第一个Pytest UI自动化测试实战实例
序号 | 库/插件/工具 | 安装命令 |
1 | 确保您已经安装了python3.x | |
2 | 配置python3+pycharm+selenium2开发环境 | |
3 | 安装pytest库 | pip install pytest |
4 | 安装pytest -html 报告插件 | pip install pytest-html |
5 | 安装pypiwin32库(用来模拟按键) | pip install pypiwin32 |
6 | 安装openpyxl解析excel文件库 | pip install openpyxl |
7 | 安装yagmail发送报告库 | pip install yagmail |
8 | 确保已配置火狐或谷歌浏览器及对应驱动 | |
9 | 确保已经正确配置好发送邮件的邮箱 |
3.二次封装webdriver Api 操作方法
1 PytestAutoTestFrameWork 2 |—|config 3 |——|__init__.py 4 |——|conf.py 5 |——|config.ini 6 |—|data 7 |——|__init__.py 8 |——|tcData.xlsx 9 |—Page 10 |——|PageObject.py 11 |———|__init__.py 12 |———|ContactPage.py 13 |———|HomePage.py 14 |———|LoginPage.py 15 |———|SendMailPage.py 16 |——|__init__.py 17 |——|BasePage.py 18 |—|report 19 |—|TestCases 20 |——|__init__.py 21 |——|conftest.py 22 |——|test_confactCase.py 23 |——|test_loginCase.py 24 |——|test_sendMailCase.py 25 |—|util 26 |——|__init__.py 27 |——|clipboard.py 28 |——|keyboard.py 29 |——|parseConFile.py 30 |——|parseExcelFile.py 31 |——|sendMailForReport.py 32 |—|conftest.py 33 |—|pytest.ini 34 |—|RunTestCase.py目录结构
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/15 12:04 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : clipboard.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import win32con 11 import win32clipboard as WC 12 13 14 class ClipBoard(object): 15 '''设置剪切板内容和获取剪切板内容''' 16 17 @staticmethod 18 def getText(): 19 '''获取剪切板的内容''' 20 WC.OpenClipboard() 21 value = WC.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT) 22 WC.CloseClipboard() 23 return value 24 25 @staticmethod 26 def setText(value): 27 '''设置剪切板的内容''' 28 WC.OpenClipboard() 29 WC.EmptyClipboard() 30 WC.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT, value) 31 WC.CloseClipboard() 32 33 34 if __name__ == '__main__': 35 from selenium import webdriver 36 37 value = 'python' 38 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 39 driver.get('http://www.baidu.com') 40 query = driver.find_element_by_id('kw') 41 ClipBoard.setText(value) 42 clValue = ClipBoard.getText() 43 query.send_keys(clValue.decode('utf-8'))clipboard.py-操作剪切板
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/15 12:05 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : keyboard.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 11 # 模拟按键 12 import win32api 13 import win32con 14 import time 15 16 17 class KeyBoard(object): 18 """模拟按键""" 19 # 键盘码 20 vk_code = { 21 'enter' : 0x0D, 22 'tab' : 0x09, 23 'ctrl' : 0x11, 24 'v' : 0x56, 25 'a' : 0x41, 26 'x' : 0x58 27 } 28 29 @staticmethod 30 def keyDown(key_name): 31 """按下键""" 32 key_name = key_name.lower() 33 try: 34 win32api.keybd_event(KeyBoard.vk_code[key_name], 0, 0, 0) 35 except Exception as e: 36 print('未按下enter键') 37 print(e) 38 39 @staticmethod 40 def keyUp(key_name): 41 """抬起键""" 42 key_name = key_name.lower() 43 win32api.keybd_event(KeyBoard.vk_code[key_name], 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) 44 45 @staticmethod 46 def oneKey(key): 47 """模拟单个按键""" 48 key = key.lower() 49 KeyBoard.keyDown(key) 50 time.sleep(2) 51 KeyBoard.keyUp(key) 52 53 @staticmethod 54 def twoKeys(key1, key2): 55 """模拟组合按键""" 56 key1 = key1.lower() 57 key2 = key2.lower() 58 KeyBoard.keyDown(key1) 59 KeyBoard.keyDown(key2) 60 KeyBoard.keyUp(key1) 61 KeyBoard.keyUp(key2) 62 63 64 if __name__ == '__main__': 65 from selenium import webdriver 66 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 67 driver.get('http://www.baidu.com') 68 driver.find_element_by_id('kw').send_keys('python') 69 KeyBoard.twoKeys('ctrl', 'a') 70 KeyBoard.twoKeys('ctrl', 'x')keyboard.py-模拟键盘
通过测试项目设计,我们需要把测试数据存放在Excel文件中,把页面操作元素存在UI对象库中也就是一个配置文件,那么我们需要对Excel 和 ini文件解析,因此我们开始编写这两个方法,设计UI对象库和测试数据文件
