《C#入门详解》刘老师 delegate


  • 什么是委托(委托可以按照一定的约束指向某些目标方法,然后帮助我们完成对这些方法的间接调用)


namespace delegateExample
  class program
    static void main(string[] args)

     Calculator calculctor = new Calculator();
     Action action = new Action(calculator.report); //只需要方法名calculator.report,  calculator.report() 加括号代表返回值
     calculator.report();   //直接调用
     action.invoke();       //间接调用
     action();                 //简略写法

     Func func1 = new Func(Calculator.Add) ;
int x=100;
int y=200;
int z=0;

     z = func1.Invoke(x,y);

  class Calculator
   public void report(){console.writeline("i have method");}
   public int add(int a,int b){int result=a+b;return result;}

  • 为什么使用委托


        /// the English speaker.
        /// The name.
        public void EnglishSpeaker(string name)
                string.Format("Hello my name is {0} and I am English speaker.\n", name));

        /// the Chineses speaker.
        public void ChineseSpeaker(string name)
                string.Format("我的名字叫{0},我讲普通话。\n", name));
/// 根据上下文调用不同的方法
        /// string
        /// enum
        private static void Say(string name, Language fang)
            switch (fang)
                case Language.Chinese:
                case Language.English:
                default :





假如Say()方法可以接受一个参数变量,这个变量可以代表另一个方法,当我们给这个变量赋值 EnglishSpeaker的时候,它代表着EnglishSpeaker() 这个方法;

当我们给它赋值ChineseSpeaker 的时候,它又代表着ChineseSpeaker()方法。我们将这个参数变量命名为 LanguageSpeak,那么不是可以如同给name赋值时一样,
在调用 Say()方法的时候,给这个LanguageSpeak参数也赋上值么(ChineseSpeak或者EnglsihSpeak等)?然后,我们在方法体内,也可以像使用别的参数一样使用LanguageSpeak。 

private delegate void SpeakDelegate(string name); private static void Say(string name, SpeakDelegate speaker) { ///Inoke the speaker function. speaker(name); }

  • 自定义委托

namespace delegateExample
 public delegate double Calc(double x,double y);
 class program
    static void main(string[] args)
     Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
     Calc calc = new Calc(calculator.add);
     double a =100;
     double b=200;
     double c=0;
     c = calc.invoke(a,b);
     c = calc(a,b);

   class Calculator
     public double add( double x, double y){ return x+y;}

  • 委托的一般使用




namespace delegate
  class program
     static void main(string[] args)
      ProductFactory productFactory = new ProductFactory();
      WrapFactory wrapFactory = new WrapFactory();
      Func func1 = new Func (productFactory.MakePizza);
      Func func2 = new Func (productFactory.MakeToyCar);

     Box box1 = wrapFactory.WrapProduct(func1);
     Box box2 = wrapFactory.WrapProduct(func2);


  class Product
     public string name{get;set;}

  class Box
     public Product product{get;set;}

  class WrapFactory
     public Box WrapProduct(Func getproduct)
       Box box = new Box();
       Product product = getproduct.invoke();
       box.Product = product;
       return box;

  class ProductFactory
     public Product Makepizza()
       Product product = new Product();
       product.name = "pizza";
       return product ;
      public Product MakeToyCar()
       Product product = new Product();
       product.name = "Toy Car";
       return product ;


    Product类,Box类,WrapFactory类,都不需要修改,只需要不停的扩展产品工厂,那么就可以生产不同不样的产品。而且不管生产哪种产品的方法。 只要把这个方法封装在一个委托类型的对象里,传给我们的模板方法。我们的模板方法就一定能够把我的这个产品包装成一个箱子并交还回来。最大限度的重复使用代码
namespace delegate
  class program
     static void main(string[] args)
      ProductFactory productFactory = new ProductFactory();
      WrapFactory wrapFactory = new WrapFactory();
      Func func1 = new Func (productFactory.MakePizza);
      Func func2 = new Func (productFactory.MakeToyCar);
      Logger logger = new Logger();
      Action log = new Action (Logger.Log);

     Box box1 = wrapFactory.WrapProduct(func1 , log);
     Box box2 = wrapFactory.WrapProduct(func2 , log);


  class Logger
     public void Log( Product product)
      {console.writeline("Product '{0}' created at '{1}' ,pizza is '{2}',product.name,datetime.now,product.price");}

  class Product
     public string name{get;set;}
     public string price{get;set;}

  class Box
     public Product product{get;set;}

  class WrapFactory
     public Box WrapProduct(Func getproduct  ,   Action  logcallback)
       Box box = new Box();
       Product product = getproduct.invoke();
       {  logcallback(product); }
       box.Product = product;
       return box;

  class ProductFactory
     public Product Makepizza()
       Product product = new Product();
       product.name = "pizza";
       product.price = 12;
       return product ;
      public Product MakeToyCar()
       Product product = new Product();
       product.name = "Toy Car";
       product.price = 100;
       return product ;

  • 委托的高级使用

using system;
using system.collection.generic;
using system.threading;

namespace MulticastDelegateExample
    class program
        Student stu1 = new Student(){ID =1,PenColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow};
        Student stu2 = new Student(){ID =2,PenColor = ConsoleColor.Green};
        Student stu3 = new Student(){ID =3,PenColor = ConsoleColor.Red};
        Action action1 = new Action(stu1.DoHomework);
        Action action2 = new Action(stu2.DoHomework);
        Action action3 = new Action(stu3.DoHomework);

       action1 += action2;
       action2 += action3;
       action1.invoke();    //一个委托封装了多个方法的使用方式叫做多播委托


      class Student
        public int ID{get;set;}
        public ConsoleColor PenColor{get;set;}
        public void DoHomeWork()
          console.ForegroundColor = this.PenColor;
          console.Writeline("student{0}doing homework{1}hours",this.ID, i);
namespace delegate
  class program
     static void main(string[] args)
      IproductFactory pizzaFactory = new PizzaFactory();
      IproductFactory toycarFactory = new ToyCarFactory();
      WrapFactory wrapFactory = new WrapFactory();

     Box box1 = wrapFactory.WrapProduct( pizzaFactory );
     Box box2 = wrapFactory.WrapProduct( toycarFactory );


      Interface IproductFactory
      { Product.Make();    }
      class PizzaFactory : IproductFactory
       public Product Make()
           Product product = new Product();
           product.name = "pizza";
           return product ;
      class ToyCarFactory : IproductFactory
       public Product Make()
           Product product = new Product();
           product.name = "Toy Car";
           return product ;

  class Product
     public string name{get;set;}

  class Box
     public Product product{get;set;}

  class WrapFactory
     public Box WrapFactory(IproductFactory productFactory)
       Box box = new Box();
       Product product = productFactory.Make();
       box.Product = product;
       return box;
