- Childhood is truely a time of wonder. 童年处处是美好。——2022.06.01
- Life is short. Go where you feel love. 人生苦短,就大胆去爱。——2022.06.02
- Everyone deserves happiness. 每个人都值得幸福。 ——2022.06.03
- Love is a many-splendored thing. 爱,万般精彩。——2022.06.04
- The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now. 你当下所做的选择才最为重要。——2022.06.05
- It's easy to quit, but don't. Don't quit. Don't stop. 永不轻言放弃,永不停止脚步。——2022.06.06
- You should be very proud of what you've done with it. 你应该为自己的努力而感到骄傲。——2022.06.07
- It's time for you to start living your life. 是时候开始为你自己而活。——2022.06.08
- When you let go of something, it opens up a little space to grow. 学会放手的同时也学会成长。——2022.06.09
- If our world's gonna survive, what matters is what we do now. 世界的存亡与人类的行动息息相关。——2022.06.10
- Every day is a chance to be better. 日日皆有新成长。——2022.06.11
- You have to get lost before you find yourself. 发现自我的路上必然会经历迷惘。——2022.06.12
- Don't settle for average. Bring the best to your moment. 不要甘于平庸,竭力活出当下精彩。——2022.06.13
- The center of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline. 实现梦想的关键是懂得自律。——2022.06.14
- Everything in life happens according to our time, our clock. 万事皆有自己的节奏。——2022.06.15
- The only failure there is is the failure to try. 勇于尝试,便不叫失败。——2022.06.16
- Take a leap, take a chance. 人生要敢于尝试。——2022.06.17
- The future is yours. Have fun with it. 尽情享受属于你的未来。——2022.06.18
- A father's love is something to cherish and respect. 父爱永远值得珍惜和尊敬。——2022.06.19
- Don't let anyon rush you with their timeline. 不要让他人打断你的生活节奏。——2022.06.20
- Summer is the time of plenty. 夏日时光,丰富多彩。——2022.06.21
- Love has no boundaries. 爱无止境!——2022.06.22
- If you want it, you gotta go get it. 想要什么,就去尽力争取。——2022.06.23
- We're defined by our actions, not our words. 个人的价值在于你做了什么,而非你说了什么。——2022.06.24