Universal hashing
\[\delta_f(x,y) = \begin{cases}1 &f(x)==f(y)&and&x\neq y\\0&otherwise\end{cases} \]\[\delta_H(x,S) = \sum_{f\in H}\sum_{y\in S}\delta_f(x,y) \]S is a set. f is a mapping from A to B where A and B is a subset in set S. and |A| > |B|.
若x是一个实数,[x] 表示大于x的最小整数. Z_n表示(任意 mod n)的结果。
Let H be a class of functions from A to B. We say that H is universal, if for all x, y
in A, δ_H(x, y) ≤ |H| / |B|. That is, H is universal_2 (some other article called 2-Universal ), if no pair of distinct keys collide under more than (1 /|B|)th of the functions. The subscript “2” is intended to emphasize that the definition constrains the behavior of H only on pairs of elements of A. It turns
out that this is powerful enough for many purposes, as the propositions of this section suggest. However, for some applications of hashing, it is desirable to have a class of functions which distribute larger subsets of A in a uniform manner. This may be the subject of a future paper.
\[a=|A|\\b=|B|\\A=\{0,1,...,a-1\}\\B=\{0,1,...,b-1\}\\p\ is\ prime\ where\ p \ge a\\g:Z_p\mapsto B\ and\ \ |\{y\in Z_p|g(y)=i\}|\le[p/b]\\m,n \in Z_p \ and \ m\ne0\\h_m,_n:A \mapsto Z_p \\h_m,_n=(mx+n)\ mod\ p\\f_m,_n=g(h_m,_n(x))\\ H_1=\{f_m,_n|m,n\in Z_p\ \} \]g函数是Z_p映射到B,一般选择 mod b即可。因为mod b可以映射任意值到B中。m,n可以使用任意随机数 mod p。
需要注意的是,H_1全域哈希函数只能满足δ_H_1(x, y) ≤ 2|H| / |B| 。论文中有论述。