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/22 16:12 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : parseExcelFile.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 from openpyxl import load_workbook 11 from config.conf import excelPath 12 13 14 class ParseExcel(object): 15 16 def __init__(self): 17 self.wk = load_workbook(excelPath) 18 self.excelFile = excelPath 19 20 def getSheetByName(self, sheetName): 21 """获取sheet对象""" 22 sheet = self.wk[sheetName] 23 return sheet 24 25 def getRowNum(self, sheet): 26 """获取有效数据的最大行号""" 27 return sheet.max_row 28 29 def getColsNum(self, sheet): 30 """获取有效数据的最大列号""" 31 return sheet.max_column 32 33 def getRowValues(self, sheet, rowNum): 34 """获取某一行的数据""" 35 maxColsNum = self.getColsNum(sheet) 36 rowValues = [] 37 for colsNum in range(1, maxColsNum + 1): 38 value = sheet.cell(rowNum, colsNum).value 39 if value is None: 40 value = '' 41 rowValues.append(value) 42 return tuple(rowValues) 43 44 def getColumnValues(self, sheet, columnNum): 45 """获取某一列的数据""" 46 maxRowNum = self.getRowNum(sheet) 47 columnValues = [] 48 for rowNum in range(2, maxRowNum + 1): 49 value = sheet.cell(rowNum, columnNum).value 50 if value is None: 51 value = '' 52 columnValues.append(value) 53 return tuple(columnValues) 54 55 def getValueOfCell(self, sheet, rowNum, columnNum): 56 """获取某一个单元格的数据""" 57 value = sheet.cell(rowNum, columnNum).value 58 if value is None: 59 value = '' 60 return value 61 62 def getAllValuesOfSheet(self, sheet): 63 """获取某一个sheet页的所有测试数据,返回一个元祖组成的列表""" 64 maxRowNum = self.getRowNum(sheet) 65 columnNum = self.getColsNum(sheet) 66 allValues = [] 67 for row in range(2, maxRowNum + 1): 68 rowValues = [] 69 for column in range(1, columnNum + 1): 70 value = sheet.cell(row, column).value 71 if value is None: 72 value = '' 73 rowValues.append(value) 74 allValues.append(tuple(rowValues)) 75 return allValues 76 77 78 if __name__ == '__main__': 79 # excel = ParseExcel() 80 # sheet = excel.getSheetByName('login') 81 # print('行号:', excel.getRowNum(sheet)) 82 # print('列号:', excel.getColsNum(sheet)) 83 # 84 # rowvalues = excel.getRowValues(sheet, 1) 85 # columnvalues = excel.getColumnValues(sheet, 2) 86 # valueofcell = excel.getValueOfCell(sheet, 1, 2) 87 # allvalues = excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(sheet) 88 # 89 # print('第{}行数据{}'.format(1, rowvalues)) 90 # print('第{}列数据{}'.format(2, columnvalues)) 91 # print('{}{}单元格的内容{}'.format(1, 2, valueofcell)) 92 # print('login{}'.format(allvalues)) 93 94 excel = ParseExcel() 95 sheet = excel.getSheetByName('mail') 96 print('行号:', excel.getRowNum(sheet)) 97 print('列号:', excel.getColsNum(sheet)) 98 99 allvalues = excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(sheet) 100 101 print('sendmail{}'.format(allvalues))parseExcelFile.py-解析Excel文件
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/18 10:54 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : parseConFile.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import configparser 11 from config.conf import configDir 12 13 14 class ParseConFile(object): 15 16 def __init__(self): 17 self.file = configDir 18 self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser() 19 self.conf.read(self.file, encoding='utf-8') 20 21 def getAllSections(self): 22 """获取所有的section,返回一个列表""" 23 return self.conf.sections() 24 25 def getAllOptions(self, section): 26 """获取指定section下所有的option, 返回列表""" 27 return self.conf.options(section) 28 29 def getLocatorsOrAccount(self, section, option): 30 """获取指定section, 指定option对应的数据, 返回元祖和字符串""" 31 try: 32 locator = self.conf.get(section, option) 33 if ('->' in locator): 34 locator = tuple(locator.split('->')) 35 return locator 36 except configparser.NoOptionError as e: 37 print('error:', e) 38 return 'error: No option "{}" in section: "{}"'.format(option, section) 39 40 def getOptionValue(self, section): 41 """获取指定section下所有的option和对应的数据,返回字典""" 42 value = dict(self.conf.items(section)) 43 return value 44 45 46 if __name__ == '__main__': 47 cf = ParseConFile() 48 print(cf.getAllSections()) 49 print(cf.getAllOptions('126LoginAccount')) 50 print(cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'username')) 51 print(cf.getOptionValue('126LoginAccount'))parseConFile.py-解析配置文件
