
什么是分布式版本控制系统?Git有哪些常用命令?什么是仓库?Git的操作区域包括哪些?Git有哪些常用对象(object)?git rebase和git merge的区别是什么?git reset,git revert和git checkout的区别是什么?git submodule和git subtree的区别又是什么?git push和git push -u的区别又是什么?.gitignore如何使用?Git跟GitHub有没有关系?如何推送自己代码到GitHub?怎么在Gitee建立GitHub的镜像?pull request跟git pull有没有关系?本文将对以上问题进行阐述。 



1. Git概述

1.1 大神Linus Torvalds简介

2. 创建第一个Git仓库(Repository)

3. Git工作原理简介

3.1 Git操作区域

3.2 Git对象(数据结构)

3.3 Git命令

3.4 Git flow

4. Git进阶示例

4.1 git merge – fast forward

4.2 git reset和git revert - 删除某个commit

4.3 git checkout,git revert和git reset

4.4 git merge - 手动解决冲突

4.5 .gitignore – 忽略某些文件的追踪

4.6 git push - 把本地代码推送到远程服务器

4.7 git rebase – 团队协作

4.8 git merge和git rebase区别

4.9 git submodule - 引用第三方模块

4.10 git subtree – 包含第三方模块

4.11 git tag – 发布软件版本

4.12 将GitHub仓库导入到Gitee – 解决GitHub访问速度慢问题

4.13 pull request – 贡献自己的代码

5. 常用Git命令说明

5.1 git config

5.2 git init

5.3 git clone

5.4 git add

5.5 git commit

5.6 git diff

5.7 git reset

5.8 git status

5.9 git rm

5.10 git log

5.11 git show

5.12 git tag

5.13 git branch

5.14 git checkout

5.15 git merge

5.16 git rebase

5.17 git remote

5.18 git push

5.19 git fetch

5.20 git pull

5.21 git revert

5.22 git restore

5.23 git reflog

5.24 git stash

5.25 git submodule

5.26 git subtree

5.27 git cherry-pick

5.28 git grep

5.29 git apply

5.30 git cat-file

5.31 git ls-files

5.32 git merge-file

6. Git重要术语列表 

1. Git概述

当我们开发软件的时候,会创建很多源代码文件,这些源代码文件一般会放在一个目录里面,这个就是我们的code base,对这些源代码文件,我们每天都在迭代开发,因此需要对其进行管理,这样我们就能知道这些源代码文件的历史,比如前天改了什么,今天又改了什么。一个人自己写代码对软件开发管理感觉还不深,如果是多个人一起开发一个项目,这个时候怎么保证每个人的修改别人可以获取到而又不影响到其他人的代码,这就需要软件版本管理工具或者软件,Git就是这样一款软件。

Git是一款分布式版本控制系统(Distributed Version Control System),它可以用来追踪任何文件的修改,协调多个开发者之间的工作,Git具有速度快,数据完整性校验,分布式开发,以及支持非线性工作流等众多特点。Git最初由Linus Torvalds创作(Linus Torvalds还创作了大名鼎鼎的Linux操作系统,我们后面会对Linus进行一个简单介绍,以示对大神的敬意),它是一款开源的免费的GPL2.0版权的软件。Git的官网地址是:https://git-scm.com/,scm表示source code  management,跟前面提及的版本控制系统一个意思。

1.1 大神Linus Torvalds简介

前面说过Git是由Linus Torvalds创作的,我觉得有必要对Linus Torvalds进行一个简单介绍,以让更多的人了解这个人(不感兴趣的人可以直接跳过这一节!)。Linus于1969年12月28号出生于芬兰,他11岁开始接触编程,没过多久,就会直接写机器代码去操作8-bit CPU(iini评论:从这件事就可以看出,Linus非同寻常,我们现在很多程序员不要说写汇编代码,就是读汇编代码都是很大问题,更何况直接写机器码;这件事也侧面告诉我们,作为一个顶级的OS开发程序员,汇编语言功底是少不了的)。Linus上中学的时候就接触了操作系统,并尝试对其进行改进。1988年,Linus被赫尔辛基大学录取,然后在1996年硕士毕业,他的硕士毕业论文就是:Linux,一个可移植的操作系统(iini评论:惭愧啊,感觉我硕士毕业的时候,脑子基本上还是一团浆糊)。Linux原型机于1991年第一次发布,这个原型机只花费了Linus几个月的时间,并没有大家想象的那么复杂(iini评论:这个也侧面反应出Linux kernel有可能没有大家想象得那么难)。Linux 1.0版本则是在1994年发布的,中间隔了2年多时间。Linux原型机发布之后,一开始采用的人也并不多,直到它开始支持GUI(X Window System)以及SMP,Linux才开始变得慢慢流行起来。大学毕业之后,Linus就去了美国,然后就一直在OSDL和Linux Foundation工作直到现在。一开始Linux是没有版本控制系统的,所有的版本管理工作都是由Linus手工完成的,由于Linux变得越来越大,贡献者也越来越多,如何自动和高效地去管理Linux的版本,是摆在Linus面前的一项课题。一开始Linus使用第三方的私有版本控制系统去管理Linux,后来出于种种原因无法继续,于是Linus在2005年创作出了Git以管理Linux版本。创作出Git之后,Linus自己都感叹:没想到在自己36岁之际还能做出一点成绩出来(其实有人统计过,大部分大师的高光时刻都是在40岁之前的几年,比如爱因斯坦26岁提出狭义相对论,36岁提出广义相对论,目前看起来Linus也是符合这个规律的)。

