
题目: 将数据的某个特征作为label, 其他特征(或其他某几个特征)作为Feature, 转为LabelPoint

引用: https://www.cnblogs.com/honey01/p/8044215.html

  1. 首先构造数据
import scala.util.Random.{setSeed, nextDouble}

case class Record(foo: Double, target: Double, x1: Double, x2: Double, x3: Double)

val rows = sc.parallelize(
    (1 to 10).map(_ => Record(
        nextDouble, nextDouble, nextDouble, nextDouble, nextDouble
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows)

  SELECT ROUND(foo, 2) foo,
         ROUND(target, 2) target,
         ROUND(x1, 2) x1,
         ROUND(x2, 2) x2,
         ROUND(x2, 2) x3 
  FROM df""").show


| foo|target|  x1|  x2|  x3|
|0.73|  0.41|0.21|0.33|0.33|
|0.01|  0.96|0.94|0.95|0.95|
| 0.4|  0.35|0.29|0.51|0.51|
|0.77|  0.66|0.16|0.38|0.38|
|0.69|  0.81|0.01|0.52|0.52|
|0.14|  0.48|0.54|0.58|0.58|
|0.62|  0.18|0.01|0.16|0.16|
|0.54|  0.97|0.25|0.39|0.39|
|0.43|  0.23|0.89|0.04|0.04|
|0.66|  0.12|0.65|0.98|0.98|

假设我们想排除x2和foo, 抽取 LabeledPoint(target, Array(x1, x3)):

import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}  
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint 

// Map feature names to indices
val featInd = List("x1", "x3").map(df.columns.indexOf(_))

// Or if you want to exclude columns
val ignored = List("foo", "target", "x2")
val featInd = df.columns.diff(ignored).map(df.columns.indexOf(_))

// Get index of target
val targetInd = df.columns.indexOf("target") 

val data = df.rdd.map(r => LabeledPoint(
   r.getDouble(targetInd), // Get target value
   // Map feature indices to values