30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 12 How Technology Helps People?

Nowadays, we live in an advanced world. We use many new inventions that people long ago never imagined. In the past, people could not regularly communicate with others. It took days ,weeks, or even months just to send a letter. There were no telephones. So people had to talk face to face.     Nowadays,we use cell phones to call anyone anywhere in the world. And we send email to people instantly thanks to the internet.     In the past, traveling short distances took a long time. People either walked or rode on a horse. Now ,most people own cars. They can drive long distances in short period of time. And people can even fly around the world on airplanes now.     In the past, people often died because of poor medical treatment. Even a toothache could sometimes kill a person! Now, vaccines protect people from disease. And doctors are making more and more discoveries every day.     我们如今生活在一个先进的世界里,使用着过去人们无法想象的很多新发明。过去,人们无法与他人经常联系,连寄一封信都可能要花几天、几个星期,甚至几个月的时间对方才能收到。过去也没有电话,人们只能面对面交流,如今,人们可以用手机给世界各地的人打电话。而且由于有了互联网,人们可以即时给别人发送电子邮件。   过去人们只能步行或骑马,即使短途旅行也要花很长时间。而现在,大多数人都有汽车,在短时间内就能驾车去很远的地方,人们甚至还可以乘飞机飞往世界各地。   过去人们常因医疗条件差而丧命,有时连牙痛都能夺走一个人的生命。现在,疫苗使人们远离疾病,而且医生每天都在获取越来越多的新发现。
