
通常我们只是用 %  作为通配符,用来表示任意个字符。

但sql中的通配符还有 下划线 _ ,用来标识任意一个字符


SELECT * FROM Websites
WHERE name LIKE '_oogle';


--需求,找到name中包含下划线的内容,即 把前两条筛出来
with x as
(select '_haha' as name from dual  union all
select '\_2haha'  as name from dual  union all
select '2haha' as name from dual
select * from x where name like '%_%';


-- 那么使用右斜杠+下划线的模式来转译他,可以么?
with x as
(select '_haha' as name from dual  union all
select '\_2haha'  as name from dual  union all
select '2haha' as name from dual
select * from x where name like '%\_%';



-- 使用ESCAPE 关键字来表示【这个字符后边的东西,该被识别成普通字符。】?
with x as
(select '_haha' as name from dual  union all
select '\_2haha'  as name from dual  union all
select '2haha' as name from dual
select * from x where name like '%\_%' ESCAPE '\';


with x as
(select '_haha' as name from dual  union all
select '\_2haha'  as name from dual  union all
select '2haha' as name from dual
select * from x where name like '%?_%' ESCAPE '?';

with x as
(select '_haha' as name from dual  union all
select '\_2haha'  as name from dual  union all
select '2haha' as name from dual
select * from x where name like '%!_%' ESCAPE '!';

