一. 需求
二. 问题
三. 排查源码
四. 解决问题
五. 优化
- 放出realign()方法,当画布大小变更时,可使用该方法重置放大缩小组件位置
- 将组件放到画布里,以免定位不到
- 放到画布后,按钮位置代码优化
六. 代码
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
'use strict';
* Copyright (C) 1998-2021 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* This class implements a zoom slider for GoJS diagrams.
* The constructor takes two arguments:
* - `diagram` ***Diagram*** a reference to a GoJS Diagram
* - `options` ***Object*** an optional JS Object describing options for the slider
* Options:
* - `alignment` ***Spot*** see {@link #alignment}
* - `alignmentFocus` ***Spot*** see {@link #alignmentFocus}
* - `size` ***number*** see {@link #size}
* - `buttonSize` ***number*** see {@link #buttonSize}
* - `orientation` ***string*** see {@link #orientation}
* - `opacity` ***number*** see {@link #opacity}
* Example usage of ZoomSlider:
* ```js
* var zoomSlider = new ZoomSlider(myDiagram,
* {
* alignment: go.Spot.TopRight, alignmentFocus: go.Spot.TopRight,
* size: 150, buttonSize: 30, orientation: 'horizontal'
* });
* ```
* This is the basic HTML Structure that the ZoomSlider creates as a sibling div of the diagram:
* ```html
* ```
* The diagram div's parent element should use `position: relative` to ensure the slider gets positioned properly.
* @constructor
* @class
* @param {Diagram} diagram the Diagram which the slider zooms in/out
* @param {Object} options the options for the slider
export default function ZoomSlider(diagram, options) {
this._diagram = diagram;
this._initialScale = diagram.scale;
this._diagramDiv = diagram.div;
this._sliderDiv = null;
// Options defaults:
this._size = 125;
this._buttonSize = 25;
this._alignment = go.Spot.BottomRight;
this._alignmentFocus = go.Spot.BottomRight;
this._orientation = 'vertical';
this._opacity = .75;
// Set properties based on options
if (options !== undefined) {
if (options['size'] !== undefined) this._size = options['size'];
if (options['buttonSize'] !== undefined) this._buttonSize = options['buttonSize'];
if (options['alignment'] !== undefined) this._alignment = options['alignment'];
if (options['alignmentFocus'] !== undefined) this._alignmentFocus = options['alignmentFocus'];
if (options['orientation'] !== undefined) this._orientation = options['orientation'];
if (options['opacity'] !== undefined) this._opacity = options['opacity'];
// Prepare change listeners
var self = this;
this.updateOnViewportBoundsChanged = function () { self.scaleToValue(); };
this.updateRealign = function() { self.realign() };
// Public properties
* This read-only property returns the diagram for which the slider is handling zoom.
* @name ZoomSlider#diagram
* @return {Diagram}
Object.defineProperty(ZoomSlider.prototype, 'diagram', {
get: function() { return this._diagram; }
* Gets or sets the overall length, in pixels, that the slider will occupy.
* The default value is 125.
* @name ZoomSlider#size
* @return {number}
Object.defineProperty(ZoomSlider.prototype, 'size', {
get: function() { return this._size; },
set: function(val) {
var old = this._size;
if (old !== val) {
this._size = val;
* Gets or sets the height/width of the buttons at each end of the slider.
* The default value is 25.
* @name ZoomSlider#buttonSize
* @return {number}
Object.defineProperty(ZoomSlider.prototype, 'buttonSize', {
get: function() { return this._buttonSize; },
set: function(val) {
var old = this._buttonSize;
if (old !== val) {
this._buttonSize = val;
* Gets or sets the alignment Spot of this slider to determine where it should be placed relative to the diagram.
* The default value is Spot.BottomRight.
* @name ZoomSlider#alignment
* @return {Spot}
Object.defineProperty(ZoomSlider.prototype, 'alignment', {
get: function() { return this._alignment; },
set: function(val) {
var old = this._alignment;
if (old !== val) {
this._alignment = val;
* Gets or sets the Spot on this slider to be used as the alignment point when placing it relative to the diagram.
* The default value is Spot.BottomRight.
* @name ZoomSlider#alignmentFocus
* @return {Spot}
Object.defineProperty(ZoomSlider.prototype, 'alignmentFocus', {
get: function() { return this._alignmentFocus; },
set: function(val) {
var old = this._alignmentFocus;
if (old !== val) {
this._alignmentFocus = val;
* Gets or sets whether the slider is oriented vertically or horizontally.
