@Author: feizzhang
Created on: 02.02.2021
def split_img_to_anypieces(img_path, output_dir, ratio_w = 2, ratio_h = 2):
img_path: the path of the img that needed to split
output_dir: the output img dir
ratio_w: the pieces of weight
ratio_h: the pieces of height
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
assert np.shape(img) != ()
weight = np.shape(img)[1]
height = np.shape(img)[0]
step_w = np.ceil(weight/ratio_w).astype(np.int)
step_h = np.ceil(height/ratio_h).astype(np.int)
for bottom in range(0, height, step_h):
b = bottom
t = bottom + step_h
if t > height:
t = height
for left in range(0, weight, step_w):
l = left
r = left + step_w
if r > weight:
r = weight
basename = '_'+str(b)+'_'+str(l)+'_'+str(t)+'_'+str(r)+".png"
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, custombasename(img_path)+basename)
cv2.imwrite(output_path, img[b:t, l:r, :])
def merge_img(img_dir, output_dir):
img_dir: the dir of split img
output_dir: the dir of save img
img_list = os.listdir(img_dir)
base_name_h = img_list[0].split('_')[0] + '_'
base_name_t = '_' + img_list[0].split('_')[-2] + '_' + img_list[0].split('_')[-1]
b_list = sorted(list(set([int(name.split('_')[1]) for name in img_list])))
l_list = sorted(list(set([int(name.split('_')[2]) for name in img_list])))
t_list = sorted(list(set([int(name.split('_')[3]) for name in img_list])))
r_list = sorted(list(set([int(name.split('_')[4]) for name in img_list])))
new_img = np.zeros([np.array(t_list).max(), np.array(r_list).max(), 3], dtype=np.int)
for b,t in zip(b_list, t_list):
for l,r in zip(l_list, r_list):
base_name_m = str(b)+'_'+str(l)+'_'+str(t)+'_'+str(r)
sub_img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_dir, base_name_h+base_name_m+base_name_t))
new_img[b:t,l:r,:] = np.array(sub_img)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir,base_name_h+"merge.png"), new_img)