HP_UX v11.31环境下安装EMC PowerPath
HP_UX v11.31环境下安装EMC PowerPath
主机环境是HP高端小机,安装HP_UX v11.31操作系统,需要安装的EMC PowerPath的版本号是v5.1.0.GA.b160
1,将EMC PowerPath软件和补丁上传到主机的/tmp/emc目录下
2,使用swcopy命令将EMC PowerPath软件和补丁打包
#swcopy -s /tmp/emc/EMCPower.HPUX.PI.5.1.0.GA.b160.tar EMCpower @ /tmp/emc/PPdepot #swcopy -s /tmp/emc/EMCPower.HPUX.PI.5.1.0.HotFix1.b202.tar EMCpower_patch5101 @ /tmp/emc/PPdepot
swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x mount_all_filesystems=false -s /tmp/emc/PPdepot EMCpower EMCpower_patch5101
...... * Selection succeeded. * Beginning Analysis and Execution * Session selections have been saved in the file "/.sw/sessions/swcopy.last". * The analysis phase succeeded for "ismp:/tmp/emc/PPdepot". * The execution phase succeeded for "ismp:/tmp/emc/PPdepot". * Analysis and Execution succeeded. #
...... * Session started for user "root@dafen2". * Beginning Selection ERROR: RPC exception: "Communications failure (dce / rpc)" 12/07/19 15:03:22 EAT ERROR: Could not start a management session for "dafen2:/tmp/emc/PPdepot". The system administrator for host "dafen2" may have disabled the swagentd daemon or there may be a networking problem affecting the operation. If the swagentd daemon has been disabled, it can be enabled by the system administrator on "dafen2" by setting the "SW_ENABLE_SWAGENTD" entry in /etc/rc.config.d/swconfig to "1" and executing "/usr/sbin/swagentd -r". * Target connection failed for "dafen2:/tmp/emc/PPdepot". ERROR: More information may be found in the daemon logfile on this target (default location is dafen2:/var/adm/sw/swagentd.log). * Selection had errors. ...... #
#/usr/sbin/swagentd -r
接下来注册一下EMC PowerPath软件
#emcpreg -add BGPC-BB4K-EF9C-QXIS-MW9V-QQ3W
最后就是执行EMC PowerPath的命令powermt配置一下多路径的各种参数。