30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 16: The Dangers of Plastic Bags

Most of us have seen the heart wrenching images of birds being terminally entangled by plastic bags, and of the deaths of animals due to plastic bag ingestion.     According to the latest report, nearly 200 different species of sea life including whales, dolphins, seals, and turtles die because of plastic bags.   Bags end up in landfills, oceans, seas, and lakes.   Unlike items that naturally biodegrade, plastic bags photodegrade,meaning that over time the plastic breaks down into smaller, more toxic substances. These contaminants poison our soil and water and then enter our food chain.   If we trade our plastic bags for reusable cloth bags, we can help thisplastic bag crisis.     ? Because plastic bags are made from oil, reducing them woulddecrease foreign oil dependency.     ? We’d start preserving the thousands of marine animals and more than 1 million of birds who die from plastic bags each year.   It’s a small investment to give ourselves and our children a better future.     绝大多数人都见过这种心碎的画面,小鸟被塑料袋缠住勒住,以及动物因误食塑料袋而致死。   最新报告指出,将近 200 种不同海洋生物都死于塑料袋,其中包括鲸、海豚、海豹、还有海龟等。   塑料袋一般都在陆地、海里和湖里填埋。   不同于其他的生物降解材料,塑料袋为光降解材料,意味着塑料袋会随着时间变成更小更加有毒性的无知。这些塑料污染物让毒害了我们的土壤和水,然后进入到食物链中。   如果我们把塑料袋换成可以循环使用的布袋子,我们可以帮助缓解塑料袋危机。   ? 因为塑料袋制作材料为原油,减少使用塑料袋,可以减少对进口原油的依赖性。   ? 我们可以保护千万种海洋动物和一百万种鸟类,每年他们都因塑料袋致死。这是个小投资,但是会给我们自己,我们的孩子更好的未来。  