1 [126LoginAccount];126邮箱正确的登录账号和密码;运行用例时请更换正确的用户名和密码 2 username=linuxxiaochao 3 password=xiaochao11520 4 [HomePageElements];126邮箱首页菜单栏元素 5 homePage=id->_mail_tabitem_0_3text 6 mailList=id->_mail_tabitem_1_4text 7 applicationCenter=id->_mail_tabitem_2_5text 8 inBox=id->_mail_tabitem_3_6text 9 [LoginPageElements];126邮箱登录页面的元素 10 frame=xpath->//div[@id="loginDiv"]/iframe 11 username=xpath->//input[@name="email"] 12 password=xpath->//input[@name="password"] 13 loginBtn=xpath->//a[@id="dologin"] 14 ferrorHead=xpath->//div[@class="ferrorhead"] 15 [ContactPageElements];126邮箱添加联系人页面元素 16 new_contact=xpath->//span[text()="新建联系人"] 17 name=id->input_N 18 mail=xpath->//div[@id="iaddress_MAIL_wrap"]//input[@class="nui-ipt-input"] 19 star=xpath->//span[@class="nui-chk-text"]/preceding-sibling::span/b 20 phone=xpath->//div[@id='iaddress_TEL_wrap']//input[@class='nui-ipt-input'] 21 comment=id->input_DETAIL 22 commit=xpath->//span[text()='确 定'] 23 tooltip=xpath->//span[text()='请正确填写邮件地址。'] 24 [SendMailPageElements];126邮箱发送邮件页面元素 25 writeMail=xpath->//div[@id='dvNavContainer']//span[text()='写 信'] 26 addressee=xpath->//input[@aria-label='收件人地址输入框,请输入邮件地址,多人时地址请以分号隔开'] 27 subject=xpath->//input[contains(@id, '_subjectInput')] 28 iframe=xpath->//iframe[@class="APP-editor-iframe"] 29 text=xpath->/html/body 30 sendBtn=xpath->//header//span[text()='发送'] 31 expect=xpath->//h1[contains(@id,'_succInfo')] 32 uploadAttachment=xpath->//div[@title="点击添加附件"] 33 delete=xpath->//a[text()='删除']config.ini
新建excel文件,分3个sheet,分别为:login,contact,mail #每个sheet中数据可自行填写,驱动测试用例执行不同的数据进行测试
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 8:45 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : BasePage.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import time 11 from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC 12 from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait as wd 13 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By 14 from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchWindowException, TimeoutException, \ 15 NoAlertPresentException, NoSuchFrameException 16 from selenium import webdriver 17 18 from util.clipboard import ClipBoard 19 from util.keyboard import KeyBoard 20 from util.parseConFile import ParseConFile 21 from util.parseExcelFile import ParseExcel 22 23 24 class BasePage(object): 25 """ 26 结合显示等待封装一些selenium 内置方法 27 """ 28 cf = ParseConFile() 29 excel = ParseExcel() 30 31 def __init__(self, driver, outTime=30): 32 self.byDic = { 33 'id': By.ID, 34 'name': By.NAME, 35 'class_name': By.CLASS_NAME, 36 'xpath': By.XPATH, 37 'link_text': By.LINK_TEXT 38 } 39 self.driver = driver 40 self.outTime = outTime 41 42 def findElement(self, by, locator): 43 """ 44 find alone element 45 :param by: eg: id, name, xpath, css..... 46 :param locator: id, name, xpath for str 47 :return: element object 48 """ 49 try: 50 print('[Info:Starting find the element "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by)) 51 element = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(lambda x : x.find_element(by, locator)) 52 except TimeoutException as t: 53 print('error: found "{}" timeout!'.format(locator), t) 54 except NoSuchWindowException as e: 55 print('error: no such "{}"'.format(locator), e) 56 except Exception as e: 57 raise e 58 else: 59 # print('[Info:Had found the element "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by)) 60 return element 61 62 def findElements(self, by, locator): 63 """ 64 find group elements 65 :param by: eg: id, name, xpath, css..... 66 :param locator: eg: id, name, xpath for str 67 :return: elements object 68 """ 69 try: 70 print('[Info:start find the elements "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by)) 71 elements = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(lambda x : x.find_element(by, locator)) 72 except TimeoutException as t: 73 print(t) 74 except NoSuchWindowException as e: 75 print(e) 76 except Exception as e: 77 raise e 78 else: 79 # print('[Info:Had found the elements "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by)) 80 return elements 81 82 def isElementExsit(self, by, locator): 83 """ 84 assert element if exist 85 :param by: eg: id, name, xpath, css..... 86 :param locator: eg: id, name, xpath for str 87 :return: if element return True else return false 88 """ 89 if by.lower() in self.byDic: 90 try: 91 wd(self.driver, self.outTime).\ 92 until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((self.byDic[by], locator))) 93 except TimeoutException: 94 print('Error: element "{}" time out!'.format(locator)) 95 return False 96 except NoSuchWindowException: 97 print('Error: element "{}" not exsit!'.format(locator)) 98 return False 99 return True 100 else: 101 print('the "{}" error!'