Beego orm 模型字段与数据库类型的对应

深度学习,ORM 推荐的对应数据库类型,在此列出,自动建表功能也会以此为标准。默认所有的字段都是 NOT NULL


go mysql
int, int32-设置auto或者名称为Id integer AUTO_INCREMENT
int64-设置auto或者名称为Id bigint AUTO_INCREMENT
uint, uint32 - 设置 auto 或者名称为 Id integer unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT
uint64 - 设置 auto 或者名称为 Id bigint unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT
bool bool
string - 默认为 size 255 varchar(size)
string - 设置 type(text) longtext
time.Time-设置 type为date date
time.Time datetime
byte tinyint unsigned
rune integer
int integer
int8 tinyint
int16 smallint
int32 integer
int64 bigint
uint integer unsigned
uint8 tinyint unsigned
uint16 smallint unsigned
uint32 integer unsigned
uint64 bigint unsigned
float32 double precision
float64 double precision
float64 设置digits,decimals numeric(digits, decimals)

go sqlite3
int, int32, int64, uint, uint32, uint64 - 设置 auto 或者名称为 Id integer AUTOINCREMENT
bool bool
string - 默认为 size 255 varchar(size)
string - 设置 type(text) text
time.Time - 设置 type 为 date date
time.Time datetime
byte tinyint unsigned
rune integer
int integer
int8 tinyint
int16 smallint
int32 integer
int64 bigint
uint integer unsigned
uint8 tinyint unsigned
uint16 smallint unsigned
uint32 integer unsigned
uint64 bigint unsigned
float32 real
float64 real
float64 设置digits,decimals decimal
go postgres
int, int32, int64, uint, uint32, uint64 - 设置 auto 或者名称为 Id serial
bool bool
string - 默认为 size 255 varchar(size)
string - 设置 type(text) text
time.Time - 设置 type 为 date date
time.Time timestamp with time zone
byte smallint CHECK(“column” >= 0 AND “column” <= 255)
rune integer
int integer
int8 smallint CHECK(“column” >= -127 AND “column” <= 128)
int16 smallint
int32 integer
int64 bigint
uint bigint CHECK(“column” >= 0)
uint8 smallint CHECK(“column” >= 0 AND “column” <= 255)
uint16 integer CHECK(“column” >= 0)
uint32 bigint CHECK(“column” >= 0)
uint64 bigint CHECK(“column” >= 0)
float32 double precision
float64 double precision
float64 - 设置 digits, decimals numeric(digits, decimals)
关系型字段     其字段类型取决于对应的主键。     RelForeignKey     RelOneToOne     RelManyToMany     RelReverseOne     RelReverseMany