }
82             }
83         }
84         Set set=map.keySet();
85         Object[] arr=set.toArray();
86         Arrays.sort(arr);
87         for(Object k:arr){
88             System.out.println(map.get(k)+"\t"+k);
89         }
90     }
91 }