我觉得这里有必要说说Linux和Git两个名字的由来,大家由此也可以看出Linus本人以及他周围环境的一些特质,Linux是从Unix发展过来的,在开发Linux过程中,其实Linus没有想好用什么名字,他一开始给这个项目取的名字是:Freax,意思是Free/Freak uniX,即自由怪异的Unix,当他把这个项目上传到一个ftp服务器以供其他人下载的时候,FTP管理员觉得Freax这个名字不好,在没有咨询Linus前提下,直接把这个项目的名字改为"linux",意思是Linus Unix,这个名字后来得到了Linus的同意,并诠释为:Linux Is Not UniX,这个应该是向GNU致敬(GNU Not Unix)(iini评论:iini这个id其实也是在向Linux和GNU致敬哦,大家猜猜看它是什么意思)。如果Linux这个名字取得有点乌龙的感觉,那么Git这个名字那就是Linus蓄谋已久。Git英文本义是"饭桶,蠢货",Linus本意是找一个三个字母组合的单词,而且不属于Unix的命令关键字,在这个前提下,可选的单词就不多,Git被选上也是情理之中的(iini评论:在英语中,越是重要而常见的意义,它对应的单词越简单,比如go,do,三个字母组成的单词他们在英语中的地位是很重要的,建议大家去理一理这些单词,说不定对你英语学习会有一个很大的帮助),再加上Linus认为自己是一个非常自我的人,正好可以用Git的英文原意来自嘲一下自己的产品:愚蠢的信息追踪系统。从Linux和Git两者的名字,可以看出Linus骨子里的那种不走寻常路的信念,以及周围环境对他的包容和理解。(iini评论:古今中外,能不能取一个好名字是一个好作品或者好作者的重要标准,大家看看这些耳熟能详的名字:如意金箍棒,降龙十八掌,阿Q,Java,Python,一听就感觉是大师之作啊)

Linus是一个自由软件的爱好者和拥护者,一生都致力于自由软件的创作和推广工作。自从Android采用Linux内核后,Linux就成为世界上最流行的操作系统,也就是说Linux的装机量已经超过了Windows和苹果的MacOS,Windows创始人Bill Gates是世界首富,苹果公司是全球第一市值公司,而Linus自始至终都是一个工程师,因为他的操作系统是免费的。Linus创作的第二个产品Git,在此基础上创立的公司有GitHub/Gitlab/Bitbucket/Gitee等,拿GitHub为例,微软收购他的时候价格为75亿美元,但是GitHub跟Linus没有任何关系,Linus还是在认认真真地做他的工程师。在中国,当我们谈自主知识产权操作系统的时候,大部分都是在讲Linux二次开发,像倪光南院士目前很大一部分工作就是在推广Linux操作系统。



2. 创建第一个Git仓库(Repository)



git --version


https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/tree/main/samples/basic/blinky(注:如果GitHub访问不了,请多试几次。如果还是不行,请访问https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/sdk-zephyr/tree/main/samples/basic/blinky这个镜像网站获取相关代码),大家只要把src/main.c和prj.conf两个文件下载下来,然后直接替换我们本地的同名文件,整个blinky程序就算开发结束了。我们可以用git status和git diff查看一下我们的修改:

Merkle tree

  • commit(提交):每commit一次,形成一个commit对象。commit对象把tree对象,日志信息,父commit对象,时间戳等连接在一起,形成一个完整的历史记录。
  • tag:tag其实就是对某一个特殊commit的引用,如果我们要发布某一个版本的时候,它对应的commit是一个hash值,大家根本记不住,为此引入了tag对象,tag对象指向一个commit,而且对这个commit加上一些额外meta数据,比如取个名字:v1.0.0。
  • pack:如前所述,每个文件每提交一个版本,都会生成一个blob,这样做,虽然提高了文件系统访问效率,但是当我们把他们上传到远程服务器时,这种做法就会浪费我们很多带宽和时间,为此Git引入pack对象,对blob数据进行压缩(zlib压缩),并打包成pack文件。
  • 除了上述数据对象(他们都是保存在.git/objects中),Git还会保存引用(references,简写refs),refs就是对commit的引用,用来找到需要的commit,refs保存在.git/refs目录,主要有如下引用类型:

