本文分享自华为云社区《OpenHarmony移植案例与原理 - startup子系统之bootstrap_lite服务启动引导部件(1)》,作者:zhushy。
bootstrap_lite服务启动引导组件提供了各服务和功能的启动入口标识。在SAMGR(System ability manager,系统服务管理)启动时,会调用bootstrap_lite标识的入口函数,并启动系统服务。本文介绍下移植开发板时如何适配服务启动引导部件bootstrap_lite,并介绍下相关的运行机制原理。bootstrap_lite启动引导部件定义在build\lite\components\startup.json。bootstrap_lite启动引导部件源代码目录如下:
base/startup/bootstrap_lite/ # 启动引导组件 └── services └── source # 启动引导组件源文件目录
1.1 产品解决方案配置启用部件
{ "subsystem": "startup", "components": [ { "component": "bootstrap_lite" }, ...... ] },
1.2 使用bootstrap服务启动部件提供的初始化宏函数
static void RegisterCustomATCmd() { cmd_tbl_t cmd_list[] = { {"AT+IFCFG", 8, at_lwip_ifconfig, "AT+IFCFG - ifconfig\n"}, {"AT+STARTAP", 7, at_start_softap, "AT+STARTAP - start wifi softap\n"}, {"AT+STOPAP", 1, at_stop_softap, "AT+STOPAP - stop wifi softap\n"}, {"AT+STARTSTA", 1, at_start_wifista, "AT+STARTSTA - start wifi sta\n"}, {"AT+STOPSTA", 1, at_stop_wifista, "AT+STOPSTA - stop wifi sta\n"}, {"AT+DHCP", 3, at_setup_dhcp, "AT+DHCP - dhcp\n"}, {"AT+DHCPS", 3, at_setup_dhcps, "AT+DHCPS - dhcps\n"}, }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(cmd_list) / sizeof(cmd_tbl_t); i++) { console_cmd_add(&cmd_list[i]); } } SYS_SERVICE_INIT(RegisterCustomATCmd);
1.3 链接脚本中增加zInit代码段
/* zInit code and data - will be freed after init */ .zInit (.) : { __zinitcall_bsp_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.bsp4.init)) __zinitcall_bsp_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_device_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.device4.init)) __zinitcall_device_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_core_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.core4.init)) __zinitcall_core_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_sys_service_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.service4.init)) __zinitcall_sys_service_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_sys_feature_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.sys.feature4.init)) __zinitcall_sys_feature_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_run_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.run4.init)) __zinitcall_run_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_app_service_start = .; KEEP (*( KEEP (*( KEEP (*( KEEP (*( KEEP (*( __zinitcall_app_service_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_app_feature_start = .; KEEP (*( KEEP (*( KEEP (*( KEEP (*( KEEP (*( __zinitcall_app_feature_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_test_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.test4.init)) __zinitcall_test_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); __zinitcall_exit_start = .; KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit0.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit1.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit2.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit3.init)) KEEP (*(.zinitcall.exit4.init)) __zinitcall_exit_end = .; . = ALIGN(4); } > FLASH
1.4 配置编译时链接bootstrap库
board_ld_flags = [ .... "-lbootstrap",
1.5 调用OHOS_SystemInit接口
