30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 10 Resources

There are many kinds of resources on the Earth. Four of them are very important. They are renewable, nonrenewable, human, and capital resources.     Renewable resources can be used again and again. They can be replaced within a short time. Some energy resources are renewable. The energy from the sun, tides, water, and wind is renewable. Also, trees and animals are renewable. But humans still need to take good care of them. We should not waste them at all.     Nonrenewable resources are limited in supply. Once we use them, they disappear forever. They can’t be replaced. Many energy resources are like this. Coal, gas, and oil are nonrenewable.     Human resources are people and the skills they have. This also includes the knowledge and information that humans have.     People make products using renewable and nonrenewable resources. Machines are often used to produce goods. The machines and tools that are used to produce goods are called capital resources.     地球上有很多种资源。其中有 4 种非常重要,即可再生资源、不可再生资源,人力资源和资本资源。     可再生资源可以重复使用。它们可以在短时间内再生。有一些资源属于可再生资源,如从太阳,潮沙,水和风中获得的能源。另外,树木和动物也属于可再生资源。但即使如此,人类也要好好珍惜它们,绝不能浪费。   不可再生资源的供应有限。它们一旦被使用,就会水远消失,不可再生。很多能源属于不可再生资源,如煤炭,天然气和石油。   人力资源是指人和人所拥有的技术,以及人所掌握的知识和信息。人类利用可再生资源和不可再生资源生产产品,在这个过程中通常会用到机器。生产产品时所用的机器和工具就叫做资本资源。
