本篇主要记录 Applescript 基础语法,以及利用 applescript 生成 omnifocus 每日报告
从 windows 转换到 macos,最近一直在不断折腾,这两天浏览 github 过程中,看到 omnifocus 可以搭配 applescript 开发出一些自动化脚本,因此想开发一个 omnifocus 每日生成 Markdown 报告的脚本。
Applescript 快速入门
脚本编写 Eg.
applescript 最大的特点就是语法简单,编写一个清理废纸篓的脚本如下:
tell application "Finder"
empty the trash
end tell
变量 及 运算
-- 变量赋值
set width to 8
set height to 9
-- 变量运算
set area to width * height
-- 支持运算符
-- + - * / ^;
set str1 to ""
set str2 to "test"
set result to "YK"
-- 拼接
set resultingString to nameOfActress & actressRating
-- 长度
set theLength to the length of "Neal"
-- 类型转换
set strToNumber to "16" as number
set numToStr to 12 as string
set stringToBeDisplayed to "say hi"
display dialog "stringToBeDisplayed"
display dialog stringToBeDisplayed
set exampleList to {1,2,3,"hahah",9}
-- 列表拼接
同样用 & 操作符
-- 变更元素
set item 2 of theList to "yang"
set the second item of theList to "yang"
set the 2nd item of theList to "yang"
-- 取全部列表
get exampleList
-- 取最后一个元素
set valueOfLastItem to item -1 of myList
-- 一次取多个元素
set shortList to items 2 through 5 of myList
-- 翻转数组
set reversedList to reverse of myList
-- 获取数组的长度
set theListLength to the length of {"ds",1,2,3}
set theListLength to the count of {"ds",1,2,3}
-- 随机取数
set x to some item of {1,2,3}
-- 自动类型转换
set myList to {"a"}
set myString to "b"
set result to myList & myStringls
set itemized to every character to "Nealyang"
-- 切分字符串时,可以自定义delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
-- 注释一行
# 注释一行
(xxx) 注释多行
set ageEntered to 73
set myAge to 24
if ageEntered is myAge then
display dialog "You are as old as I as"
end if
say "this sentence is spoken anyway"
set x to 1 / 0
on error
display dialog "Error:" & the error_number & "." & the error_message buttons {"OK"}
end try
路径分隔符用 :
on test(la)
display dialog lala
end test
至此,AppleScript 的基本语法已逐一学习,下面就利用上面的知识开(gai)发(xie)一个 OmniFocus 每日生成 report 的脚本,并利用 crontab 布置成定时任务每日执行。
OmniFocus 每日 Report 脚本
脚本生成的 Markdown 效果如下:
总体框架参考了,细节上根据需求更改了 report 的结构
每日 report 配合检查能更好的对 GTD 进行实践
更改后的 AppleScript 如下:
set CurrDatetxt to short date string of date (short date string of (current date))
set dateYeartxt to year of (current date) as integer
if (month of (current date) as integer) < 10 then
set dateMonthtxt to "0" & (month of (current date) as integer)
set dateMonthtxt to month of (current date) as integer
end if
if (day of (current date) as integer) < 10 then
set dateDaytxt to "0" & (day of (current date) as integer)
set dateDaytxt to day of (current date) as integer
end if
set str_date to "" & dateYeartxt & "-" & dateMonthtxt & "-" & dateDaytxt
set theFilePath to "Macintosh HD:Users:Insomnia:Desktop:效率小结:小结" & str_date & ".md"
set due_Tasks to my OmniFocus_task_list()
my write_File(theFilePath, due_Tasks)
on OmniFocus_task_list()
set CurrDate to date (short date string of (current date))
set TomDate to date (short date string of ((current date) + days))
set TomTomDate to date (short date string of ((current date) + days * 2))
set Tom7Date to date (short date string of ((current date) + days * 7))
set CurrDatetxt to short date string of date (short date string of (current date))
set bigReturn to return & return
set smallReturn to return
set strText to "## ??" & CurrDatetxt & " 效率小结:" & smallReturn
tell application "OmniFocus"
-- 1. 列出今日已完成的任务
tell default document
set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where (completion date > (CurrDate) and completion date ≤ TomDate and completed = true))
set {lstName, lstProject, lstContext, lstDueDate} to {name, name of its containing project, name of its primary tag, due date} of refDueTaskList
set strText to strText & bigReturn & "### ?? 今日已完成 " & length of lstName & " 项任务 " & ":" & bigReturn
set strText to strText & "|项目|任务|dateDue|" & smallReturn & "|--|--|--|" & smallReturn
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varProject, varContext, varDueDate} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstProject, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstDueDate}
if (varDueDate < (current date)) then
set strDueDate to "**" & short date string of varDueDate & "**"
set strDueDate to short date string of varDueDate
on error
set strDueDate to " " as string
end try
end if
set strText to strText & "|" & "?`" & varProject & "`" & "|" & " " & strName & " " & "|" & strDueDate & "|" & smallReturn
end repeat
end tell
-- 2. 列出今日未完成的任务
tell default document
set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where due date ≤ TomDate and completed = false)
set {lstName, lstProject, lstContext, lstDueDate} to {name, name of its containing project, name of its primary tag, due date} of refDueTaskList
set strText to strText & bigReturn & "### ?? 今日未完成 " & length of lstName & " 项任务 " & ":" & bigReturn
set strText to strText & "|项目|任务|dateDue|" & smallReturn & "|--|--|--|" & smallReturn
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varProject, varContext, varDueDate} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstProject, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstDueDate}
if (varDueDate < (current date)) then
set strDueDate to "**" & short date string of varDueDate & "**"
