hudi spparksql 注意点
spark sql 加载hudi文件是 注意 加 /* 不要用*)
* Loads input in as a `DataFrame`, for data sources that require a path (e.g. data backed by
* a local or distributed file system).
* @since 1.4.0
def load(path: String): DataFrame = {
option("path", path).load(Seq.empty: _*) // force invocation of `load(...varargs...)`
* Loads input in as a `DataFrame`, for data sources that support multiple paths.
* Only works if the source is a HadoopFsRelationProvider.
* @since 1.6.0
def load(paths: String*): DataFrame = {
if (source.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == DDLUtils.HIVE_PROVIDER) {
throw new AnalysisException("Hive data source can only be used with tables, you can not " +
"read files of Hive data source directly.")
hudi_spark_bundle datasource源码
override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext,
optParams: Map[String, String],
schema: StructType): BaseRelation = {
// Add default options for unspecified read options keys.
val parameters = translateViewTypesToQueryTypes(optParams)
val path = parameters.get("path")
val readPathsStr = parameters.get(DataSourceReadOptions.READ_PATHS_OPT_KEY)
if (path.isEmpty && readPathsStr.isEmpty) {
throw new HoodieException(s"'path' or '$READ_PATHS_OPT_KEY' or both must be specified.")
val readPaths = => p.split(",").toSeq).getOrElse(Seq())