



  1. 块存储服务,为运行实例提供稳定的数据块存储服务。
  2. 块存储服务,提供对 volume 从创建到删除整个生命周期的管理。






# 卷列表查看
[root@controller ~]# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  |  Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 9f9022f5-1b11-447e-bc0c-d3889712120a | available | test2 |  1   |      -      |  false   |             |

# 卷详情查看
[root@controller ~]# cinder show test2
|            Property            |                Value                 |
|          attachments           |                  []                  |
|       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
|            bootable            |                false                 |
|      consistencygroup_id       |                 None                 |
|           created_at           |      2021-11-14T02:16:13.000000      |
|          description           |                 None                 |
|           encrypted            |                False                 |
|               id               | 9f9022f5-1b11-447e-bc0c-d3889712120a |
|            metadata            |                  {}                  |
|        migration_status        |                 None                 |
|          multiattach           |                False                 |
|              name              |                test2                 |
|     os-vol-host-attr:host      |           compute@lvm#LVM            |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
|  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   386dbfcf77e444c7872e4e23d5829fcc   |
|       replication_status       |               disabled               |
|              size              |                  1                   |
|          snapshot_id           |                 None                 |
|          source_volid          |                 None                 |
|             status             |              available               |
|           updated_at           |      2021-11-14T02:16:14.000000      |
|            user_id             |   0f217182b5af448c988f5464c706a337   |
|          volume_type           |                 None                 |

# 卷创建
# size只能是整数
cinder create [--name , --volume-type ] 
[root@controller ~]# cinder create --name test --description 'new volume' --availability-zone nova 2
|            Property            |                Value                 |
|          attachments           |                  []                  |
|       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
|            bootable            |                false                 |
|      consistencygroup_id       |                 None                 |
|           created_at           |      2021-11-14T02:54:52.000000      |
|          description           |              new volume              |
|           encrypted            |                False                 |
|               id               | 8190367e-4874-4e5e-86f7-0a3c4e2ae4cc |
|            metadata            |                  {}                  |
|        migration_status        |                 None                 |
|          multiattach           |                False                 |
|              name              |                 test                 |
|     os-vol-host-attr:host      |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
|  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   386dbfcf77e444c7872e4e23d5829fcc   |
|       replication_status       |               disabled               |
|              size              |                  2                   |
|          snapshot_id           |                 None                 |
|          source_volid          |                 None                 |
|             status             |               creating               |
|           updated_at           |                 None                 |
|            user_id             |   0f217182b5af448c988f5464c706a337   |
|          volume_type           |                 None                 |

# 卷删除
cinder delete 
[root@controller ~]# cinder delete test
Request to delete volume test has been accepted.

# 卷更新
# 1.重命名
cinder rename  
[root@controller ~]# cinder rename test test-volume-01
[root@controller ~]# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  |      Name      | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 5b117210-9f6e-4d2c-94f4-66c2e3953584 | available | test-volume-01 |  2   |      -      |  false   |             |

# 2.修改状态
# 可修改的状态:"available", "error", "creating", "deleting", "in-use", "attaching", "detaching", "error_deleting" and "maintenance".
# 附加状态:"attached" , "detached". 默认状态为:None.

cinder reset-state [--state ,--attach-status ,--reset-migration-status] 
[root@controller ~]# cinder reset-state --state deleting test-volume-01
[root@controller ~]# cinder list
|                  ID                  |  Status  |      Name      | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 5b117210-9f6e-4d2c-94f4-66c2e3953584 | deleting | test-volume-01 |  2   |      -      |  false   |             |

# 3.修改类型
# 注意:改状态卷状态必须是available状态
cinder retype  
# 1)修改卷状态为available
[root@controller ~]# cinder reset-state --state available test-volume-01
# 2)查看(创建)卷类型
[root@controller ~]# cinder  type-create lvm
|                  ID                  | Name | Description | Is_Public |
| b16ab5aa-f9d2-4402-89a8-1a72e9c51914 | lvm  |      -      |    True   |

