
  1. 卧虎藏龙
    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  2. 情深深雨濛濛
    Romance in the Rain
  3. 红楼梦
    The Story of the Stone
  4. 水浒传
    Water Margin
  5. 三国演义
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms
  6. 霸王别姬
    Farewell My Concubine
  7. 一江春水向东流
    The river flows to the East
  8. 乌鸦与麻雀
    Crow and Sparrow
  9. 归心似箭
    Anxious to Return
  10. 少年派的奇幻漂流
    Life of Pi
  11. 桃姐
    A Simple Life / Sister Peach / Tao Jie
  12. 十面埋伏
    House of Flying Daggers
  13. 红高粱
    Red Sorghum
  14. 功夫之王
    The Forbidden Kingdom
  15. 无极
  16. 喜剧之王
    King of comedy
  17. 功夫
    Kung Fu Hustle
  18. 天下无贼
    A World Without Thieves
  19. 非诚勿扰
    If You Are The One
  20. 唐山大地震