AWS学习笔记(三):AWS Global Infrastructure
AWS Regions
- AWS has Regions all around the world
- Names can be us-east-1, eu-west-3…
- A region is a cluster of data centers
- Most AWS services are region-scoped
How to choose an AWS Region?
- Compliance with data governance and legal requirements: data never leaves a region without your explicit permission
- Proximity to customers: reduced latency
- Available services within a Region: new services and new features aren’t available in every Region
- Pricing: pricing varies region to region and is transparent in the service pricing page
AWS Availability Zones
- Each region has many availability zones (usually 3, min is 2, max is 6)
- Names can be ap-southeast-2a, ap-southeast-2b, ap-southeast-2c...
- Each availability zone (AZ) is one or more discrete data centers with redundant power, networking, and connectivity
- They’re separate from each other, so that they’re isolated from disasters
- They’re connected with high bandwidth, ultra-low latency networking