Android 开发技术周报 Issue#280


  1. 6分钟完整视频提前看光谷歌新机Pixel 4a

  2. 统一推送官方解读:消灭Android毒瘤、待机续航猛增43%

  3. Google Play细化搜索结果:可按评分、编辑推荐、最新上线过滤


  1. 了解一下,Android 10中的ART虚拟机(6)

  2. 使用 Jetpack Security 在 Android 上进行数据加密

  3. 理解协程、LiveData 和 Flow

  4. 深入分析dokit函数耗时原理


  1. circle-menu-android

    a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations.

  2. primaree

    A simple library for safe initialization of multi-process Android applications

  3. Napier

    Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform

  4. workflow-kotlin-compose

    Jetpack Compose integration for Square Workflows.

  5. android-multipicker-library

    Android Multipicker Library (Images, Videos, Files, Audios, Contacts)

  6. DebugDrawer

    A configurable debug drawer to use in Android apps. Inspired by u2020.

  7. lazythreetenbp

    A lazy loading ZoneRuleProvider for ThreeTenBp.

  8. Autocomplete

    Simple yet powerful autocomplete behavior for EditTexts, to avoid working with MultiAutoCompleteTextView APIs.

  9. AndroidAOP

    aop 的方式实现防止按钮重复点击,java 和 kotlin 都能使用

  10. AndroidContacts

    Easy to use library for contacts aggregation

  11. videoplay

    RecyclerView 实现仿抖音上下滑动切换视频效果,已有线上项目,稳定可用。

  12. FragmentationX

    A powerful library that manage Fragment for Android 为单Activity + 多Fragment,多模块Activity + 多Fragment架构而生,简化开发,轻松解决动画、嵌套、事务相关等问题。

  13. ToolTipDialog

    Easy to use library to add tooltips to your app

  14. broker

    Publish-Subscribe (a.k.a Pub/Sub, EventBus) library for Android and JVM built with Coroutines


  1. auto-manifest

    Generates AndroidManifest.xml in simple libraries so that you don't have to

  2. android-cache-fix-gradle-plugin

    Gradle plugin to fix Android caching problems


  1. PicPlus

    一个图床上传 APP,可帮你上传手机图片到图床,并生成 markdown 链接,支持七牛云、阿里云等主流图床,同时还支持配置 GitHub、码云为个人图床。

  2. Tusky

    An Android client for the microblogging server Mastodon

  3. JetpackComposeCalculator

    A jetpack compose clone of Android 10 Calculator UI (WIP)


  1. compose-server-side

    Experiment with server side rendering using compose


  1. googleplay-api

    Google Play Unofficial Python API

  2. dagger-plugin

    Plugin that supports easy usage of Dagger 2 library in IntelliJ iDEA or Android Studio
