
1、 javadoc 标签:

标签 描述 示例
@author 标识一个类的作者 @author description
@deprecated 指名一个过期的类或成员 @deprecated description
{@docRoot} 指明当前文档根目录的路径 Directory Path
@exception 标志一个类抛出的异常 @exception exception-name explanation
{@inheritDoc} 从直接父类继承的注释 Inherits a comment from the immediate surperclass.
{@link} 插入一个到另一个主题的链接 {@link name text}
{@linkplain} 插入一个到另一个主题的链接,但是该链接显示纯文本字体 Inserts an in-line link to another topic.
@param 说明一个方法的参数 @param parameter-name explanation
@return 说明返回值类型 @return explanation
@see 指定一个到另一个主题的链接 @see anchor
@serial 说明一个序列化属性 @serial description
@serialData 说明通过writeObject( ) 和 writeExternal( )方法写的数据 @serialData description
@serialField 说明一个ObjectStreamField组件 @serialField name type description
@since 标记当引入一个特定的变化时 @since release
@throws 和 @exception标签一样. The @throws tag has the same meaning as the @exception tag.
{@value} 显示常量的值,该常量必须是static属性。 Displays the value of a constant, which must be a static field.
@version 指定类的版本 @version info

2、javadoc 使用详解


package java.rmi.server;


* RMIClassLoaderSpi is the service provider interface for
* RMIClassLoader.
* In particular, an RMIClassLoaderSpi instance provides an
* implementation of the following static methods of
* RMIClassLoader:

  • {@link RMIClassLoader#loadClass(URL,String)}
  • {@link RMIClassLoader#loadClass(String,String)}
  • {@link RMIClassLoader#loadClass(String,String,ClassLoader)}
  • {@link RMIClassLoader#loadProxyClass(String,String[],ClassLoader)}
  • {@link RMIClassLoader#getClassLoader(String)}
  • {@link RMIClassLoader#getClassAnnotation(Class)}

* When one of those methods is invoked, its behavior is to delegate
* to a corresponding method on an instance of this class.
* The details of how each method delegates to the provider instance is
* described in the documentation for each particular method.
* See the documentation for {@link RMIClassLoader} for a description
* of how a provider instance is chosen.
* @author Peter Jones
* @author Laird Dornin
* @see RMIClassLoader
* @since 1.4
public abstract class RMIClassLoaderSpi {

* Provides the implementation for
* {@link RMIClassLoader#loadClass(URL,String)},
* {@link RMIClassLoader#loadClass(String,String)}, and
* {@link RMIClassLoader#loadClass(String,String,ClassLoader)}.
* Loads a class from a codebase URL path, optionally using the
* supplied loader.
* Typically, a provider implementation will attempt to
* resolve the named class using the given defaultLoader,
* if specified, before attempting to resolve the class from the
* codebase URL path.

An implementation of this method must either return a class
* with the given name or throw an exception.
* @param codebase the list of URLs (separated by spaces) to load
* the class from, or null
* @param name the name of the class to load
* @param defaultLoader additional contextual class loader
* to use, or null
* @return the Class object representing the loaded class
* @throws MalformedURLException if codebase is
* non-null and contains an invalid URL, or
* if codebase is null and a provider-specific
* URL used to load classes is invalid
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if a definition for the class
* could not be found at the specified location
public abstract Class<?> loadClass(String codebase, String name,
ClassLoader defaultLoader)
throws MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException;