    • heads (branches):每个分支的最顶端,也是下一个新的提交的引用,每执行一次提交,自动向前推进。
    • HEAD:当前分支的head,跟工作目录相对。
    • Tags:用来引用某一个特殊的commit。


    git cat-file -p hash值

    来得到该hash值对应的对象的所有信息,比如前面我们有一个blinky的提交对象: ba307c13799b7136cbd26677faf687831757b2c4,输入如下命令:

    git cat-file -p ba307c13799b7136cbd26677faf687831757b2c4




    https://github.com/aiminhua/ncs_samples这个仓库里面的代码,怎么做呢?有两种做法:一是使用git submodule,二是使用git subtree,为了保持第三方仓库的独立性和完整性,我们一般使用git submodule的做法。


    git submodule add https://github.com/aiminhua/ncs_samples.git ncs




    此时我们在ncs目录下使用git命令,我们可以发现,命令将直接操作ncs目录里面的git仓库,而不是我们的hello_world仓库,我们可以像操作普通git仓库一样去操作ncs这个第三方仓库,比如修改文件然后提交,这个时候的提交是针对第三方仓库的,相当于第三方仓库又多了一条commit,跟hello_world主仓库没关系,感兴趣的读者可以自己去操作一下(注意:由于这个第三方仓库不是你的,如果你想把修改push上去,是会被拒绝的,这个时候你需要走pull request流程了)。其实,我们可以通过git log的输出日志就能直观理解上面的描述:

    可见,git操作完全跟hello_world主仓库不搭架,全都是第三方仓库本身的东西。但是我们回到hello_world主目录,此时所有的git操作又是针对我们的hello_world主仓库了,还是看看git log的输出就有体会了:

    大家可以进到.git目录,看看git submodule后它发生了哪些变化?.git目录里面会增加一个modules目录,而且config文件会被修改:



    git commit -a -m "added submodule: ncs"
    git push



    开发者1已经把第三方仓库引用上传到服务器了,开发者2怎么把这个第三方仓库clone下来呢?这里分两种情况,如果你是第一次clone这个工程,你只需在git clone中加入--recursive参数,即:

    git clone https://github.com/aiminhua/git_demo.git --recursive

    另一种情况是你已经clone了这个工程,这个时候就是update操作了,目前开发者2碰到的情况就是这种类型。为此我们先git pull主仓库更新:

    cd C:\Nordic\Blog\code\hello_world2\git_demo
    git pull --rebase


    git submodule update --init

    至此我们的git submodule演示就结束了。

    4.10 git subtree – 包含第三方模块

    前面提过,我们还可以使用git subtree来包含第三方模块。git submodule是引用第三方模块,第三方模块是一个独立的git 仓库,跟主仓库完全剥离。git subtree则是包含第三方模块,第三方模块代码是主仓库的一部分,对第三方模块的修改会全部体现在主仓库的历史记录中,使用git subtree推送第三方模块,第三方模块代码会完整clone到服务器上。


    cd C:\Nordic\Blog\code\hello_world
    git subtree add --prefix ncs_subtree https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/ncs_samples.git master --squash



    这个时候,我们使用git log看一下日志,有:



    git push

    可以看出,git push操作可以把第三方模块代码完整clone到服务器上。

    如果第三方模块更新了,我们可以通过git subtree pull拉取最新代码到本地,比如下面命令就可以将本地的ncs_subtree模块跟服务器同步:

    git subtree pull --prefix ncs_subtree https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/ncs_samples.git master --squash

    4.11 git tag – 发布软件版本

    到目前为止,我们的Git仓库演示也就基本结束,我们现在可以着手发布它,也就是给我们当前的main分支head打一个tag,然后push到服务器。Tag就是一个特殊的commit,比如你要发布的版本,比如你要临时测试的版本,这个时候还是用commit ID去引用它,非常不利于阅读和大家交流,而tag相当于给这个commit取了一个好记的名字,利于大家阅读和交流。


    git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "git demo release v1.0.0"

    然后我们通过git tag去列出目前仓库支持的所有tag,如果上述命令成功了,就会有输出:


    git push origin v1.0.0


    git checkout v1.0.0


    4.12 将GitHub仓库导入到Gitee – 解决GitHub访问速度慢问题

    GitHub有很多非常好的开源代码,但是目前国内访问GitHub有点慢,当这个GitHub仓库比较大的时候,直接使用git clone去下载它,经常会报超时等各种莫名其妙的错误。此时我们可以把这个GitHub仓库导入到Gitee,由Gitee通过云云对接的方式去clone(这个过程其实就是建立仓库的镜像),然后我们再从Gitee服务器把镜像仓库clone下来。下面我们将演示如何把我们刚刚创立的仓库:https://github.com/aiminhua/git_demo导入到gitee。






    git clone https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/git_demo.git

