30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 9 Globalization

In the years after World War Il, the world greatly changed. Much of this was due to new technology. For instance, the jet was developed. This increased the speed that people could travel. There were also advances in telecommunications. Computers and the Internet were invented. It became much easier for people to communicate with others all around the world. This has led to the spread of globalization.     Basically, the world is becoming a smaller place. In the past, what happened in one country rarely affected other countries. Or it took a long time for any effects to occur. But the world is different today. Because of globalization, what happens in one part of the world can affect places all around it.     Thanks to globalization, people can now do business more easily with those in other countries. When you go to the supermarket, you can see various foods from all of the different countries. This happens because of globalization. Also, people are learning more about other countries these days. This leads to more understanding about other countries. In the age of globalization, there has not been a single world war. And the world is becoming richer. Globalization has surely been good for the world.     在第二次世界大战后的几年里,世界发生了巨大的变化。这在很大程度上要归功于新技术。例如,喷气式飞机被开发出来了。这提高了人们的旅行速度。电信业也取得了进步。计算机和因特网被发明出来了。人们更容易与世界各地的人交流。这导致了全球化的蔓延。     基本上,世界正在变小。过去,在一个国家发生的事情很少影响到其他国家。或者花了很长时间才产生效果。但今天的世界不同了。由于全球化,世界某一地区发生的事情可能影响到世界各地。     由于全球化,人们现在可以更容易地与其他国家的人做生意。当你去超市的时候,你可以看到来自不同国家的各种各样的食物。这是因为全球化。而且,最近人们对其他国家了解得更多。这会使人们增进对其他国家的了解。在全球化时代,没有发生过一场世界大战。世界越来越富裕。全球化肯定对世界有好处。    