* Must be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical' and is case-sensitive.
* The default value is `'vertical'`.
* @name ZoomSlider#orientation
* @return {string}
Object.defineProperty(ZoomSlider.prototype, 'orientation', {
get: function() { return this._orientation; },
set: function(val) {
if (val !== 'horizontal' && val !== 'vertical') {
throw new Error('Orientation must be "horizontal" or "vertical"');
var old = this._orientation;
if (old !== val) {
this._orientation = val;
* Gets or sets the opacity of the slider.
* The default value is 0.75.
* @name ZoomSlider#opacity
* @return {Spot}
Object.defineProperty(ZoomSlider.prototype, 'opacity', {
get: function() { return this._opacity; },
set: function(val) {
var old = this._opacity;
if (old !== val) {
this._opacity = val;
this._sliderDiv.style.opacity = val;
* @ignore
* Initialize the slider.
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.init = function() {
// Sets up the slider div and inner div's basic attributes and ids
// Set up the runtime code
* @ignore
* Create the necessary divs for the slider and add the slider as a sibling of the diagram.
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.sliderDivSetup = function() {
this._sliderDiv = document.createElement('div');
this._sliderDiv.className = 'zoomSlider';
// Initialize buttons and range input
var zoomOutBtn = document.createElement('button');
zoomOutBtn.className = 'zoomSliderOut zoomButton';
zoomOutBtn.innerHTML = '-';
var zoomRangeContainer = document.createElement('div');
zoomRangeContainer.className = 'zoomSliderRangeCtn zoomRangeContainer';
var zoomRangeInput = document.createElement('input');
zoomRangeInput.className = 'zoomSliderRange zoomRangeInput';
zoomRangeInput.type = 'range';
zoomRangeInput.min = -50;
zoomRangeInput.max = 100;
var zoomInBtn = document.createElement('button');
zoomInBtn.className = 'zoomSliderIn zoomButton';
zoomInBtn.innerHTML = '+';
// Adds the slider as a sibling of the diagram
// IMPORTANT: the diagram div's parent element should use position: relative
if (this._diagramDiv !== null) {
var diagramParent = this._diagramDiv;
if (diagramParent !== null) {
* @ignore
* Add listeners to the buttons and range input. todoczl
* Add a diagram listener
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.sliderListenerSetup = function() {
var diagramParent = this._diagramDiv.parentElement;
var zoomOutBtn = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderOut')[0];
var zoomInBtn = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderIn')[0];
var zoomRangeInput = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderRange')[0];
if (zoomOutBtn === null || zoomInBtn === null || zoomRangeInput === null) return;
// Set up diagram listener so the slider can be kept in sync with the diagram's scale
this.diagram.addDiagramListener('ViewportBoundsChanged', this.updateOnViewportBoundsChanged);
// Set up event handlers for buttons and input range slider
var self = this;
zoomOutBtn.onclick = function() {
zoomInBtn.onclick = function() {
var valChanged = function() {
zoomRangeInput.oninput = valChanged;
zoomRangeInput.onchange = valChanged;
* @ignore
* Resize the slider.
