js new keyword under the hood All In One
js new keyword under the hood All In One
js new 实现原理剖析
// 1. create object, allocate memory
// 2. bind this
// 3. bind prototype
// 4. return object
function CustomNew (Func, args) {
// const obj = Object.create(func);
const obj = {};
// const obj = Object.assign({});
Func.call(obj, args);
// Func.call(obj, ...args);
// Func.apply(obj, [...args]);
obj.__proto__ = Func.prototype;
return obj;
multi arguments & dynamic arguments ?
function CustomNew (Func, ...args) {
// const obj = Object.create(func);
const obj = {};
// const obj = Object.assign({});
// Func.call(obj, args);
console.log('args', args);
console.log('...args', ...args);
Func.call(obj, ...args);
// Func.apply(obj, [...args]);
obj.__proto__ = Func.prototype;
return obj;
function CustomNew (Func, ...args) {
// const obj = Object.create(func);
const obj = {};
// const obj = Object.assign({});
// Func.call(obj, args);
console.log('args', args);
console.log('...args', ...args);
// Func.call(obj, ...args);
Func.apply(obj, [...args]);
obj.__proto__ = Func.prototype;
return obj;
function CustomNew (Func, ...args) {
// auto bind prototype
const obj = Object.create(Func);
Func.call(obj, ...args);
// Func.apply(obj, [...args]);
// obj.__proto__ = Func.prototype;
return obj;
function Car (name, year) {
this.name = name;
this.getName = function () {
console.log('car\'s name =', this.name);
this.year = year;
this.getYear = function () {
console.log('car\'s year =', this.year);
const BMW = new Car('BMW', 2012);
function CustomNew (Func, ...args) {
const obj = {};
Func.call(obj, ...args);
// Func.apply(obj, [...args]);
obj.__proto__ = Func.prototype;
return obj;
const Tesla = CustomNew(Car, 'Tesla', 2022);
如何用 js 实现一个 new 函数
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