.format(by)) 102 103 def isClick(self, by, locator): 104 """判断是否可点击,返回元素对象""" 105 if by.lower() in self.byDic: 106 try: 107 element = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).\ 108 until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((self.byDic[by], locator))) 109 except Exception: 110 return False 111 return element 112 else: 113 print('the "{}" error!'.format(by)) 114 115 def isAlertAndSwitchToIt(self): 116 """ 117 assert alert if exsit 118 :return: alert obj 119 """ 120 try: 121 re = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(EC.alert_is_present()) 122 except NoAlertPresentException: 123 return False 124 except Exception: 125 return False 126 return re 127 128 def switchToFrame(self, by, locator): 129 """判断frame是否存在,存在就跳到frame""" 130 print('info:switching to iframe "{}"'.format(locator)) 131 if by.lower() in self.byDic: 132 try: 133 wd(self.driver, self.outTime).\ 134 until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((self.byDic[by], locator))) 135 except TimeoutException as t: 136 print('error: found "{}" timeout!'.format(locator), t) 137 except NoSuchFrameException as e: 138 print('error: no such "{}"'.format(locator), e) 139 except Exception as e: 140 raise e 141 else: 142 print('the "{}" error!'.format(by)) 143 144 def switchToDefaultFrame(self): 145 """返回默认的frame""" 146 print('info:switch back to default iframe') 147 try: 148 self.driver.switch_to.default_content() 149 except Exception as e: 150 print(e) 151 152 def getAlertText(self): 153 """获取alert的提示信息""" 154 if self.isAlertAndSwitchToIt(): 155 alert = self.isAlertAndSwitchToIt() 156 return alert.text 157 else: 158 return None 159 160 def getElementText(self, by, locator, name=None): 161 """获取某一个元素的text信息""" 162 try: 163 element = self.findElement(by, locator) 164 if name: 165 return element.get_attribute(name) 166 else: 167 return element.text 168 except: 169 print('get "{}" text failed return None'.format(locator)) 170 return None 171 172 def loadUrl(self, url): 173 """加载url""" 174 print('info: string upload url "{}"'.format(url)) 175 self.driver.get(url) 176 177 def getSource(self): 178 """获取页面源码""" 179 return self.driver.page_source 180 181 def sendKeys(self, by, locator, value=''): 182 """写数据""" 183 print('info:input "{}"'.format(value)) 184 try: 185 element = self.findElement(by, locator) 186 element.send_keys(value) 187 except AttributeError as e: 188 print(e) 189 190 def clear(self, by, locator): 191 """清理数据""" 192 print('info:clearing value') 193 try: 194 element = self.findElement(by, locator) 195 element.clear() 196 except AttributeError as e: 197 print(e) 198 199 def click(self, by, locator): 200 """点击某个元素""" 201 print('info:click "{}"'.format(locator)) 202 element = self.isClick(by, locator) 203 if element: 204 element.click() 205 else: 206 print('the "{}" unclickable!') 207 208 def sleep(self, num=0): 209 """强制等待""" 210 print('info:sleep "{}" minutes'.format(num)) 211 time.sleep(num) 212 213 def ctrlV(self, value): 214 """ctrl + V 粘贴""" 215 print('info:pasting "{}"'.format(value)) 216 ClipBoard.setText(value) 217 self.sleep(3) 218 KeyBoard.twoKeys('ctrl', 'v') 219 220 def enterKey(self): 221 """enter 回车键""" 222 print('info:keydown enter') 223 KeyBoard.oneKey('enter') 224 225 def waitElementtobelocated(self, by, locator): 226 """显示等待某个元素出现,且可见""" 227 print('info:waiting "{}" to be located'.format(locator)) 228 try: 229 wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((self.byDic[by], locator))) 230 except TimeoutException as t: 231 print('error: found "{}" timeout!'.format(locator), t) 232 except NoSuchWindowException as e: 233 print('error: no such "{}"'.format(locator), e) 234 except Exception as e: 235 raise e 236 237 def assertValueInSource(self, value): 238 """断言某个关键字是否存在页面源码中""" 239 print('info:assert "{}" in page source'.format(value)) 240 source = self.getSource() 241 assert value in source, '关键字"{}"不存在源码中!'.format(value) 242 243 def assertStringContainsValue(self, String, value): 244 """断言某段字符串包含另一个字符串""" 245 print('info:assert "{}" contains "{}"'.format(String, value)) 246 assert value in String, '"{}"不包含"{}"!'.format(String, value) 247 248 249 @staticmethod 250 def getSheet(sheetName): 251 """获取某个sheet页的对象""" 252 sheet = BasePage.excel.getSheetByName(sheetName) 253 return sheet 254 255 256 if __name__ == "__main__": 257 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 258 frame = ('xpath', '//div[@id="loginDiv"]/ifram') 259 wait = BasePage(driver) 260 driver.get('https://mail.126.com/') 261 wait.switchToFrame(*frame) 262 username = wait.findElement('xpath', '//input[@name="email"]') 263 username.send_keys('账号') 264 if wait.isElementExsit('xpath', '//input[@name="password"]'): 265 wait.findElement('xpath', '//input[@name="password"]').send_keys('xiaochao11520') 266 wait.click('xpath', '//a[@id="dologin"]')BasePage.py-webdriver二次封装