函数void OHOS_SystemInit(void)定义在文件base\startup\bootstrap_lite\services\source\system_init.c中,在移植适配时,需要调用该接口。可以参考文件device\soc\bestechnic\bes2600\liteos_m\sdk\bsp\rtos\liteos\liteos_m\board.c中的使用示例。
int main(void); extern void OHOS_SystemInit(void); ...... OHOS_SystemInit(); ...... while (1) { osDelay(1000); TRACE(0, "main idle"); } }
2.1 bootstrap_lite服务启动引导部件的初始化宏
bootstrap_lite服务启动引导部件的初始化宏定义在文件utils\native\lite\include\ohos_init.h,片段如下。初始化函数宏SYS_SERVICE_INIT(func)用于标识核心系统服务的初始化入口,该宏识别的函数在启动过程中核心系统服务优先级2阶段被调用;初始化宏SYS_SERVICE_INIT_PRI(func, priority)可以指定优先级数值,优先级的取值范围为[0,5),调用顺序为0, 1, 2, 3, 4。
/** * @brief Identifies the entry for initializing and starting a core system service by the * priority 2. * * This macro is used to identify the entry called at the priority 2 in the core system * service phase of the startup process. \n * * @param func Indicates the entry function for initializing and starting a core system service. * The type is void (*)(void). */ #define SYS_SERVICE_INIT(func) LAYER_INITCALL_DEF(func, sys_service, "sys.service") /** * @brief Identifies the entry for initializing and starting a core system service by the * specified priority. * * This macro is used to identify the entry called at the specified priority in the core system * service phase of the startup process. \n * * @param func Indicates the entry function for initializing and starting a core system service. * The type is void (*)(void). * @param priority Indicates the calling priority when starting the core system service in the * startup phase. The value range is [0,5), and the calling sequence is 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. */ #define SYS_SERVICE_INIT_PRI(func, priority) LAYER_INITCALL(func, sys_service, "sys.service", priority)
从上文已知,bootstrap_lite服务启动引导部件的初始化宏会调用LAYER_INITCALL_DEF和LAYER_INITCALL宏。这些宏的定义在文件utils\native\lite\include\ohos_init.h,代码片段如下。⑴处声明函数类型,无参无返回值。⑵处处理定义分层初始化共享库宏LAYER_INIT_SHARED_LIB的情况,如果没有定义该宏,则执行⑹。在文件foundation/distributedschedule/samgr_lite/samgr/BUILD.gn中定义了该宏,在移植适配芯片开发板时,没有定义这个宏。⑶处定义5个分层初始化级别,⑷处定义7个构建值(constructor value,简称CTOR Value)。⑸处是宏LAYER_INITCALL的定义,该宏需要4个参数,分别是初始化服务或功能函数func;layer是分层名称,支持的取值为device、core、sys_service、sys_feature、app_service、app_feature和run,拼装为CTOR_VALUE_XXX;clayer参数在定义宏LAYER_INIT_SHARED_LIB时未使用;priority是优先级参数。attribute((constructor))表示这段代码将在main函数前调用。当传入参数为(myFunc, sys_feature, “sys.feature”, 2)时,函数宏替换为:static __attribute__((constructor(130 + 2))) void BOOT_sys_featurer2myFunc {myFunc();}。等于定义个一个新的启动引导函数BOOT_sys_featurer2myFunc()。
当没有定义LAYER_INIT_SHARED_LIB宏时,执行⑹,当传入参数为(myFunc, sys_feature, “sys.feature”, 2)时,函数宏替换为:static const InitCall __attribute__((used)) __zinitcall_sys_feature_myFunc __attribute__((section(".zinitcall.sys.feature2.init"))) = myFunc,除了__attribute__部分,等于声明一个函数类型InitCall的变量__zinitcall_sys_feature_myFunc。该函数变量放入section段".zinitcall.sys.feature2.init"内,所以移植适配时,需要在芯片开发板的链接脚本里添加zInit代码段。