    注:这里git clone我们没有使用--recursive参数,目的是为了跳过GitHub访问,因为ncs这个目录其实是一个指向一个GitHub第三方仓库的submodule,不加--recursive参数,我们就不需要去clone这个GitHub的第三方仓库,让大家对Gitee访问速度有个直观的认识。但实际上我们肯定需要加上--recursive参数,这样才能保证整个仓库的完整性,但加上--recursive参数后,问题又来了,submodule又指向了GitHub仓库,访问速度骤然下降甚至有可能失败,怎么办?还是老办法,先把这个第三方的submodule:https://github.com/aiminhua/ncs_samples导入到Gitee,成功后,我们得到它的clone地址:https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/ncs_samples.git。然后我们更改git submodule的配置,使其指向这个镜像,即修改.gitmodules文件:

    然后我们输入git submodule update命令:

    git submodule update --init



    4.13 pull request – 贡献自己的代码

    首先说明一下,pull request跟git pull两者完全不搭架,属于两个不同的范畴。Pull request是针对GitHub/Gitee等代码托管平台来说的,在这些代码托管平台,有很多开源的仓库,你会使用他们,使用过程中,你会发现这些开源代码的问题,然后你自己把这些问题给fix了,由于你不是这些开源仓库的开发者,你没法使用git push直接把自己的fix推送到这些开源仓库,这个问题怎么解决?这个就是pull request要做的事情。

    Pull request(简写为PR)用于把自己的修改merge到第三方仓库,其步骤如下所示:

    1. 先fork第三方仓库到自己的账号下面,下面是一个把https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-zephyr仓库fork到我账号的示例。



    2. clone https://github.com/aiminhua/sdk-zephyr对应的仓库

    git clone https://github.com/aiminhua/sdk-zephyr.git


    git branch gpiote_pin_fix
    git checkout gpiote_pin_fix


    git add .
    git commit -s

    注意:这条命令之后会跳出一个文本编辑器让你输入提交消息,提交消息一定要符合第三方仓库的书写要求(第三方仓库一般都会出相关的书写指南,你需要自己去查阅一下),否则检查是过不了的。这里的-s是sign off的意思,主要是版权方面的考量,加上就好了。


    git push -u origin gpiote_pin_fix


    服务器收到新的推送后,自动会提示你要不要创建pull request,你也可以手动选择创建pull request,如下:

    创建pull request的界面如下所示:

    Pull request创建成功后,上游仓库pull requests标签页下会自动包含你刚才创建的pull request,如下:





    5. 常用Git命令说明


    Git官方参考文档为:https://git-scm.com/docs,里面列出了Git所有命令及其详尽说明。实际上,大家也不需要去访问网站,Git软件本身就自带说明文档大家直接查看本地说明文档即可。比如git diff这个命令,我们输入

    git diff --help


    里面详细列出了git diff内涵,使用说明,使用注意事项,举例等等,可以说,应有尽有,事无巨细,包罗万象,不过这带来了一个副作用:太详细了反而让读者抓不到精髓,这也是为什么市面上有那么多的Git教程的原因。笔者这篇博客希望能帮助大家理解git的帮助文档,最终达到一个境界:只需看Git官方帮助文档,就能解决碰到的所有Git问题,而无需再去网上搜索第三方的参考资料。

    最后推荐一本Git专业书籍:Pro Git,整本书可以从这里获取:https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2。Pro Git是一本非常经典的介绍Git的书,我也是在写作本文的过程中无意发现了这本书,这本书不管是广度还是深度,都是可圈可点的,而且通俗易懂,深入浅出,非常适合Git学习和钻研。



    git clone https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/ncs_samples.git


    git clone https://github.com/aiminhua/git_demo.git --recursive

    5.4 git add

    git add用于把工作目录更新添加到index区(stage区)。


    git add .


    git add main.c

    //通过浏览器打开git add的帮助页面

    git add --help

    5.5 git commit

    git commit用于把修改提交到仓库。


    git commit


    git commit -s

    //把stage内容提交到仓库,提交信息为"my first repo"(记得改成你自己的提交信息)

    git commit -m "my first repo"

    //把working directory里面的修改直接提交到仓库,自动打开系统编辑器以让你输入提交信息

    git commit -a

    //把working directory里面的修改直接提交到仓库,提交信息为"updated main.c"(记得换成你自己的提交信息)

    git commit -a -m "updated main.c"


    git commit --amend

    //commit之后发现还有文件需要修改,修改之后,把本次修改合并在上次commit之中,而不是另起一个新commit,并把提交信息更新为"updated main.c again"(记得换成你自己的提交信息)

    git commit --amend -m "updated main.c again"

