Java Web之过滤器(Filter):
A servlet filter that allows for advanced dispatching.
简介:This fiter allows for a single mapping from web.xml for all requests to the spring dispatcher. It creates a wrapper around the servlet request object that "fakes" the serveltPath property to make it look like the mapping was created in web.xml when in actuality it was created in spring. @author Justin Deoliveira, OpenGeo
简介:该过滤器用来为向spring分发器的连接请求创建一个来自web.xml的单个映射。它为servlet请求创建一个wrapper,伪造servletPath属性,从而使得它看上去像是在web.xml中创建的映射,但是它实际上是在spring中创建的。作者:Justin Deoliveira
public class AdvancedDispatchFilter implements Filter {
目的: 改变请求参数的值,满足项目需求(如:过滤请求中 lang != zh 的请求)
>>SpringMVC - (3)DispatcherServlet在web.xml中的路径映射问题: