Select * from student
Select Sname from student
Select * From student where ssex = '男'
select * from sc where grade is not null order by grade desc
select count(*) from course
select max(grade) from sc
select ssex, count(*) 人数 from student group by ssex
Select Student.*,SC.* From Student,SC Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Student.Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept,Cno,Grade From Student,SC Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Student.Sno, Sname From Student,SC Where Student.Sno = Sc.Sno and Cno = 'c02' and Sc.Grade > 75;
Select * From Course
Select * From Course
Select first.Cno,Second.Semester From course first, course second
Where First.Semester = second.cno
Select * From Student
Select * From Course
Select Student.Sno,Sname,Cno,Grade
From Student,SC
Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Count(*) From Student
Select Count(Distinct Sno) From SC
--Distinct Sno 去掉重复值
Select distinct Sname From student, SC Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Student.Sno, Sname,SSex,Sage,Sdept,Cno,Grade
from Student left Join Sc on (Student.Sno = Sc.Sno)
Where Cno is NULL
--left out Join左外连接
--right join右外连接
--full join 完全连接
Select count(*) From course
Select count(Distinct Sno) From SC
Select Distinct Cno From Sc where Grade is NULL
Select Student.Sno,Sname,Cname,Grade From Student,Sc,Course
where Student.Sno = Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno = Course.Cno
Select Sname From Student Where Sno In (Select Sno From Sc Where Cno = '2');
--不能进行排序 order by
Select Sno,Sname, Sdept From Student
Where Sdept = '计算机系' or sdept = '信息系' or sdept = '数学系'
Select Sno, Sname, Sdept From Student Where Sdept in ('计算机系','信息系','数学系');
Select Sno,Sname,Sdept From Student Where Stdept in (Select sdept From Student Where Sname = '刘晨')
Select Sno,Sname From Student Where Sno in
(Select Sno From SC Where Cno = 'c02' or Cno in
(Select cno From course Where Cname = 'VB'))
Select Student.Sno, Sname From Student, Sc, Course
Where Student.Sno = Sc.Sno And Sc.Cno = Course.Cno and Cname = 'VB'
Select Sno,Cno From Sc x Where Grade >= (Select avg(Grade) From sc y where y.sno = x.sno)
Select Sname from student
Select * From student where ssex = '男'
select * from sc where grade is not null order by grade desc
select count(*) from course
select max(grade) from sc
select ssex, count(*) 人数 from student group by ssex
Select Student.*,SC.* From Student,SC Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Student.Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept,Cno,Grade From Student,SC Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Student.Sno, Sname From Student,SC Where Student.Sno = Sc.Sno and Cno = 'c02' and Sc.Grade > 75;
Select * From Course
Select * From Course
Select first.Cno,Second.Semester From course first, course second
Where First.Semester = second.cno
Select * From Student
Select * From Course
Select Student.Sno,Sname,Cno,Grade
From Student,SC
Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Count(*) From Student
Select Count(Distinct Sno) From SC
--Distinct Sno 去掉重复值
Select distinct Sname From student, SC Where Student.Sno = SC.Sno
Select Student.Sno, Sname,SSex,Sage,Sdept,Cno,Grade
from Student left Join Sc on (Student.Sno = Sc.Sno)
Where Cno is NULL
--left out Join左外连接
--right join右外连接
--full join 完全连接
Select count(*) From course
Select count(Distinct Sno) From SC
Select Distinct Cno From Sc where Grade is NULL
Select Student.Sno,Sname,Cname,Grade From Student,Sc,Course
where Student.Sno = Sc.Sno and Sc.Cno = Course.Cno
Select Sname From Student Where Sno In (Select Sno From Sc Where Cno = '2');
--不能进行排序 order by
Select Sno,Sname, Sdept From Student
Where Sdept = '计算机系' or sdept = '信息系' or sdept = '数学系'
Select Sno, Sname, Sdept From Student Where Sdept in ('计算机系','信息系','数学系');
Select Sno,Sname,Sdept From Student Where Stdept in (Select sdept From Student Where Sname = '刘晨')
Select Sno,Sname From Student Where Sno in
(Select Sno From SC Where Cno = 'c02' or Cno in
(Select cno From course Where Cname = 'VB'))
Select Student.Sno, Sname From Student, Sc, Course
Where Student.Sno = Sc.Sno And Sc.Cno = Course.Cno and Cname = 'VB'
Select Sno,Cno From Sc x Where Grade >= (Select avg(Grade) From sc y where y.sno = x.sno)