# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode(object): # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution(object): def hasPathSum(self, root, targetSum): """ :type root: TreeNode :type targetSum: int :rtype: bool """ def inner(root,stack_temp): while root: stack.append(root) root = root.left return stack_temp def count_val(list_a): count = 0 for i in list_a: count += i.val return count stack = [];stack = inner(root,stack);pre_node = None while stack: temp = stack[-1] if temp.right != None and temp.right != pre_node: stack = inner(temp.right,stack) continue if temp.left == None and temp.right == None: if count_val(stack) == targetSum: return True pre_node = stack.pop(-1) return False
class Solution(object): def generate(self, numRows): """ :type numRows: int :rtype: List[List[int]] """ if numRows == 1: return [[1]] if numRows == 2: return [[1],[1,1]] result = [[1],[1,1]] for i in range(3,numRows+1): temp = [1] temp2 = result[-1] for i in range(0,len(temp2)-1): temp.append(temp2[i]+temp2[i+1]) temp.append(1) result.append(temp) return result
解题思路:profit(i)= ( (num[i] - min_price),max_profit ),简单的动态规划。
class Solution(object): def maxProfit(self, prices): """ :type prices: List[int] :rtype: int """ min_price = 10000000000000 result = 0 for i in range(len(prices)): result = max(result,(prices[i]-min_price)) min_price = min(prices[i],min_price) if result <= 0: result = 0 return result