30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 3: JOGGING

Every day, in all kinds of weather, thousands of men and women go jogging. Why has jogging—running slowly for long distances—become so popular? Most joggers like it because they have heard it is a very good exercise. Jogging makes the heart stronger and helps people lose weight. It can also help them feel better about themselves.     How fast should you go? Jog with a friend and talk to each other as you run. If you have difficulty talking, you are going too fast. How far should you jog? Remember not to go too far too soon. In fact you should walk, not run, the first few times. Then do some short jogs, but no more than what you can do comfortably.   After that, increase your distance a quarter or half of a mile every two weeks or so. Maybe in a few years, you, too, can run in a marathon like thousands of other people do.   每天,在各种天气,成千上万的男人和女人去慢跑。为什么慢跑——长距离慢跑——变得如此流行? 大多数慢跑者喜欢它,因为他们听说这是一种很好的锻炼。慢跑使心脏更强壮,帮助人们减肥。它还可以帮助他们自我感觉更好。     你应该跑多快? 和朋友一起慢跑,边跑边交谈。如果你说话有困难,说明你跑得太快了。你应该慢跑多远? 记住不要跑得太远太快。事实上,开始的几次你应该走路,而不是跑步。然后做一些短的慢跑,但不要超过你能舒服地做的程度。   在那之后,每两周左右增加四分之一或半英里的距离。也许几年后,你也能像其他成千上万的人一样跑马拉松。    