[root@controller ~]# cinder type-list
|                  ID                  | Name | Description | Is_Public |
| 5780bda0-0ac4-4f5a-a8c4-807980c28aaa | 性能 |             |    True   |
| b16ab5aa-f9d2-4402-89a8-1a72e9c51914 | lvm  |      -      |    True   |
# 3)修改为对应的类型
[root@controller ~]# cinder retype test-volume-01 5780bda0-0ac4-4f5a-a8c4-807980c28aaa
[root@controller ~]# cinder show test-volume-01
|            Property            |                Value                 |
|          attachments           |                  []                  |
|       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
|            bootable            |                false                 |
|      consistencygroup_id       |                 None                 |
|           created_at           |      2021-11-14T02:56:04.000000      |
|          description           |              new volume              |
|           encrypted            |                False                 |
|               id               | 5b117210-9f6e-4d2c-94f4-66c2e3953584 |
|            metadata            |                  {}                  |
|        migration_status        |                 None                 |
|          multiattach           |                False                 |
|              name              |            test-volume-01            |
|     os-vol-host-attr:host      |           compute@lvm#LVM            |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
|  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   386dbfcf77e444c7872e4e23d5829fcc   |
|       replication_status       |               disabled               |
|              size              |                  2                   |
|          snapshot_id           |                 None                 |
|          source_volid          |                 None                 |
|             status             |              available               |
|           updated_at           |      2021-11-14T03:00:07.000000      |
|            user_id             |   0f217182b5af448c988f5464c706a337   |
|          volume_type           |                 性能                 |

# 4.扩容
# 注意:可以从小改大,但是不可以从大改小。
# 注意:卷大小只能设置为整数值。
cinder extend  
[root@controller ~]# cinder extend test-volume-01 5
[root@controller ~]# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  |      Name      | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 5b117210-9f6e-4d2c-94f4-66c2e3953584 | available | test-volume-01 |  5   |     性能    |  false   |             |

# 5.迁移
# 迁移一个卷到特定的主机,在请求体中指定 os-migrate_volume action。
# 一般不推荐对处于in-use状态,且挂载在多个虚机上的卷进行迁移。
# 默认只有管理员用户有迁移的权限,但是可以通过policy.json文件进行权限的设置。
cinder migrate  


    type-create         Creates a volume type.   # 类型创建
    type-default        List the default volume type.
    type-delete         Deletes a volume type.   # 类型删除
    type-key            Sets or unsets extra_spec for a volume type.
    type-list           Lists available 'volume types'. (Admin only will see
                        private types)           # 类型列表查看
    type-show           Show volume type details.    # 类型详情查看
    type-update         Updates volume type name, description, and/or
                        is_public.               # 类型更新

# 查看类型
cinder type-list
[root@controller ~]# cinder type-list
|                  ID                  | Name | Description | Is_Public |
| 5780bda0-0ac4-4f5a-a8c4-807980c28aaa | 性能 |             |    True   |
| b16ab5aa-f9d2-4402-89a8-1a72e9c51914 | lvm  |      -      |    True   |

# 创建类型
cinder type-create [ --description , --is-public ]  
    Positional arguments:
                    Name of new volume type.

    Optional arguments:
                            Description of new volume type.
                            Make type accessible to the public (default true).

[root@controller ~]# cinder type-create sata-hb-project
|                  ID                  |       Name      | Description | Is_Public |
| ac57dcb7-d157-419f-bd63-3ea0eb6ff940 | sata-hb-project |      -      |    True   |

# 删除类型
# 注意:必须使用卷类型的id
cinder type-delete 
[root@controller ~]# cinder type-delete lvm
ERROR: Volume type lvm could not be found. (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-6144d4f5-61ee-4b83-b45d-f11ac54b8229)
[root@controller ~]# cinder type-delete ac57dcb7-d157-419f-bd63-3ea0eb6ff940
[root@controller ~]# cinder type-list
|                  ID                  | Name | Description | Is_Public |
| 5780bda0-0ac4-4f5a-a8c4-807980c28aaa | 性能 |             |    True   |
| b16ab5aa-f9d2-4402-89a8-1a72e9c51914 | lvm  |      -      |    True   |

# 修改类型
cinder type-update [--name ,--description ,--is-public ] 
[root@controller ~]# cinder type-update b16ab5aa-f9d2-4402-89a8-1a72e9c51914 --name ssd --description 'best of all'
|                  ID                  | Name | Description | Is_Public |
| b16ab5aa-f9d2-4402-89a8-1a72e9c51914 | ssd  | best of all |   False   |