    //在CMD输入多行提交信息,使用ctrl+z保存并退出输入界面,使用ctrl+c不保存退出。这个命令用得少,一般直接使用git commit就可以了

    git commit -F-

    5.6 git diff

    git diff用来比较两个对象。


    git diff


    git diff --cached


    git diff HEAD~1


    git diff main blinky


    git diff master blinky


    git diff main blinky -- src/*


    git diff master blinky -- src/*


    git diff main blinky --stat


    git diff e6bdd4bfeb1197189e7707df1e52ddb1979cc862


    git diff > patch.diff

    //通过浏览器打开git diff的帮助页面

    git diff --help

    5.7 git reset

    git reset用来把HEAD指针复位到前面的commit。


    git reset --hard fb863c


    git reset --hard origin/main


    git reset --hard origin/master


    git reset

    //通过浏览器打开git reset的帮助页面

    git reset --help

    5.8 git status

    git status用于查看当前状态。

    //查看working directory哪些文件修改了

    git status

    //通过浏览器打开git status的帮助页面

    git status --help

    5.9 git rm

    git rm用于删除工作目录或者index区的文件。

    //同时删除index和working tree里面的README.rst文件(记得换成你自己的文件)

    git rm README.rst

    //只删除index里面的README.rst,保留working tree里面的README.rst(记得换成你自己的文件)

    git rm --cached README.rst

    如果只删除working tree里面的文件,或者还没有添加到index里面的文件,请直接使用操作系统的删除命令

    5.10 git log

    git log显示提交历史。


    git log


    git log --stat


    git log src/main.c

    //显示src/main.c的内容修改历史—diff形式 (记得换成你自己的文件)

    git log -p src/main.c


    git log --grep blinky

    5.11 git show

    git show用于显示对象信息。


    git show e56e8a

    //显示tag v1.0.0的信息(记得换成你自己的tag名称)

    git show v1.0.0

    //显示tag v1.0.0的名字信息(记得换成你自己的tag名称)

    git show --name-only v1.0.0


    git show e56e8a:src/main.c

    5.12 git tag

    git tag用于创建,列出,删除与验证tag对象。


    git tag

    //给commit e56e8a(这是一个对象的ID,即hash值,记得换成你自己的)打轻量级的tag,tag名称为v0.1(记得换成你自己的名称)

    git tag v0.1 e56e8a


    git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "git demo release v1.0.0"

    //删掉tag v0.1(记得换成你自己的tag)

    git tag -d v0.1

    5.13 git branch

    git branch用于列出,创建和删除分支。


    git branch


    git branch -r


    git branch -a


    git branch feature


    git branch -d feature


    git branch -m feature dev

    //基于commit e56e8a(这是一个对象的ID,即hash值,记得换成你自己的)建立分支:feature(记得换成你自己的分支名)

    git branch feature e56e8a


    git branch --set-upstream-to origin/blinky


    git branch -dr origin/blinky

    5.14 git checkout

    git checkout用于切换分支或者恢复工作目录内容。


    git checkout blinky

    //切换到tag: v1.0.0(记得换成你自己的tag)

    git checkout v1.0.0

    //切换到commit e56e8a(这是一个对象的ID,即hash值,记得换成你自己的)

    git checkout e56e8a


    git checkout -b blinky

    //把index区的内容覆盖working tree

    git checkout .

    //把index区的src/main.c覆盖working tree里面的src/main.c(记得换成你自己的文件)

    git checkout -- src/main.c

    5.15 git merge

    git merge用于合并开发历史。


    git merge origin/main

    //将远程跟踪分支origin/ master合并到当前分支

    git merge origin/master


    git merge blinky


    git merge --continue


    git merge --abort

    5.16 git rebase

    git rebase用于将当前分支分叉后的所有commit重新提交在新分支的末端。


    git rebase main


    git rebase master


    git rebase --continue


    git rebase --skip


    git rebase --abort

    5.17 git remote

    git remote用于管理远程跟踪仓库。


    git remote -v


    git remote show origin


    git remote add origin https://github.com/aiminhua/git_demo.git


    git remote remove origin

    5.18 git push

    git push将本地内容推送到远程服务器。


    git push -u origin main


    git push -u origin master


    git push -u origin blinky


    git push origin v1.0.0


    git push


    git push origin --delete blinky

    5.19 git fetch

    git fetch用于下载远程仓库更新到本地。


    git fetch origin


    git fetch

    //下载远程仓库的pull request#2518(记得换成你自己的pull request编号)到本地分支:smp_ota(记得换成你自己的分支名)。

    git fetch origin pull/2518/head:smp_ota

    5.20 git pull

    git pull用于集成远程分支更新到本地分支,是git fetch和git rebase/merge的合体。


    git pull --rebase origin main

    //将当前分支rebase到远程跟踪分支origin/ master

    git pull --rebase origin master


    git pull origin main


    git pull origin master


    git pull

    //下载远程仓库的pull request#2518(记得换成你自己的pull request编号)到本地分支:smp_ota(记得换成你自己的分支名)

