

sed -n '1p' file.txt

sed 's/Line/line/' file.txt

sed '/^Two/s/Line/line/' file.txt

sed '2,$ s/Line/line/' file.txt

5、删除空行,注意需要格式是Unix LF结尾文件才可以。
sed '/^$/d' file

sed -nE '/^foo/,/^bar/p' file.txt

Use custom delimiters to make it easy for some strings that contain slashes

sed 's_/bin/bash_/bin/sh_' file.txt

Custom delimiters for regex address combined with the classical delimiter for substitute command (you could also use there a custom delimiter). Useful for paths.

sed '\_/bin/bash_s/grep/egrep/' file.txt

  • or using the same delimiter for clarity sed '\_/bin/bash_s_grep_egrep_' file.txt

Insert a space between lowercase/Uppercase characters using & (which represents the regex match)

sed 's/[a-zA-Z]/& /g' file.txt

Keep the first word of every line (where word is defined by alphanumeric chars + underscores for simplicity sake)

sed -E 's_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.*_\1_' file.txt

Switch the first two words

sed -E 's_([a-zA-Z0-9_]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)_\2 \1_' f1

Remove duplicate words separated by a single space (but not triplicate)

sed -E 's_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) \1_\1_ig' f1

Search and replace for pattern, write just the lines with the replacements in a new file

sed 's_foo_bar_w replaced.txt' file.txt

Multiple replacements

sed -e 's_foo_bar_' -e 's_hello_HELLO_' file.txt

Multiple replacements by using a sed script

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
  • Make executable with chmod +x myscript.sed, call with ./myscript.sed myfile.txt

Multiple commands using the ; operator which in theory concatenates commands (WARNING! It won't work as expected with certain commands such as 'r' or 'w'. Use a sed script instead OR put the command dealing with filenames last). Print line 10 and insert before line 5.

sed '10p;5i\"INSERTED BEFORE LINE 5" file.txt

Remove comments between lines starting with these two keywords. Empty lines will be put there instead

sed -E '/start/,/end/ s/#.*//' file.txt

Delete comments starting with # (no empty lines left behind)

sed -E '/^#/d' f1

Insert an empty line after pattern (after each line containing comment in this case)

sed '/^#/G' file.txt

View lines minus lines between line starting with pattern and end of file

sed '/start/,$ d' file.txt

View lines except lines between line starting with pattern and line ending with pattern

sed -rn '/start/,/end/ !p' file.txt

sed '/start/q' file.txt

Insert contents of file after a certain line

sed '5 r newfile.txt' file.txt

Append text after lines containing regex (AFTER FOO)

sed '/foo/a\AFTER FOO' file.txt

Insert text after lines containing regex (BEFORE FOO)

sed '/foo/i\BEFORE FOO' file.txt

Change line containing regex match

sed '/foo/c\FOO IS CHANGED' file.txt

Nested sed ranges with inversion. Between lines 1,100 apply actions where the pattern DOESN'T match.

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
1,100 {
	/foo/ !{

Use nested addresses with change, insert and append to modify: the line before match, the line with match, the line after match.

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
/^#/ {

Insert new line before the first comment, after the first comment put in the contents of file and quit immediately afterwards

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
/^#/ {
r myotherfile.txt

Transform text

sed 'y/abc/ABC/' file.txt

Copy all the comments (starting with #) to a new file

sed -E '/^#/w comments.txt' file.txt

sed -n '1~2p' file.txt

Edit file in place but also create a backup

sed -i.bak 's/hello/HELLO/' file.txt

Append two extra lines after regex match

sed -E '/^#/G G' file.txt

Short Sed Tut

Sed commands use an address based on which they operate. The address can be:

  1. Single lines sed '10d' file.txt - delete line 10
  2. Line range sed '1,10d' file.txt - delete from line 1 to 10
  3. Line range2 sed '6,$d' file.txt - delete from line 6 to end of file ($ is end of file)
  4. Regex sed -E '/^#/d' file.txt - delete lines where regex matches
  5. Regex ranges sed -E '/DEBUG/,/END_DEBUG/d' file.txt - delete lines between regex matches (including lines where regex matches)
  6. Regex and line ranges sed -E '/DEBUG/,30d' file.txt - delete from line matching DEBUG to line 30
  7. all lines sed 'a\AFTER EVERY LINE' file.txt - append this after every line (when no address is present apply to all lines)
  8. Nested - use this with a sed script (see below)

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
1,100 { 

  • between lines 1 and 100:

where matches DEBUG,

delete lines containing /DONE/ and after lines containing /NOT DONE/ append.

You can invert the address by putting a ! in front of the command, not the address.

  1. sed '/PRODUCTION/!d' file.txt - delete all lines not containing regex match. Note the ! in front of d.
  2. Everything inside curly brace (for nested) is a command. You put the ! in front of the curly brace.

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
1,100 { 
	/DEBUG/ !{

  • between lines 1,100

on lines NOT containing /DEBUG/

Perform operations

  1. "Double" nested inversion

#!/usr/bin/sed -f
1,100 { 
	/DEBUG/ !{

  • between lines 1,100

on lines not containing DEBUG

delete lines NOT containing /DONE/

Basic commands:

  1. 5d - delete - Delete line 5.
  2. 5p - print. - print line 5 (you should call sed with -n option when using print to only print the specified lines)
  3. 5q - quit - after line 5 quit
  4. 5a\Appended - append - after line 5. Note the backward slash in front of 'a'
  5. 5c\Changed - change - change line 5 to 'Changed'
  6. 5i\Before - insert - insert before line 5.
  7. 5r newfile.txt - read - put the contents of file 'newfile.txt' after line 5
  8. 5w written.txt - write - write line 5 to 'written.txt'
  9. 5s/foo/bar - substitute - on line 5 search for foo and replace with bar

Advanced & Less used commands

  1. sed -E '/^#/G G' file.txt - append newline to pattern space then append hold space to pattern space - insert two blank lines after every line that matches regex

Regex tricks

  1. & is the matched regex. sed -E '/foo/& & &/' file.txt will triplicate the foo word
  2. \1 to \9 are the groups id's. You use a group like `sed -E 's/(foo) (bar)/\2 \1' file.txt '. In this very simple example we search for 'foo' followed by space followed by 'bar'. Then we switch these words (instead of 'foo bar' we have 'bar foo')
  3. Flags. sed 's/foo/bar/gi' file.txt . 'g' will replace all occurrences on the line (instead of just the first as it is by default). 'i' will make the substitute case insensitive.