* @this {ZoomSlider}
* @param {boolean} reorient whether or not to reorient the slider/buttons
ZoomSlider.prototype.resize = function(reorient) {
var sliderWidth = 0;
var sliderHeight = 0;
var diagramParent = this._diagramDiv.parentElement;
var zoomOutBtn = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderOut')[0];
var zoomInBtn = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderIn')[0];
var zoomRangeContainer = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderRangeCtn')[0];
var zoomRangeInput = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderRange')[0];
if (this._sliderDiv === null || zoomOutBtn === null || zoomInBtn === null ||
zoomRangeContainer === null || zoomRangeInput === null) return;
if (this.orientation === 'horizontal') {
sliderWidth = this.size;
sliderHeight = this.buttonSize;
var rangeWidth = sliderWidth - sliderHeight * 2;
zoomOutBtn.style.width = sliderHeight + 'px';
zoomOutBtn.style.height = sliderHeight + 'px';
zoomRangeContainer.style.width = rangeWidth + 'px';
zoomRangeContainer.style.height = sliderHeight + 'px';
zoomRangeInput.style.width = rangeWidth + 'px';
zoomRangeInput.style.height = sliderHeight + 'px';
zoomRangeInput.style.transformOrigin = null;
zoomInBtn.style.width = sliderHeight + 'px';
zoomInBtn.style.height = sliderHeight + 'px';
} else {
sliderHeight = this.size;
sliderWidth = this.buttonSize;
var rangeHeight = sliderHeight - sliderWidth * 2;
zoomInBtn.style.width = sliderWidth + 'px';
zoomInBtn.style.height = sliderWidth + 'px';
zoomRangeContainer.style.width = sliderWidth + 'px';
zoomRangeContainer.style.height = rangeHeight + 'px';
zoomRangeInput.style.width = rangeHeight + 'px';
zoomRangeInput.style.height = sliderWidth + 'px';
zoomRangeInput.style.transformOrigin = rangeHeight / 2 + 'px ' + rangeHeight / 2 + 'px';
zoomOutBtn.style.width = sliderWidth + 'px';
zoomOutBtn.style.height = sliderWidth + 'px';
this._sliderDiv.style.width = sliderWidth + 'px';
this._sliderDiv.style.height = sliderHeight + 'px';
// Reorient the slider, if necessary
if (reorient) {
// Realign based on new size
* @ignore
* Reorient the slider, changing the transform and the order of the buttons within the div. todoczl
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.reorient = function() {
var diagramParent = this._diagramDiv.parentElement;
var zoomOutBtn = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderOut')[0];
var zoomInBtn = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderIn')[0];
var zoomRangeInput = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderRange')[0];
if (this._sliderDiv === null || zoomOutBtn === null || zoomInBtn === null || zoomRangeInput === null) return;
// Need to set the transform of the range input and move the buttons to the correct sides
if (this.orientation === 'horizontal') {
zoomRangeInput.style.transform = null;
this._sliderDiv.insertBefore(zoomOutBtn, this._sliderDiv.firstChild);
} else {
zoomRangeInput.style.transform = 'rotate(-90deg)';
this._sliderDiv.insertBefore(zoomInBtn, this._sliderDiv.firstChild);
* @ignore
* Realigns to slider relative to the diagram.
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.realign = function() {
if (this._diagramDiv === null || this._sliderDiv === null) return;
var sliderWidth = 0;
var sliderHeight = 0;
if (this.orientation === 'horizontal') {
sliderWidth = this.size;
sliderHeight = this.buttonSize;
} else {
sliderHeight = this.size;
sliderWidth = this.buttonSize;
// Finds the diagram and diagram's parent in the page
var diagramParent = this._diagramDiv.parentElement;
// var diagramLoc = this._diagramDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
if (diagramParent !== null) {
// var parentLoc = diagramParent.getBoundingClientRect();
var top =
// diagramLoc.top - parentLoc.top +
this.alignment.y * this._diagramDiv.clientHeight + this.alignment.offsetY -
this.alignmentFocus.y * sliderHeight + this.alignmentFocus.offsetY;
var left =
// diagramLoc.left - parentLoc.left +
this.alignment.x * this._diagramDiv.clientWidth + this.alignment.offsetX -
this.alignmentFocus.x * sliderWidth + this.alignmentFocus.offsetX;
this._sliderDiv.style.top = top + 'px';
this._sliderDiv.style.left = left + 'px';
* @ignore
* Update the value of the slider input to match the diagram's scale.
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.scaleToValue = function() {
var diagramParent = this._diagramDiv.parentElement;
var slider = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderRange')[0];
var diagram = this.diagram;
var A = this._initialScale;
var B = diagram.commandHandler.zoomFactor;
var y1 = diagram.scale;
slider.value = Math.round(Math.log(y1/A) / Math.log(B)).toString();
* @ignore
* Update the diagram's scale to match the value of the slider input.
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.valueToScale = function() {
var diagramParent = this._diagramDiv.parentElement;
var slider = diagramParent.getElementsByClassName('zoomSliderRange')[0];
var diagram = this.diagram;
var x = parseFloat(slider.value);
var A = this._initialScale;
var B = diagram.commandHandler.zoomFactor;
diagram.scale = A * Math.pow(B, x);
* Remove the slider from the page.
* @this {ZoomSlider}
ZoomSlider.prototype.remove = function() {
// Remove the listener attached to diagram
this.diagram.removeDiagramListener('ViewportBoundsChanged', this.updateOnViewportBoundsChanged);
if (this._sliderDiv !== null) {
this._sliderDiv.innerHTML = '';
if (this._sliderDiv.parentElement) {
this._sliderDiv = null;