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 12:28 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : HomePage.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage 11 12 13 class HomePage(BasePage): 14 # 配置文件读取元素 15 homePage = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'homePage') 16 mailList = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'mailList') 17 applicationCenter = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'applicationCenter') 18 inBox = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'inBox') 19 '''首页菜单选项''' 20 def selectMenu(self, Menu='mailList'): 21 """邮箱首页选择菜单""" 22 if Menu == 'mailList': 23 self.click(*HomePage.mailList) 24 elif Menu == 'homePage': 25 self.click(*HomePage.homePage) 26 elif Menu == 'applicationCenter': 27 self.click(*HomePage.applicationCenter) 28 elif Menu == 'inBox': 29 self.click(*HomePage.inBox) 30 else: 31 raise ValueError(''' 32 菜单选择错误! 33 homePage->首页 34 mailList->通讯录 35 applicationCenter->应用中心 36 inBox->收件箱''') 37 38 if __name__=='__main__': 39 from selenium import webdriver 40 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage 41 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 42 login = LoginPage(driver) 43 login.login('账号', 'xiaochao11520') 44 45 home = HomePage(driver) 46 home.selectMenu()HomePage.py-邮箱首页选择菜单
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 12:28 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : LoginPage.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage 11 12 13 class LoginPage(BasePage): 14 15 # 配置文件读取元素 16 frame = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'frame') 17 username = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'username') 18 password = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'password') 19 loginBtn = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'loginBtn') 20 ferrorHead = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'ferrorHead') # 登录失败提示 21 22 def login(self, userName, passWord): 23 '''登录''' 24 print('-------staring login-------') 25 self.loadUrl('https://mail.126.com') 26 self.switchToFrame(*LoginPage.frame) 27 self.clear(*LoginPage.username) 28 self.sendKeys(*LoginPage.username, userName) 29 self.clear(*LoginPage.password) 30 self.sendKeys(*LoginPage.password, passWord) 31 self.click(*LoginPage.loginBtn) 32 self.switchToDefaultFrame() 33 print('---------end login---------') 34 35 # add at 2019/04/19 36 def assertTextEqString(self, expected, name = None): 37 '''断言提示信息是否与期望的值相等''' 38 self.switchToFrame(*LoginPage.frame) 39 text = self.getElementText(*LoginPage.ferrorHead, name) 40 self.switchToDefaultFrame() 41 print('info: assert "{}" == "{}"'.format(text, expected)) 42 assert text == expected, '{} != {}'.format(text, expected) 43 44 if __name__=="__main__": 45 from selenium import webdriver 46 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 47 login = LoginPage(driver, 30) 48 login.login('lin', '') 49 login.assertTextEqString('请输入密码')LoginPage.py-封装登录功能
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 12:29 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : ContactPage.