Even though Armin beat me to the punch with an accepted answer I thought I'd show an abbreviated example of how I implemented a regex matcher in Flask just in case anyone wants a working example of how this could be done.
from flask importFlaskfrom werkzeug.routing importBaseConverter
app =Flask(__name__)classRegexConverter(BaseConverter):def __init__(self, url_map,*items):
super(RegexConverter, self).__init__(url_map)
self.regex = items[0]
app.url_map.converters['regex']=RegexConverter@app.route('/-/' )def example(uid, slug):return"uid: %s, slug: %s"%(uid, slug)if __name__ =='__main__':, host='', port=5000)
this URL should return with 200: http://localhost:5000/abc0-foo/
this URL should will return with 404: http://localhost:5000/abcd-foo/