    git pull origin pull/2518/head:smp_ota

    //通过浏览器打开git pull的帮助页面

    git pull --help

    5.21 git revert

    git revert用于覆盖最近几次的提交,即把历史中的一次提交重新在分支顶端提交一次。


    git revert HEAD~1


    git revert fb863c

    5.22 git restore

    git restore用于恢复工作目录或者index区里面的文件。


    git restore src/main.c


    git restore --staged README.rst


    git restore --source=v1.0.0 src/main.c

    5.23 git reflog

    git reflog用于管理引用日志信息,包括多个子命令,默认git reflog等价于git reflog show。


    git reflog


    git reflog main


    git reflog master

    5.24 git stash

    git stash用于将working tree的修改暂时压栈。

    //将working tree里面的修改压入stash栈

    git stash


    git stash pop


    git stash show

    5.25 git submodule

    git submodule用于初始化,更新和查看submodule。


    git submodule add https://github.com/aiminhua/ncs_samples.git ncs


    git submodule update --init


    git submodule deinit ncs

    //通过浏览器打开git submodule的帮助页面

    git submodule --help

    5.26 git subtree

    git subtree用于包含第三方库到主工程中,这个第三方库的历史记录成了主工程的一部分。


    git subtree add --prefix ncs https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/ncs_samples.git master --squash


    git subtree pull --prefix ncs https://gitee.com/minhua_ai/ncs_samples.git master --squash

    //通过浏览器打开git subtree的帮助页面

    git subtree --help

    5.27 git cherry-pick

    git cherry-pick用于merge指定的commit到当前分支。


    git cherry-pick b03a94fa9245abf41538028450a9c675067d6e4f

    5.28 git grep

    git grep用于使用正则表达式搜索整个仓库。


    git grep "blinky"

    //通过浏览器打开git grep的帮助页面

    git grep --help

    5.29 git apply

    git apply用于把补丁(diff文件)应用在当前工作目录,该工作目录可以不关联一个git仓库。

    //把patch.diff(记得换成你自己的文件)文件应用在当前目录及子目录,当前目录以外的忽略。注:diff文件的生成请见git diff命令说明

    git apply patch.diff

    //通过浏览器打开git apply的帮助页面

    git apply --help

    5.30 git cat-file

    git cat-file用于查看仓库对象的内容。


    git cat-file -p fb863cc95ca4a80fe64e51addd1db6a3910ee69e

    5.31 git ls-files

    git ls-files用于查看index或者工作目录中的文件。


    git ls-files -s


    git ls-files

    5.32 git merge-file

    git merge-file只merge一个文件,这个文件可以不关联git仓库。


    git merge-file current.c base.c other.c

    //通过浏览器打开git merge-file的帮助页面

    git merge-file --help

    5.33 git gc

    git gc用于清理git仓库不需要的文件以及对Git仓库进行压缩优化,一般不需要你自己去跑这条指令,系统自动会去做git gc操作。

    git gc

    6. Git重要术语列表



    A "branch" is a line of development. The most recent commit on a branch is referred to as the tip of that branch. The tip of the branch is referenced by a branch head, which moves forward as additional development is done on the branch. A single Git repository can track an arbitrary number of branches, but your working tree is associated with just one of them (the "current" or "checked out" branch), and HEAD points to that branch.


    The action of updating all or part of the working tree with a tree object or blob from the object database, and updating the index and HEAD if the whole working tree has been pointed at a new branch.


    In SCM jargon, "cherry pick" means to choose a subset of changes out of a series of changes (typically commits) and record them as a new series of changes on top of a different codebase. In Git, this is performed by the "git cherry-pick" command to extract the change introduced by an existing commit and to record it based on the tip of the current branch as a new commit.


    As a noun: A single point in the Git history; the entire history of a project is represented as a set of interrelated commits. The word "commit" is often used by Git in the same places other revision control systems use the words "revision" or "version". Also used as a short hand for commit object.

    As a verb: The action of storing a new snapshot of the project's state in the Git history, by creating a new commit representing the current state of the index and advancing HEAD to point at the new commit.

    core Git

    Fundamental data structures and utilities of Git. Exposes only limited source code management tools.

    detached HEAD

    Normally the HEAD stores the name of a branch, and commands that operate on the history HEAD represents operate on the history leading to the tip of the branch the HEAD points at. However, Git also allows you to check out an arbitrary commit that isn't necessarily the tip of any particular branch. The HEAD in such a state is called "detached".

