CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice.



Firstly, individual weights are assigned to each sequence in a partial alignment in order to down- weight near-duplicate sequences and up-weight the most divergent ones.


Secondly, amino acid substitution matrices are varied at different alignment stages according to the divergence of the sequences to be aligned.


Thirdly, residue-specific gap penalties and locally reduced gap penalties in hydrophilic regions encourage new gaps in potential loop regions rather than regular secondary structure.


Fourthly, positions in early alignments where gaps have been opened receive locally reduced gap penalties to encourage the opening up of new gaps at these positions.



Currently, the most widely used approach is to exploit the fact that homologous sequences are evolutionarily related. One can build up a multiple alignment progressively by a series of pairwise alignments, following the branching order in a phylogenetic tree. One first aligns the most closely related sequences, gradually adding in the more distant ones. This approach is sufficiently fast to allow alignments of virtually any size.


There are two major problems with the progressive approach: the local minimum problem and the choice of alignment parameters.


The local minimum problem

The local minimum problem stems from the 'greedy' nature of the alignment strategy. The algorithm greedily adds sequences together, following the initial tree. There is no guarantee that the global optimal solution, as defined by some overall measure of multiple alignment quality, or anything close to it, will be found. More specifically, any mistakes (misaligned regions) made early in the alignment process cannot be corrected later as new information from other sequences is added.


The only way to correct this is to use an iterative or stochastic sampling procedure.


The alignment parameter choice problem

The alignment parameter choice problem is, in our view, at least as serious as the local minimum problem.

Stochastic or iterative algorithms will be just as badly affected as progressive ones if the parameters are inappropriate: they will arrive at a false global minimum.

Traditionally, one chooses one weight matrix and two gap penalties (one for opening a new gap and one for extending an existing gap) and hope that these will work well over all parts of all the sequences in the data set. When the sequences are all closely related, this works.


The first reason is that virtually all residue weight matrices give most weight to identities. When identities dominate an alignment, almost any weight matrix will find approximately the correct solution. With very divergent sequences, however, the scores given to non-identical residues will become critically important; there will be more mismatches than identities. Different weight matrices will be optimal at different evolutionary distances or for different classes of proteins.


The second reason is that the range of gap penalty values that will find the correct or best possible solution can be very broad for highly similar sequences (11). As more and more divergent sequences are used, however, the exact values of the gap penalties become important for success. In each case, there may be a very narrow range of values which will deliver the best alignment.


Neighbour-Joining NJ

In the original CLUSTAL programs, the initial guide trees, used to guide the multiple alignment, were calculated using the UPGMA method (20). We now use the Neighbour-Joining method which is more robust against the effects of unequal evolutionary rates in different lineages and which gives better estimates of individual branch lengths. This is useful because it is these branch lengths which are used to derive the sequence weights.


Material and Methods

The basic alignment method

The basic multiple alignment algorithm consists of three main stages: (i) all pairs of sequences are aligned separately in order to calculate a distance matrix giving the divergence of each pair of sequences; (ii) a guide tree is calculated from the distance matrix; (iii) the sequences are progressively aligned according to the branching order in the guide tree.

  1. 比对所有序列对,计算得出距离矩阵
  2. 根据距离矩阵计算指导树
  3. 根据指导树的顺序逐步对序列进行比对


Calculate distance matrix

In the original CLUSTAL programs, the pairwise distances were calculated using a fast approximate method.

This allows very large numbers of sequence to be aligned, even on a microcomputer. The scores are calculated as the number of k-tuple matches (runs of identical residues, typically 1 or 2 long for proteins or 2 - 4 long for nucleotide sequences) in the best alignment between two sequences minus a fixed penalty for every gap.

分数的计算方法是两个序列之间的最佳比对中的k-字节组匹配的数量(相同残基,对于蛋白质通常为1或2,对于核苷酸序列通常为2-4) 减去每个gap的固定惩罚。

We now offer a choice between this method and the slower but more accurate scores from full dynamic programming alignments using two gap penalties (for opening or extending gaps) and a full amino acid weight matrix.

These scores are calculated as the number of identities in the best alignment divided by the number of residues compared (gap positions are excluded). Both of these scores are initially calculated as per cent identity scores and are converted to distances by dividing by 100 and subtracting from 1.0 to give number of differences per site.

Progressive alignment
