基于 @SelectProvider 注解实现无侵入的通用Dao
基于 @SelectProvider 注解实现无侵入的通用Dao
基于 SpringBoot 2.x 和 mybatis-spring-boot-starter
public interface BaseDao {
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "getById")
E getById(I id);
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "listByEntity")
List listByEntity(E e);
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "getByEntity")
E getByEntity(E e);
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "listByLambdaQuery")
List listByLambdaQuery(GetterFunction lambda, Object val);
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "getByLambdaQuery")
List getByLambdaQuery(GetterFunction lambda, Object val);
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "listByIds")
List listByIds(Collection collection);
@InsertProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "insert")
int insert(E e);
@InsertProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "insertBatch")
int insertBatch(Collection list);
@UpdateProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "update")
int update(E e);
@UpdateProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "updateBatch")
int updateBatch(Collection list);
@DeleteProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "deleteById")
int deleteById(I id);
@DeleteProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "deleteByEntity")
int deleteByEntity(E e);
@DeleteProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "deleteByIds")
int deleteByIds(Collection list);
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "countAll")
int countAll();
@SelectProvider(type = BaseSqlProvider.class,method = "countByEntity")
int countByEntity(E e);
通用SQL Provider
public class BaseSqlProvider {
private static final Map sqlCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public String getById(ProviderContext context) {
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.getById(context);
return value;
public String getByEntity(Object object,ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (object==null){
throw new Exception("entity can not be null!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.getByEntity(object);
return value;
public String listByIds(Collection collection, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (collection==null || collection.size()==0){
throw new Exception("id list can not be empty!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.listByIds(context);
return value;
public String listByEntity(Object object,ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (object==null){
throw new Exception("entity can not be null!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.listByEntity(object);
return value;
public String listByLambdaQuery(Map params,ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
Object val = params.get("val");
if (val==null){
throw new Exception("value can not be null!");
GetterFunction lambda = (GetterFunction)params.get("lambda");
int key = context.hashCode();
String fieldName = lambda.getFieldName(lambda);
String value = sqlCache.get(key+fieldName);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.listByField(fieldName,context);
return value;
public String getByLambdaQuery(Map params,ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
Object val = params.get("val");
if (val==null){
throw new Exception("value can not be null!");
GetterFunction lambda = (GetterFunction)params.get("lambda");
int key = context.hashCode();
String fieldName = lambda.getFieldName(lambda);
String value = sqlCache.get(key+fieldName);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.getByField(fieldName,context);
return value;
public String insert(Object object, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (object==null){
throw new Exception("entity can not be null!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.insert(object);
return value;
public String insertBatch(Collection collection, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (collection==null || collection.size()==0){
throw new Exception("entity list can not be empty!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.insertBatch(context);
return value;
public String update(Object object, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (object==null){
throw new Exception("entity can not be null!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.update(object);
return value;
public String updateBatch(Collection collection, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (collection==null || collection.size()==0){
throw new Exception("entity list can not be empty!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.updateBatch(context);
return value;
public String deleteById(ProviderContext context) {
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.deleteById(context);
return value;
public String deleteByEntity(Object object,ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (object==null){
throw new Exception("entity can not be null!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.deleteByEntity(object);
return value;
public String deleteByIds(Collection collection, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (collection==null || collection.size()==0){
throw new Exception("id list can not be empty!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.deleteByIds(context);
return value;
public String countAll(ProviderContext context) {
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.countAll(context);
return value;