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage 11 12 13 class ContactPage(BasePage): 14 # 配置文件读取元素 15 new_contact = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'new_contact') 16 name = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'name') 17 mail = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'mail') 18 star = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'star') 19 phone = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'phone') 20 comment = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'comment') 21 commit = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'commit') 22 errortip = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'tooltip') # 错误提示 23 24 def newContact(self, Name, Mail, Star, Phone, Comment): 25 """添加联系人""" 26 print('--------string add contact--------') 27 self.click(*ContactPage.new_contact) 28 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.name, Name) 29 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.mail, Mail) 30 if Star == '1': 31 self.click(*ContactPage.star) 32 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.phone, Phone) 33 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.comment, Comment) 34 self.click(*ContactPage.commit) 35 print('--------end add contact--------') 36 37 def assertErrorTip(self, excepted): 38 """断言联系人添加失败时是否有提示信息""" 39 text = self.getElementText(*ContactPage.errortip) 40 print('info: assert "{}"=="{}"'.format(text, excepted)) 41 assert text == excepted 42 43 if __name__ == '__main__': 44 from selenium import webdriver 45 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage 46 from Page.PageObject.HomePage import HomePage 47 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 48 home = HomePage(driver) 49 login = LoginPage(driver) 50 contact = ContactPage(driver) 51 52 login.login('账号', 'xiaochao11520') 53 home.selectMenu() 54 contact.newContact('281754041@qq.com')ContactPage.py-封装添加联系人功能
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 9:16 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : SendMailPage.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage 11 12 13 class SendMailPage(BasePage): 14 # 配置文件读取元素 15 writeMail = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'writeMail') 16 addressee = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'addressee') 17 subject = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'subject') 18 iframe = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'iframe') 19 text = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'text') 20 sendBtn = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'sendBtn') 21 expect = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'expect') 22 uploadAttachment = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'uploadAttachment') 23 delete = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'delete') 24 25 def sendMail(self, Address, Subject, Text, PFA=''): 26 """发送邮件功能""" 27 print('------------string send mail---------------------') 28 self.click(*SendMailPage.writeMail) 29 self.sendKeys(*SendMailPage.addressee, Address) 30 self.sendKeys(*SendMailPage.subject, Subject) 31 self.switchToFrame(*SendMailPage.iframe) 32 self.sendKeys(*SendMailPage.text, Text) 33 self.switchToDefaultFrame() 34 if PFA: 35 self.click(*SendMailPage.uploadAttachment) 36 self.ctrlV(PFA) 37 self.enterKey() 38 self.waitElementtobelocated(*SendMailPage.delete) 39 self.click(*SendMailPage.sendBtn) 40 print('------------end send mail---------------------') 41 42 if __name__=='__main__': 43 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage 44 from selenium import webdriver 45 driver = webdriver.Firefox() 46 47 login = LoginPage(driver) 48 login.login('账号', 'xiaochao11520') 49 sendMail = SendMailPage(driver) 50 sendMail.sendMail('281754043@qq.com', 'pytest', 'pytest实战实例', 1, 'D:\KeyWordDriverTestFrameWork\geckodriver.log')SendMailPage.py-封装发送邮件功能
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 15:10 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : conftest.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import pytest 11 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage 12 13 14 # 从配置文件中获取正确的用户名和密码 15 userName = LoginPage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'username') 16 passWord = LoginPage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'password') 17 @pytest.fixture(scope='function') 18 def login(driver): 19 '''除登录用例,每一个用例的前置条件''' 20 print('------------staring login------------') 21 loginFunc = LoginPage(driver, 30) 22 loginFunc.login(userName, passWord) 23 yield 24 print('------------end login------------') 25 driver.delete_all_cookies()conftest.py-同用例目录下,调用登录功能
