SFDC CustomLabels vs. CustomMetadata

SFDC Custom Labels vs. Custom Metadata

  • SFDC Custom Labels vs. Custom Metadata
    • Resource
    • 前言
      • 常量类
      • Custom Labels
        • 在Apex里更新/创建 CustomLabels是否有可能?
      • Custom Metadata
        • 2021年12月13日更新使用方法


Custom Metadata Allocations and Usage Calculations
Custom Labels
sObject Types




建立一个常量类,所有的常量都定义为public static final。使用方法:常量类名.变量名

 * 定数共通処理
public with sharing class EX_CommonConstants {
    /** 会社コード */
    public static final String COMPANY_CODE = 'WZJ';

// 使用方法
system.debug(EX_CommonConstants.COMPANY_CODE);// output:WZJ

Custom Labels

Custom labels enable developers to create multilingual applications by automatically presenting information (for example, help text or error messages) in a user’s native language. Custom labels are custom text values that can be accessed from Apex classes, Visualforce pages, Lightning pages, or Lightning components. The values can be translated into any language Salesforce supports.
自定义标签使开发人员能够通过以用户的本机语言自动显示信息(例如,帮助文本或错误消息)来创建多语言应用程序。自定义标签是可以从 Apex 类、 Visualforce 页面、 Lightning 页面或 Lightning 组件访问的自定义文本值。这些值可以翻译成 Salesforce 支持的任何语言。
You can create up to 5,000 custom labels for your organization, and they can be up to 1,000 characters in length. Custom labels from managed packages don’t count toward this limit.
您可以为组织创建多达5,000个自定义标签,它们的长度可以达到1,000个字符。来自managed packages的自定义标签不计入此限制。


  • In Apex use the System.Label.Label_name syntax.
  • In Visualforce, use the $Label global variable.
  • In Aura components, use the $Label.c.labelName syntax for the default namespace or $Label.namespace.labelName if your org has a namespace or to access a label in a managed package.
  • In Lightning web components, import the label using the @salesforce/label/namespace.Label_name syntax.
  • In Lightning App Builder component labels and attributes, use the {!$Label.customLabelName} expression.

添加Custom Labels

  • 簡単な説明:Short Description,给开发者看的,说明这个label的用途
  • 名前:Name 字段中,输入标签使用的名称。此值用于 Apex 和 Visualforce 页面,以引用自定义标签。名称必须只包含字母数字字符,以字母开头,不包含空格或双下划线,并且与 org 中的所有其他标签都是唯一的。
  • カテゴリ:Categories 类别 文本框中允许的字符总数为255个。
  • 値:Value 要显示的值,输入最多1000个字符的文本。这个值可以翻译成 Salesforce 支持的任何语言。
  • 言語:Language 语言不可自定义,与添加者当前设置的language有关,并且一旦添加后你也不能更改这个label的语言。


// 由常量类变成了 System.Label
system.debug(System.Label.COMPANY_CODE);// output:WZJ

在Apex里更新/创建 CustomLabels是否有可能?

Custom labels are not standard sObjects. You cannot create a new instance of a custom label. You can only access the value of a custom label using system.label.label_name. For example:

String errorMsg = System.Label.generic_error;

Custom Metadata

Custom metadata is customizable, deployable, packageable, and upgradeable application metadata. First, you create a custom metadata type, which defines the form of the application metadata. Then you build reusable functionality that determines the behavior based on metadata of that type.

After you create a public custom metadata type, you or others can declaratively create custom metadata records that are defined by that type. When you package a public custom metadata type, customers who install the package can add their own records to the metadata type. Your reusable functionality reads your custom metadata and uses it to produce customized application behavior. For example, you can use custom metadata types for the following.

  • Mappings—Create associations between different objects, such as a custom metadata type that assigns cities, states, or provinces to particular regions in a country.
  • Business rules—Combine configuration records with custom functionality. Use custom metadata types along with some Apex code to route payments to the correct endpoint.
  • Master data—Let’s say that your org uses a standard accounting app. Create a custom metadata type that defines custom charges, like duties and VAT rates. If you include this type as part of an extension package, subscriber orgs can reference the master data.
  • Whitelists—Manage lists, such as approved donors and pre-approved vendors.
  • Secrets—Store information, like API keys, in your protected custom metadata types within a package.

Custom metadata rows resemble custom object rows in structure. You create, edit, and delete custom metadata rows in Metadata API or in Setup. Because the records are metadata, you can migrate them using packages or Metadata API tools.
自定义元数据行在结构上类似于自定义对象行。可以在 Metadata API 或安装程序中创建、编辑和删除自定义元数据行。因为记录是元数据,所以可以使用包或 Metadata API 工具迁移它们。

Usage Calculation

  • Usage is calculated in characters. You can store up to 10 million characters.
  • Standard fields like Label, Name, and Namespace, are included in your usage calculation but Description and Qualified API Name are NOT.
  • Long text area fields (up to 255 characters per long text area field for a given type) are included in the usage calculation.
  • Metadata relationship fields count as 15 characters in the usage calculation if their target is another custom metadata type, or 10 characters if the target is Entity Definition or Field Definition.
  • Picklists and Checkboxes both count as 10 characters.

Create Custom Metadata Type
创建Custom Metadata Type

API参照名为:Account_Setting__mdt,__mdt,自定义Object为__c,Big Object为__b,Externl Object为__x.


// 就像普通的自定义Object一样,SOQL查询然后遍历取自己需要的值
List asm = [SELECT 
                                  Id, DeveloperName, MasterLabel, Language, NamespacePrefix, Label, QualifiedApiName 
                                  FROM Account_Setting__mdt];
for(Account_Setting__mdt tmp : asm){
        System.debug('COMPANY_CODE:'+tmp.MasterLabel); // WZJ


2021年12月13日更新。 Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Winter '22)
不通过SOQL方式取得,使用新的方法,直接取得,不会占用SOQL Limits。
Obtain a Map Containing All Custom Metadata Records or a Single Record sObject for a Custom Metadata Type
You no longer need to write a Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) to access custom metadata records in Apex. There are new methods similar to accessing Custom Settings. This removes any SOQL limits, making the code cleaner and faster.

How: Use the new Apex getAll(), getInstance(recordId), getInstance(qualifiedApiName), or getInstance(developerName) methods to retrieve custom metadata type records.

  • getAll()
    Returns a map containing custom metadata records for the specific custom metadata type. The map’s keys are the IDs of the records and the map’s values are the record sObjects.
  • getInstance(recordId)
    Returns a single custom metadata type record sObject for a specified record ID.
  • getInstance(developerName)
    Returns a single custom metadata type record sObject for a specified developerName field of the custom metadata type object.
  • getInstance(qualifiedApiName)
    Returns a single custom metadata type record sObject for a qualified API name.

Example: This sample returns a single record sObject for the custom metadata type named Games_mdt with developerName specified as FirstRecord.

Games__mdt mc = Games__mdt.getInstance('FirstRecord');

Create a Custom Metadata Type

Add a Custom Field

Enter a Country Code


public class CountryCodeHelper {
  public static string getCountryCode(String country) {
    Country_Code__mdt countryCode = [
      SELECT Id, MasterLabel, Country_Code__c
      FROM Country_Code__mdt
      WHERE MasterLabel = :country
      LIMIT 1
    return countryCode.Country_Code__c;




public class CountryCodeHelper {
  public static string getCountryCode(String country) {
    Country_Code__mdt countryCode = Country_Code__mdt.getInstance(country);
    return countryCode.Country_Code__c;


system.debug('code new:'+CountryCodeHelper.getCountryCode('Canada'));