⑴ typedef void (*InitCall)(void); #define USED_ATTR __attribute__((used)) ⑵ #ifdef LAYER_INIT_SHARED_LIB ⑶ #define LAYER_INIT_LEVEL_0 0 #define LAYER_INIT_LEVEL_1 1 #define LAYER_INIT_LEVEL_2 2 #define LAYER_INIT_LEVEL_3 3 #define LAYER_INIT_LEVEL_4 4 ⑷ #define CTOR_VALUE_device 100 #define CTOR_VALUE_core 110 #define CTOR_VALUE_sys_service 120 #define CTOR_VALUE_sys_feature 130 #define CTOR_VALUE_app_service 140 #define CTOR_VALUE_app_feature 150 #define CTOR_VALUE_run 700 ⑸ #define LAYER_INITCALL(func, layer, clayer, priority) \ static __attribute__((constructor(CTOR_VALUE_##layer + LAYER_INIT_LEVEL_##priority))) \ void BOOT_##layer##priority##func() {func();} #else ⑹ #define LAYER_INITCALL(func, layer, clayer, priority) \ static const InitCall USED_ATTR __zinitcall_##layer##_##func \ __attribute__((section(".zinitcall." clayer #priority ".init"))) = func #endif // Default priority is 2, priority range is [0, 4] #define LAYER_INITCALL_DEF(func, layer, clayer) \ LAYER_INITCALL(func, layer, clayer, 2)
2.3 OHOS_SystemInit函数
void OHOS_SystemInit(void) { MODULE_INIT(bsp); MODULE_INIT(device); MODULE_INIT(core); SYS_INIT(service); SYS_INIT(feature); MODULE_INIT(run); SAMGR_Bootstrap(); }
{ extern InitCall __zinitcall_sys_start; \ InitCall *initCall = &__zinitcall_bsp_start; \ (initCall); \ }
{ extern InitCall __zinitcall_bsp_end; \ InitCall *initCall = &__zinitcall_bsp_end; \ (initCall); \ }
⑶和⑷处定义的SYS_BEGIN、SYS_END代码类似,分于返回链接脚本中定义的标记系统服务或特性的代码段的开始、结束地址,即&__zinitcall_sys_service_start、&__zinitcall_sys_service_end、&__zinitcall_sys_feature_start、&__zinitcall_sys_feature_end。⑴处定义的SYS_CALL函数,分别获取链接脚本中zInit代码段的开始initcall和结束地址initend,这些地址存放的是初始化函数的地址,语句 (*initcall)()会循环调用执行这些初始化函数。⑵处MODULE_CALL宏类似。
⑴ #define SYS_CALL(name, step) \ do { \ InitCall *initcall = (InitCall *)(SYS_BEGIN(name, step)); \ InitCall *initend = (InitCall *)(SYS_END(name, step)); \ for (; initcall < initend; initcall++) { \ (*initcall)(); \ } \ } while (0) ⑵ #define MODULE_CALL(name, step) \ do { \ InitCall *initcall = (InitCall *)(MODULE_BEGIN(name, step)); \ InitCall *initend = (InitCall *)(MODULE_END(name, step)); \ for (; initcall < initend; initcall++) { \ (*initcall)(); \ } \ } while (0) ...... ⑶ #define SYS_BEGIN(name, step) \ ({ extern InitCall __zinitcall_sys_##name##_start; \ InitCall *initCall = &__zinitcall_sys_##name##_start; \ (initCall); \ }) ⑷ #define SYS_END(name, step) \ ({ extern InitCall __zinitcall_sys_##name##_end; \ InitCall *initCall = &__zinitcall_sys_##name##_end; \ (initCall); \ }) ⑸ #define MODULE_BEGIN(name, step) \ ({ extern InitCall __zinitcall_##name##_start; \ InitCall *initCall = &__zinitcall_##name##_start; \ (initCall); \ }) ⑹ #define MODULE_END(name, step) \ ({ extern InitCall __zinitcall_##name##_end; \ InitCall *initCall = &__zinitcall_##name##_end; \ (initCall); \ }) ⑺ #define SYS_INIT(name) \ do { \ SYS_CALL(name, 0); \ } while (0) ⑻ #define MODULE_INIT(name) \ do { \ MODULE_CALL(name, 0); \ } while (0)
3、 bootstrap_lite服务启动引导部件实现原理之bootstrap_service
3.1 结构体struct Bootstrap
在文件base\startup\bootstrap_lite\services\source\bootstrap_service.c中定义了结构体struct Bootstrap,如下代码⑵处。其中结构体中的INHERIT_SERVICE定义在文件foundation/distributedschedule/samgr_lite/interfaces/kits/samgr/service.h,见代码片段⑴处。
⑴ #define INHERIT_SERVICE \ const char *(*GetName)(Service * service); \ BOOL (*Initialize)(Service * service, Identity identity); \ BOOL (*MessageHandle)(Service * service, Request * request); \ TaskConfig (*GetTaskConfig)(Service * service) ...... ⑵ typedef struct Bootstrap { INHERIT_SERVICE; Identity identity; uint8 flag; } Bootstrap;