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 14:10 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : test_loginCase.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import pytest 11 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage 12 13 14 @pytest.mark.loginTest 15 class TestLogin(object): 16 17 # 测试数据 18 loginSheet = LoginPage.getSheet('login') 19 data = LoginPage.excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(loginSheet) 20 21 # 正确的帐号和密码 22 userName = LoginPage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'username') 23 passWord = LoginPage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'password') 24 25 @pytest.fixture() 26 def teardown_func(self, driver): 27 """ 28 执行每个用例之后要清除一下cookie, 29 否则你第一个账号登录之后,重新加载网址还是登录状态,无法测试后面的账号 30 """ 31 yield 32 driver.delete_all_cookies() 33 34 @pytest.mark.parametrize('username, password, expect', data) 35 def test_login(self, teardown_func, driver, username, password, expect): 36 """测试登录""" 37 login = LoginPage(driver, 30) 38 login.login(username, password) 39 login.sleep(5) 40 # 增加登录失败时, 对提示信息的验证 41 if username == TestLogin.userName and password == TestLogin.passWord: 42 login.assertValueInSource(expect) 43 elif username == '': 44 login.assertTextEqString(expect) 45 elif username != '' and password == '': 46 login.assertTextEqString(expect) 47 elif username == '' and password == '': 48 login.assertTextEqString(expect) 49 else: 50 login.assertTextEqString(expect) 51 52 53 if __name__ == "__main__": 54 pytest.main(['-v', 'test_loginCase.py'])test_loginCase.py-登录功能测试
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 16:15 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : test_contactCase.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import re 11 import pytest 12 from Page.PageObject.HomePage import HomePage 13 from Page.PageObject.ContactPage import ContactPage 14 15 16 @pytest.mark.conatctTest 17 class TestAddContact(object): 18 19 # 测试数据 20 contactSheet = ContactPage.getSheet('contact') 21 data = ContactPage.excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(contactSheet) 22 23 @pytest.mark.newcontact 24 @pytest.mark.parametrize('Name, Mail, Star, Phone, Comment, expect', data) 25 def test_NewContact(self, driver, login, Name, Mail, Star, Phone, Comment, expect): 26 """测试添加联系人""" 27 home_page = HomePage(driver) 28 contact_page = ContactPage(driver) 29 home_page.selectMenu() 30 contact_page.newContact(Name, Mail, Star, Phone, Comment) 31 home_page.sleep(5) 32 # 校验错误的邮箱是否提示信息正确 33 if re.match(r'^.{1,}@[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,13}\..*$', Mail): 34 contact_page.assertValueInSource(expect) 35 else: 36 contact_page.assertErrorTip(expect) 37 38 if __name__ == '__main__': 39 pytest.main(['-v', 'test_contactCase.py'])test_contactCase.py-添加联系人功能测试
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 10:04 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : test_sendMailCase.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import pytest 11 from Page.PageObject.SendMailPage import SendMailPage 12 13 @pytest.mark.sendMailTest 14 class TestSendMail(object): 15 16 sendMailSheet = SendMailPage.getSheet('mail') 17 data = SendMailPage.excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(sendMailSheet) 18 19 @pytest.mark.sendmail 20 @pytest.mark.parametrize('Address, Subject, Text, PFA', data) 21 def test_sendMail(self, driver, login, Address, Subject, Text,PFA): 22 """测试发送邮件,包括带附件的邮件""" 23 send_mail = SendMailPage(driver) 24 send_mail.sendMail(Address, Subject, Text, PFA) 25 send_mail.sleep(5) 26 assert send_mail.isElementExsit(*SendMailPage.expect) 27 28 if __name__=='__main__': 29 pytest.main(['-v', 'test_sendMailCase.py'])test_sendMailCase.py-发送邮件功能测试
根据pytest的conftest.py文件的原理,我们可以把驱动浏览器的代码写在一个全局的conftest.py文件里面。报告生成其实是通过命令 pytest --html=‘report.html’ --self-contained-html生成的,但是这样的报告对用例的描述不是很清晰,且没有对失败用例截图,也不方便我们分析项目的缺陷,我们也可以填写代码放到这个文件里面()
