.net framework4.5下解决Chrome浏览器SameSite问题

    Chrome浏览器在76版本开始增加了一个SameSite的标记用于防止跨站cookie问题,然而Chrome 80版本在2020 年 2 月 4 日后却默认将SameSite属性设置为Lex导致之前部分项目的cookie设置失败。

    虽然.net framework在4.7.2 开始支持cookie的SameSite属性设置,但是由于很多老项目升级.net framework动作有点打,所以另寻解决方案。通过Google官方的文档发现SameSite属性只需要跟在 set-cookie 值内追加响应的设置即可,所以可以在项目中自行实现一个SetCookie方法来实现设置SameSite的能力。具体的代码如下:

 1     public static class ResponseExtend
 2     {
 3         public static void SetCookie(this HttpResponseBase response, string key, string value, SameSiteMode sameSite = SameSiteMode.None, bool requireSSL = false)
 4         {
 5             string sameSiteValue = string.Empty;
 6             string secureValue = string.Empty;
 7             switch (sameSite)
 8             {
 9                 case SameSiteMode.Strict:
10                     sameSiteValue = " SameSite=Strict;";
11                     break;
12                 case SameSiteMode.Lax:
13                     sameSiteValue = " SameSite=Lax;";
14                     break;
15                 case SameSiteMode.None:
16                 default:
17                     sameSiteValue = " SameSite=None;";
18                     break;
19             }
20             if (requireSSL)
21             {
22                 secureValue = " Secure";
23             }
24             response.Headers.Add("set-cookie", string.Format($"{key}={value}; path=/;{sameSiteValue}{secureValue}"));
25         }
26     }
28     public enum SameSiteMode
29     {
30         Strict,
31         Lax,
32         None
33     }


1         public ActionResult Index()
2         {
3             Response.SetCookie("test1", "test1111");
4             Response.SetCookie("test2", "test2222");
5             return View();
6         }




Use SameSite=Strict Your website offers banking services or your website needs a very secure environment Update your attribute to to add a layer of protection from web threats.SameSiteSameSite=Strict Your site may be susceptible to potential web vulnerabilities and data leaks.
Use SameSite=Lax You have a social community website and you offer embedded chat widgets Update your attribute to SameSiteSameSite=Lax You'll be good to go. Chrome's default behavior will be . Even if is not set, the default is still SameSite=LaxSameSiteSameSite=Lax
Use SameSite=None Your website offers data analytics services OR your website offers retargeting, advertising and conversion tracking. Update your attribute to to ensure Chrome doesn't reject your third-party cookies.SameSiteSameSite=None; Secure Your cookies will no longer work on Feb 4, 2020.
"Speak to a representative" You've monetized your website with third-party ad programs OR you're utilizing third-party services like Google Calendar, Cloudflare, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Gravatar, User Tracking services, CRM, reservations plugin, anti-fraud, third-party fonts, image/video hosting and/or payments services. Speak with the ad program company to ensure they have a plan to update their cookies. You can't update cookies on a domain you don't control. You may see a decline in the ad revenue you receive and or business engagement.


  • https://blog.heroku.com/chrome-changes-samesite-cookie
  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/samesite/system-web-samesite
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62576470/how-to-set-samesite-value-to-none-in-net-4-5-2
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50361460/samesite-cookie-attribute-not-being-set-using-javascript
  • https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/samesite-examples/blob/master/javascript.md