总结:赛门铁克(Symantec)PGP command line

--生成 key pair
pgp --gen-key lzlvv@qq.com --key-type rsa --encryption-bits 4096 --signing-bits 1024 --passphrase lzlvv

--导出公钥(exports only public keys, while the command)
pgp --export lzlvv2 --output lzlvv2.public.asc

--导出keypair(export-key-pair exports the entire key pair.)
pgp --export-key-pair lzlvv2 --output lzlvv2.keypair.asc

--导入pubkey or key-pair (Imports a key or keys to the local keyring.)
pgp --import lzlvv2.keypair.asc

--删除pubkey(Removes a public key (not private keys) from the local keyring.)
pgp --remove lzlvv2

--删除key-pair(Removes a key pair from the local keyring. The option --force is required to make it more difficult to accidentally remove a key pair.)
pgp --remove-key-pair lzlvv2 --force

pgp --set-trust 0x222D36BF --trust implicit

pgp --sign-key 0x222D36BF --signer 0x9869DC87 --passphrase gtja

pgp -l

--加密 -r 可以并例指定多个公钥 --output 加密后重命名 --overwrite 覆盖重名文件
pgp -e PGPComm.txt -r lzlvv2 -r 93642592 --output pgpcomm-en.txt.pgp --overwrite remove

--解密 使用本地私钥解密PGP
pgp --decrypt pgpcomm-en.txt.pgp -passphrase 93642592