/** * @brief Identifies a service and feature. * * You can use this structure to identity a {@link IUnknown} feature to which messages will be * sent through the asynchronous function of {@link IUnknown}. \n * */ struct Identity { /** Service ID */ int16 serviceId; /** Feature ID */ int16 featureId; /** Message queue ID */ MQueueId queueId; };
3.2 Init(void)函数
static const char *GetName(Service *service); static BOOL Initialize(Service *service, Identity identity); static TaskConfig GetTaskConfig(Service *service); static BOOL MessageHandle(Service *service, Request *request); static void Init(void) { static Bootstrap bootstrap; bootstrap.GetName = GetName; bootstrap.Initialize = Initialize; bootstrap.MessageHandle = MessageHandle; bootstrap.GetTaskConfig = GetTaskConfig; bootstrap.flag = FALSE; SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterService((Service *)&bootstrap); } SYS_SERVICE_INIT(Init);
3.3 GetName和Initialize函数
static const char *GetName(Service *service) { (void)service; return BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE; } Initialize函数定义如下,用于设置启动引导服务的标识信息。 static BOOL Initialize(Service *service, Identity identity) { Bootstrap *bootstrap = (Bootstrap *)service; bootstrap->identity = identity; return TRUE; }
3.4 MessageHandle函数和GetTaskConfig函数
MessageHandle函数和GetTaskConfig函数代码如下,MessageHandle函数用于处理各种请求,请求消息编号定义request->msgId定义在文件foundation\distributedschedule\samgr_lite\interfaces\kits\samgr\samgr_lite.h中的枚举enum BootMessage,如下⑴处所示。在MessageHandle函数中,当请求的消息编号为BOOT_SYS_COMPLETED系统服务初始化完成时,检查应用服务是否加载。当应用没有加载时,执行INIT_APP_CALL宏函数调用zInit代码段上的应用服务和应用特性初始化函数。然后执行⑶,调用函数SAMGR_SendResponseByIdentity进行响应。GetTaskConfig函数用于获取任务配置。
⑴ typedef enum BootMessage { /** Message indicating that the core system service is initialized */ /** 标识核心系统服务初始化完成 */ BOOT_SYS_COMPLETED, /** Message indicating that the system and application-layer services are initialized */ /** 标识应用层服务初始化完成 */ BOOT_APP_COMPLETED, /** Message indicating service registration during running */ /** 标识运行时的服务注册 */ BOOT_REG_SERVICE, /** Maximum number of message IDs */ /** 标识消息最大值,butt是烟蒂;屁股;枪托的意思,表示尾部吧 */ BOOTSTRAP_BUTT } BootMessage; ...... static BOOL MessageHandle(Service *service, Request *request) { Bootstrap *bootstrap = (Bootstrap *)service; switch (request->msgId) { case BOOT_SYS_COMPLETED: ⑵ if ((bootstrap->flag & LOAD_FLAG) != LOAD_FLAG) { INIT_APP_CALL(service); INIT_APP_CALL(feature); bootstrap->flag |= LOAD_FLAG; } ⑶ (void)SAMGR_SendResponseByIdentity(&bootstrap->identity, request, NULL); break; case BOOT_APP_COMPLETED: (void)SAMGR_SendResponseByIdentity(&bootstrap->identity, request, NULL); break; case BOOT_REG_SERVICE: (void)SAMGR_SendResponseByIdentity(&bootstrap->identity, request, NULL); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } static TaskConfig GetTaskConfig(Service *service) { (void)service; // The bootstrap service uses a stack of 2 KB (0x800) in size and a queue of 20 elements. // You can adjust it according to the actual situation. TaskConfig config = {LEVEL_HIGH, PRI_NORMAL, 0x800, 20, SHARED_TASK}; return config; }
- OpenHarmony / startup_bootstrap_lite
- 启动恢复子系统.md
- 轻量带屏解决方案之恒玄芯片移植案例