public String countByEntity(Object object,ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
if (object==null){
throw new Exception("entity can not be null!");
int key = context.hashCode();
String value = sqlCache.get(key);
if (value==null){
value = BaseSqlBuilder.countByEntity(object);
return value;
public class BaseSqlBuilder {
public static String getById(ProviderContext context) {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
return "SELECT "+String.join(",",columns)+" FROM "+tableName+" WHERE "+TableEntityMetaData.getIdColumn(eClass)+" = #{id}";
public static String listByEntity(Object object) {
Class eClass = object.getClass();
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
return sql.toString();
public static String getByEntity(Object object) {
return listByEntity(object)+" LIMIT 1";
public static String listByIds(ProviderContext context) {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
return sql.toString();
public static String listByField(String fieldName, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
if (!fields.contains(fieldName)) {
throw new Exception("not exist column '"+fieldName+"'");
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
return "SELECT "+String.join(",",columns)+" FROM "+tableName+" WHERE "+TableEntityMetaData.toLowerCase(fieldName)+" = #{val}";
public static String getByField(String fieldName, ProviderContext context) throws Exception {
return listByField(fieldName,context)+" LIMIT 1";
public static String insert(Object object) {
Class eClass = object.getClass();
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
return sql.toString();
public static String insertBatch(ProviderContext context) {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
return sql.toString();
public static String update(Object object) {
Class eClass = object.getClass();
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
return sql.toString();
public static String updateBatch(ProviderContext context) {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
return sql.toString();
public static String deleteById(ProviderContext context) {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
return "DELETE FROM "+tableName+" WHERE "+TableEntityMetaData.getIdColumn(eClass)+" = #{id}";
public static String deleteByEntity(Object object) {
Class eClass = object.getClass();
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
return sql.toString();
public static String deleteByIds(ProviderContext context) {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
return sql.toString();
public static String countAll(ProviderContext context) {
Class eClass = TableEntityMetaData.getEntityType(context);
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
return "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "+tableName;
public static String countByEntity(Object object) {
Class eClass = object.getClass();
String tableName = TableEntityMetaData.tableName(eClass);
List fields = TableEntityMetaData.entityFields(eClass);
List columns = TableEntityMetaData.tableColumns(fields);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("");
return sql.toString();
private static void whereByEntity(List fields,List columns,StringBuilder sql){
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
sql.append("and ").append(columns.get(i));
sql.append(" = #{").append(fields.get(i)).append("} ");
public class TableEntityMetaData {
public static Class getEntityType(ProviderContext context) {
Class mClass = context.getMapperType();
return (Class) ((ParameterizedType) (mClass.getGenericInterfaces()[0])).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
public static String getIdColumn(Class eClass){
return "id";
public static String getIdField(Class eClass){
return "id";
public static String tableName(Class eClass) {
String entityName = eClass.getSimpleName();
return toLowerCase(entityName);
public static List entityFields(Class eClass) {
Field[] fields = eClass.getDeclaredFields();
List entityFields = new ArrayList<>(fields.length);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
String name = fields[i].getName();
if (name.equals(getIdField(eClass))){
}else {
return entityFields;
public static List tableColumns(List entityFields) {
List tableColumns =new ArrayList<>(entityFields.size());
for (String field : entityFields) {
return tableColumns;
public static String toLowerCase(String camelStr) {
String lowerCase = camelStr.replaceAll("[A-Z]", "_$0").toLowerCase();
if (lowerCase.startsWith("_")){
lowerCase = lowerCase.substring(1);
return lowerCase;
lambda query function 接口
public interface GetterFunction extends Serializable,Function {
default String getFieldName(GetterFunction func) {
try {
Method method = func.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace");
SerializedLambda serializedLambda = (SerializedLambda) method.invoke(func);
String getter = serializedLambda.getImplMethodName();
String get = "get";
if (getter.startsWith("is")) {
get = "is";
String fieldName = Introspector.decapitalize(getter.replace(get, ""));
return fieldName;
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public class User {
* 主键,自增
private Integer id;
private String username;
private String password;
* 记录生成时间,默认当前时间
private Date gmtCreate;
* 记录修改时间,默认当前时间
private Date gmtModified;
public interface UserDao extends BaseDao {
yml mybatis配置
mapper-locations: classpath*:mapper/**/*.xml
map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
- 自己写的SQL可以放在resources/mapper路径里的Mapper.xml中
- 对应dao方法则放在具体的dao中