set strDueDate to short date string of varDueDate
on error
set strDueDate to " " as string
end try
end if
set strText to strText & "|" & "??`" & varProject & "`" & "|" & " " & strName & " " & "|" & strDueDate & "|" & smallReturn
end repeat
end tell
-- 3. 列出过期的任务
tell default document
set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where due date < CurrDate and completed = false)
set {lstName, lstProject, lstContext, lstDueDate} to {name, name of its containing project, name of its primary tag, due date} of refDueTaskList
set strText to strText & bigReturn & "### ?? 已有 " & length of lstName & " 项任务严重延期 " & ":" & bigReturn
set strText to strText & "|项目|任务|dateDue|" & smallReturn & "|--|--|--|" & smallReturn
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varProject, varContext, varDueDate} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstProject, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstDueDate}
if (varDueDate < (current date)) then
set strDueDate to "**" & short date string of varDueDate & "**"
set strDueDate to short date string of varDueDate
on error
set strDueDate to " " as string
end try
end if
set strText to strText & "|" & "??`" & varProject & "`" & "|" & " " & strName & " " & "|" & strDueDate & "|" & smallReturn
end repeat
end tell
-- 4. 列出明日已计划的任务
tell default document
set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where due date > TomDate and due date ≤ TomTomDate and completed = false)
set {lstName, lstProject, lstContext, lstDueDate} to {name, name of its containing project, name of its primary tag, due date} of refDueTaskList
set strText to strText & bigReturn & "### ?? 明日已计划 " & length of lstName & " 项任务 " & ":" & bigReturn
set strText to strText & "|项目|任务|dateDue|" & smallReturn & "|--|--|--|" & smallReturn
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varProject, varContext, varDueDate} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstProject, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstDueDate}
if (varDueDate < (current date)) then
set strDueDate to "**" & short date string of varDueDate & "**"
set strDueDate to short date string of varDueDate
on error
set strDueDate to " " as string
end try
end if
set strText to strText & "|" & "??`" & varProject & "`" & "|" & " " & strName & " " & "|" & strDueDate & "|" & smallReturn
end repeat
end tell
-- 5. 列出未来七天的紧急和重要的任务
tell default document
set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where due date ≤ Tom7Date and completed = false)
set {lstName, lstProject, lstContext, lstDueDate} to {name, name of its containing project, name of its primary tag, due date} of refDueTaskList
set icount to 0
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set varContext to item iTask of lstContext
if varContext = "*Important" or varContext = "+Urgent" then
set icount to icount + 1
end if
end repeat
set strText to strText & bigReturn & "### 7?? 未来七天共 " & icount & " 项**紧急/重要**任务 " & ":" & bigReturn
set strText to strText & "|项目|任务|dateDue|" & smallReturn & "|--|--|--|" & smallReturn
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varProject, varContext, varDueDate} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstProject, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstDueDate}
if varContext = "*Important" or varContext = "+Urgent" then
if (varDueDate < (current date)) then
set strDueDate to "**" & short date string of varDueDate & "**"
set strDueDate to short date string of varDueDate
on error
set strDueDate to " " as string
end try
end if
set strText to strText & "|" & "??`" & varProject & "`" & "|" & " " & strName & " " & "|" & strDueDate & "|" & smallReturn
end if
end repeat
end tell
-- 6. 列出未指定日期且未完成的任务
tell default document
set refDueTaskList to a reference to (flattened tasks where due date = missing value and completed = false)
set {lstName, lstProject, lstContext, lstDueDate} to {name, name of its containing project, name of its primary tag, due date} of refDueTaskList
set strText to strText & bigReturn & "### ?? 仍有 " & length of lstName & " 项任务未指定到期日 " & ":" & bigReturn
set strText to strText & "|项目|任务|dateDue|" & smallReturn & "|--|--|--|" & smallReturn
repeat with iTask from 1 to count of lstName
set {strName, varProject, varContext, varDueDate} to {item iTask of lstName, item iTask of lstProject, item iTask of lstContext, item iTask of lstDueDate}
if (varDueDate < (current date)) then
set strDueDate to "**" & short date string of varDueDate & "**"
set strDueDate to short date string of varDueDate
on error
set strDueDate to " " as string
end try
end if
set strText to strText & "|" & "?`" & varProject & "`" & "|" & " " & strName & " " & "|" & strDueDate & "|" & smallReturn
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end OmniFocus_task_list
--Export Task list to .MD file
on write_File(theFilePath, due_Tasks)
set theText to due_Tasks
set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath with write permission
write theText to theFileReference as ?class utf8?
close access the theFileReference
end write_File
tell application "Typora"
open file theFilePath
end tell