    Note that commands that operate on the history of the current branch (e.g. git commit to build a new history on top of it) still work while the HEAD is detached. They update the HEAD to point at the tip of the updated history without affecting any branch. Commands that update or inquire information about the current branch (e.g. git branch --set-upstream-to that sets what remote-tracking branch the current branch integrates with) obviously do not work, as there is no (real) current branch to ask about in this state.


    A fast-forward is a special type of merge where you have a revision and you are "merging" another branch's changes that happen to be a descendant of what you have. In such a case, you do not make a new merge commit but instead just update your branch to point at the same revision as the branch you are merging. This will happen frequently on a remote-tracking branch of a remote repository.


    Fetching a branch means to get the branch's head ref from a remote repository, to find out which objects are missing from the local object database, and to get them, too. See also git-fetch[1].


    In Git's context, synonym for object name.


    A named reference to the commit at the tip of a branch. Heads are stored in a file in $GIT_DIR/refs/heads/ directory, except when using packed refs. (See git-pack-refs[1].)


    The current branch. In more detail: Your working tree is normally derived from the state of the tree referred to by HEAD. HEAD is a reference to one of the heads in your repository, except when using a detached HEAD, in which case it directly references an arbitrary commit.

    head ref

    A synonym for head.


    A collection of files with stat information, whose contents are stored as objects. The index is a stored version of your working tree. Truth be told, it can also contain a second, and even a third version of a working tree, which are used when merging.

    index entry

    The information regarding a particular file, stored in the index. An index entry can be unmerged, if a merge was started, but not yet finished (i.e. if the index contains multiple versions of that file).


    The default development branch. Whenever you create a Git repository, a branch named "master" is created, and becomes the active branch. In most cases, this contains the local development, though that is purely by convention and is not required.


    As a verb: To bring the contents of another branch (possibly from an external repository) into the current branch. In the case where the merged-in branch is from a different repository, this is done by first fetching the remote branch and then merging the result into the current branch. This combination of fetch and merge operations is called a pull. Merging is performed by an automatic process that identifies changes made since the branches diverged, and then applies all those changes together. In cases where changes conflict, manual intervention may be required to complete the merge.

    As a noun: unless it is a fast-forward, a successful merge results in the creation of a new commit representing the result of the merge, and having as parents the tips of the merged branches. This commit is referred to as a "merge commit", or sometimes just a "merge".


    The unit of storage in Git. It is uniquely identified by the SHA-1 of its contents. Consequently, an object cannot be changed.

    object database

    Stores a set of "objects", and an individual object is identified by its object name. The objects usually live in $GIT_DIR/objects/.

    object identifier

    Synonym for object name.

    object name

    The unique identifier of an object. The object name is usually represented by a 40 character hexadecimal string. Also colloquially called SHA-1.

    object type

    One of the identifiers "commit", "tree", "tag" or "blob" describing the type of an object.


    A collection of files with stat information, whose contents are stored as objects. The index is a stored version of your working tree. Truth be told, it can also contain a second, and even a third version of a working tree, which are used when merging.

    index entry

    The information regarding a particular file, stored in the index. An index entry can be unmerged, if a merge was started, but not yet finished (i.e. if the index contains multiple versions of that file).


    The default development branch. Whenever you create a Git repository, a branch named "master" is created, and becomes the active branch. In most cases, this contains the local development, though that is purely by convention and is not required.


    As a verb: To bring the contents of another branch (possibly from an external repository) into the current branch. In the case where the merged-in branch is from a different repository, this is done by first fetching the remote branch and then merging the result into the current branch. This combination of fetch and merge operations is called a pull. Merging is performed by an automatic process that identifies changes made since the branches diverged, and then applies all those changes together. In cases where changes conflict, manual intervention may be required to complete the merge.

    As a noun: unless it is a fast-forward, a successful merge results in the creation of a new commit representing the result of the merge, and having as parents the tips of the merged branches. This commit is referred to as a "merge commit", or sometimes just a "merge".


    The unit of storage in Git. It is uniquely identified by the SHA-1 of its contents. Consequently, an object cannot be changed.

    object database

    Stores a set of "objects", and an individual object is identified by its object name. The objects usually live in $GIT_DIR/objects/.

    object identifier

    Synonym for object name.

    object name

    The unique identifier of an object. The object name is usually represented by a 40 character hexadecimal string. Also colloquially called SHA-1.

    object type

    One of the identifiers "commit", "tree", "tag" or "blob" describing the type of an object.


    To merge more than two branches.