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/12 14:10 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : conftest.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import pytest 11 from selenium import webdriver 12 from py._xmlgen import html 13 14 _driver = None 15 # 测试失败时添加截图和测试用例描述(用例的注释信息) 16 17 @pytest.mark.hookwrapper 18 def pytest_runtest_makereport(item): 19 """ 20 当测试失败的时候,自动截图,展示到html报告中 21 :param item: 22 """ 23 pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('html') 24 outcome = yield 25 report = outcome.get_result() 26 extra = getattr(report, 'extra', []) 27 28 if report.when == 'call' or report.when == "setup": 29 xfail = hasattr(report, 'wasxfail') 30 if (report.skipped and xfail) or (report.failed and not xfail): 31 file_name = report.nodeid.replace("::", "_")+".png" 32 screen_img = _capture_screenshot() 33 if file_name: 34 html = 'conftest.py-全局conftest.py文件' % screen_img 36 extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html(html)) 37 report.extra = extra 38 report.description = str(item.function.__doc__) 39 report.nodeid = report.nodeid.encode("utf-8").decode("unicode_escape") 40 41 42 @pytest.mark.optionalhook 43 def pytest_html_results_table_header(cells): 44 cells.insert(1, html.th('Description')) 45 cells.insert(2, html.th('Test_nodeid')) 46 cells.pop(2) 47 48 49 @pytest.mark.optionalhook 50 def pytest_html_results_table_row(report, cells): 51 cells.insert(1, html.td(report.description)) 52 cells.insert(2, html.td(report.nodeid)) 53 cells.pop(2) 54 55 56 def _capture_screenshot(): 57 """ 58 截图保存为base64 59 :return: 60 """ 61 return _driver.get_screenshot_as_base64() 62 # 这里我设置的级别是模块级别,也就是每个测试文件运行一次 63 # 可以设置为session,全部用例执行一次,但是针对126邮箱的话 64 # 登录次数太多会叫你验证,如果验证就没法执行用例了,我没有对验证处理(处理比较复杂) 65 66 67 @pytest.fixture(scope='module') 68 def driver(): 69 global _driver 70 print('------------open browser------------') 71 _driver = webdriver.Firefox() 72 73 yield _driver 74 print('------------close browser------------') 75 _driver.quit()' \ 35 'onclick="window.open(this.src)" align="right"/>
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/20 16:50 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : conf.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 from datetime import datetime 11 import os 12 # 项目根目录 13 projectDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) 14 # 报告目录 15 reportDir = os.path.join(projectDir, 'report') 16 # ui对象库config.ini文件所在目录 17 configDir = os.path.join(projectDir, 'config', 'config.ini') 18 # 测试数据所在目录 19 excelPath = os.path.join(projectDir, 'data', 'tcData.xlsx') 20 # 当前时间 21 currentTime = datetime.now().strftime('%H_%M_%S') 22 23 # 邮件配置信息 24 # 邮件服务器 25 smtpServer = 'smtp.qq.com' 26 # 发送者 27 fromUser = '账号@qq.com' 28 # 发送者密码 29 fromPassWord = 'mhxvqpewblldbjhf' 30 # 接收者 31 toUser = ['账号@qq.com']# 可以同时发送给多人,追加到列表中 32 # 邮件标题 33 subject = 'xx项目自动化测试报告' 34 # 邮件正文 35 contents = '测试报告正文' 36 # 报告名称 37 htmlName = r'{}\testReport{}.html'.format(reportDir, currentTime) 38 39 # 脚本执行命令 40 args = r'pytest --html=' + htmlName+ ' ' + '--self-contained-html' 41 # modify by linuxchao at 2019/4/25 42 args_login = r'pytest --html='+ htmlName+ ' ' + '-m' + ' ' + 'loginTest'+ ' --self-contained-html' 43 args_contact = r'pytest --html='+ htmlName+ ' ' + '-m' + ' ' + 'contactTest'+ ' --self-contained-html' 44 args_sendmail = r'pytest --html='+ htmlName+ ' ' + '-m' + ' ' + 'sendMailTest'+ ' --self-contained-html'conf.py-全局配置文件
1.cmd切换到项目的根目录,执行pytest --html=‘report.html’ --self-contained-html命令(此运行方式,无法发送测试报告邮件)
1 """ 2 ------------------------------------ 3 @Time : 2019/4/15 16:14 4 @Auth : linux超 5 @File : RunTestCase.py 6 @IDE : PyCharm 7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error! 8 ------------------------------------ 9 """ 10 import sys 11 sys.path.append('.') 12 from config.conf import * 13 from util.sendMailForReprot import SendMailWithReport 14 15 16 def main(): 17 # 判断项目的根目录是否在sys.path中,没有就添加 18 if projectDir not in sys.path: 19 sys.path.append(projectDir) 20 # 执行用例 21 os.system(args) 22 # 发送邮件 23 SendMailWithReport.send_mail( 24 smtpServer, fromUser, fromPassWord, 25 toUser, subject, contents, 26 htmlName) 27 28 29 if __name__ == '__main__': 30 main()RunTestCase.py-执行用例文件
其实我们运行用例往往不只是 使用pytest --html=‘report.html’ --self-contained-html 这样一个简单的命令运行,通常会添加很多的命令选项,比如-v,-q,-s等等,那么怎么办呢?这时候就用到了pytest.ini配置文件了
1 [pytest] 2 addopts=-vqs 3 testpaths=./TestCases 4 markers= 5 loginTest: Run login test cases 6 contactTest: Run add contact test cases 7 sendMailTest: Run send mail test casespytest.ini-pytest配置文件
PS:最后还是附上我们的QQ交流群:878565760 真心希望所有对测试感兴趣,想入门,想提升自己测试能力的小伙伴加入!