# 查看快照列表
cinder snapshot-list

# 查看快照详情
cinder snapshot-show 

# 创建快照
cinder snapshot-create [--name ] 

# 删除快照
cinder snapshot-delete 


# 开启卷备份服务
systemctl restart openstack-cinder-backup

# 查看备份列表
cinder backup-list

# 查看备份详情
cinder backup-show 

# 创建备份
cinder backup-create --name  [--container ] 

# 删除备份
cinder backup-delete 

# 恢复备份
cinder backup-restore [--volume ] 

# 备份导出
cinder backup-export 

# 备份导入
cinder backup-import  










[root@controller ~]# cinder create 1 --name test2
|            Property            |                Value                 |
|          attachments           |                  []                  |
|       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
|            bootable            |                false                 |
|      consistencygroup_id       |                 None                 |
|           created_at           |      2021-11-14T02:01:12.000000      |
|          description           |                 None                 |
|           encrypted            |                False                 |
|               id               | dfad6645-73d3-4d0f-bd83-f8e50c48cb7b |
|            metadata            |                  {}                  |
|        migration_status        |                 None                 |
|          multiattach           |                False                 |
|              name              |                test2                 |
|     os-vol-host-attr:host      |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
|  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   386dbfcf77e444c7872e4e23d5829fcc   |
|       replication_status       |               disabled               |
|              size              |                  1                   |
|          snapshot_id           |                 None                 |
|          source_volid          |                 None                 |
|             status             |               creating               |
|           updated_at           |                 None                 |
|            user_id             |   0f217182b5af448c988f5464c706a337   |
|          volume_type           |                 None                 |
[root@controller ~]# cinder list
|                  ID                  | Status |  Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| dfad6645-73d3-4d0f-bd83-f8e50c48cb7b | error  | test2 |  1   |      -      |  false   |             |


[root@controller cinder]# vi /var/log/cinder/scheduler.log
2021-11-13 20:54:38.708 1268 ERROR cinder.scheduler.flows.create_volume [req-afe87e8b-cc3a-4275-8e58-fb0034da8be7 0f217182b5af448c988f5464c706a337 386dbfcf77e444c7872e4e23d5829fcc - - -] 
Failed to run task cinder.scheduler.flows.create_volume.ScheduleCreateVolumeTask;
volume:create: No valid host was found. No weighed hosts available


[root@compute ~]# openstack-status
== Cinder services ==
openstack-cinder-api:                   inactive  (disabled on boot)
openstack-cinder-scheduler:             inactive  (disabled on boot)
openstack-cinder-volume:                active
openstack-cinder-backup:                inactive  (disabled on boot)



[root@compute ~]# ntpdate
13 Nov 21:00:18 ntpdate[3689]: step time server offset -324038.658500 sec
[root@compute ~]# date
Sat Nov 13 21:00:21 EST 2021
[root@compute ~]# systemctl restart openstack-cinder-volume



[root@controller ~]# cinder create 1 --name test2
|            Property            |                Value                 |
|          attachments           |                  []                  |
|       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
|            bootable            |                false                 |
|      consistencygroup_id       |                 None                 |
|           created_at           |      2021-11-14T02:16:13.000000      |
|          description           |                 None                 |
|           encrypted            |                False                 |
|               id               | 9f9022f5-1b11-447e-bc0c-d3889712120a |
|            metadata            |                  {}                  |
|        migration_status        |                 None                 |
|          multiattach           |                False                 |
|              name              |                test2                 |
|     os-vol-host-attr:host      |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
|  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   386dbfcf77e444c7872e4e23d5829fcc   |
|       replication_status       |               disabled               |
|              size              |                  1                   |
|          snapshot_id           |                 None                 |
|          source_volid          |                 None                 |
|             status             |               creating               |
|           updated_at           |                 None                 |
|            user_id             |   0f217182b5af448c988f5464c706a337   |
|          volume_type           |                 None                 |
[root@controller ~]# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  |  Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 9f9022f5-1b11-447e-bc0c-d3889712120a | available | test2 |  1   |      -      |  false   |             |