    The default upstream repository. Most projects have at least one upstream project which they track. By default origin is used for that purpose. New upstream updates will be fetched into remote-tracking branches named origin/name-of-upstream-branch, which you can see using git branch -r.


    Only update and add files to the working directory, but don't delete them, similar to how cp -R would update the contents in the destination directory. This is the default mode in a checkout when checking out files from the index or a tree-ish. In contrast, no-overlay mode also deletes tracked files not present in the source, similar to rsync --delete.


    A set of objects which have been compressed into one file (to save space or to transmit them efficiently).

    pack index

    The list of identifiers, and other information, of the objects in a pack, to assist in efficiently accessing the contents of a pack.


    Cute name for core Git.


    Cute name for programs and program suites depending on core Git, presenting a high level access to core Git. Porcelains expose more of a SCM interface than the plumbing.


    Pulling a branch means to fetch it and merge it. See also git-pull[1].


    Pushing a branch means to get the branch's head ref from a remote repository, find out if it is an ancestor to the branch's local head ref, and in that case, putting all objects, which are reachable from the local head ref, and which are missing from the remote repository, into the remote object database, and updating the remote head ref. If the remote head is not an ancestor to the local head, the push fails.


    To reapply a series of changes from a branch to a different base, and reset the head of that branch to the result.


    A name that begins with refs/ (e.g. refs/heads/master) that points to an object name or another ref (the latter is called a symbolic ref). For convenience, a ref can sometimes be abbreviated when used as an argument to a Git command; see gitrevisions[7] for details. Refs are stored in the repository.

    The ref namespace is hierarchical. Different subhierarchies are used for different purposes (e.g. the refs/heads/ hierarchy is used to represent local branches).

    There are a few special-purpose refs that do not begin with refs/. The most notable example is HEAD.


    A reflog shows the local "history" of a ref. In other words, it can tell you what the 3rd last revision in this repository was, and what was the current state in this repository, yesterday 9:14pm. See git-reflog[1] for details.


    A "refspec" is used by fetch and push to describe the mapping between remote ref and local ref.

    remote repository

    A repository which is used to track the same project but resides somewhere else. To communicate with remotes, see fetch or push.

    remote-tracking branch

    A ref that is used to follow changes from another repository. It typically looks like refs/remotes/foo/bar (indicating that it tracks a branch named bar in a remote named foo), and matches the right-hand-side of a configured fetch refspec. A remote-tracking branch should not contain direct modifications or have local commits made to it.


    A collection of refs together with an object database containing all objects which are reachable from the refs, possibly accompanied by meta data from one or more porcelains. A repository can share an object database with other repositories via alternates mechanism.


    The action of fixing up manually what a failed automatic merge left behind.


    Synonym for commit (the noun).


    Source code management (tool).


    "Secure Hash Algorithm 1"; a cryptographic hash function. In the context of Git used as a synonym for object name.

    shallow repository

    A shallow repository has an incomplete history some of whose commits have parents cauterized away (in other words, Git is told to pretend that these commits do not have the parents, even though they are recorded in the commit object). This is sometimes useful when you are interested only in the recent history of a project even though the real history recorded in the upstream is much larger. A shallow repository is created by giving the --depth option to git-clone[1], and its history can be later deepened with git-fetch[1].

    stash entry

    An object used to temporarily store the contents of a dirty working directory and the index for future reuse.


    A repository that holds the history of a separate project inside another repository (the latter of which is called superproject).


    A repository that references repositories of other projects in its working tree as submodules. The superproject knows about the names of (but does not hold copies of) commit objects of the contained submodules.


    A ref under refs/tags/ namespace that points to an object of an arbitrary type (typically a tag points to either a tag or a commit object). In contrast to a head, a tag is not updated by the commit command. A Git tag has nothing to do with a Lisp tag (which would be called an object type in Git's context). A tag is most typically used to mark a particular point in the commit ancestry chain.

    tag object

    An object containing a ref pointing to another object, which can contain a message just like a commit object. It can also contain a (PGP) signature, in which case it is called a "signed tag object".


    Either a working tree, or a tree object together with the dependent blob and tree objects (i.e. a stored representation of a working tree).

    tree object

    An object containing a list of file names and modes along with refs to the associated blob and/or tree objects. A tree is equivalent to a directory.

    unmerged index

    An index which contains unmerged index entries.

    unreachable object

    An object which is not reachable from a branch, tag, or any other reference.

    upstream branch

    The default branch that is merged into the branch in question (or the branch in question is rebased onto). It is configured via branch..remote and branch..merge. If the upstream branch of A is origin/B sometimes we say "A is tracking origin/B".

    working tree

    The tree of actual checked out files. The working tree normally contains the contents of the HEAD commit's tree, plus any local changes that you have made but not yet committed.