解决Ubuntu IDEA2019版本 无法启动报错的问题
我的安装目录在:/home/software/idea-IU-193.5662.53 下,这个具体视系统不同可能位置有所差异
cd /bin 后可以看到有个 idea.sh的shell脚本。在这里执行该脚本。命令 ./idea.sh
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release. Error occurred during initialization of VM Initial heap size set to a larger value than the maximum heap size
我这里的安装配置文件是:Install-Linux-tar.txt,打开后可以看到具体的安装路径,在下面的文件内标红的部分,也就是 ~/.IntelliJIdea2019.3/config
IntelliJ IDEA
Linux Installation Instructions
1. Unpack the IntelliJ IDEA distribution archive that you downloaded to
where you wish to install the program. We will refer to this destination
location as your {installation home} below.
2. Open a console and cd into "{installation home}/bin" and type:
to start the application. As a side effect, this will initialize various
configuration files in the ~/.IntelliJIdea2019.3 directory.
3. [OPTIONAL] Add "{installation home}/bin" to your PATH environment
variable so that you may start IntelliJ IDEA from any directory.
4. [OPTIONAL] To adjust the value of the JVM heap size, create
~/.IntelliJIdea2019.3/config/idea.vmoptions (or idea64.vmoptions
if using a 64-bit JDK), and set the -Xms and -Xmx parameters. To see how
to do this, you can reference the vmoptions file under
"{installation home}/bin" as a model.
[OPTIONAL] Changing the location of "config" and "system" directories
By default, IntelliJ IDEA stores all your settings under the ~/.IntelliJIdea2019.3/config
directory and uses ~/.IntelliJIdea2019.3/system as a data cache.
If you want to change these settings,
1. Open a console and cd into ~/.IntelliJIdea2019.3/config
2. Create the file "idea.properties" and open it in an editor. Set the
idea.system.path and/or idea.config.path variables as desired, for
3. Note that we recommend to store data cache ("system" directory) on a disk
with at least 1GB of free space.
-IntelliJ IDEA Development Team
然后cd到 ~/.IntelliJIdea2019.3/config 目录下,调整idea64.vmoptions的-Xms(最小堆内存:一般设置为256m)与-Xmx(最大堆内存,一般设置为512m)的值即可